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Low download speed ramhost VPN
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Low download speed ramhost VPN

randomguy55randomguy55 Member
edited April 2012 in General

Hey there, I have a 40mbit down and 1mbit up

This is what I get when using my ramhost vpn


Is that normal?


  • Depends. How is your download speed without the VPN?

  • I'd say that's "not bad" for a residential ISP.

  • Most VPN's are limited to 7 mbps (atleast i got that...)
    Dunno if this is the same in your case

  • @rds100 said: Depends. How is your download speed without the VPN?

    40mbit down and 1mbit up

    but I get around

  • And how far away is the VPN from you (ping?).
    I'd say that the VPN result is not bad, looking at your non-VPN result.

  • The VPN drivers are limited to a 10mbps interface AFAIK.

  • @yomero said: The VPN drivers are limited to a 10mbps interface AFAIK.

    Whaa? Why :(

  • Dunno, ask to the developers... or re-code your own o_O

  • They use an SOCKS vpn right? Limitation of SOCKS? Sent a ticket to the staff, maybe they have limits setup...

  • Its an openVPN on my 128mb VPS

  • @joodle said: Most VPN's are limited to 7 mbps (atleast i got that...)

    Maybe 10 years ago yes.. I use OpenVPN/PPTP to connect multiple servers and can easily get 60Mbps +

  • @yomero said: The VPN drivers are limited to a 10mbps interface AFAIK.

    Thats just for show. Its not limited.

  • @DanielM 's comment brings something to mind: Is this a really LEB at ramhost? As in, while you're doing these tests, is your CPU usage on your VPS spiking to 100% while you're doing these speed tests? If so, it might be a limitation of the VPS's power....

  • @DanielM said: Thats just for show. Its not limited.

    So, then what is limiting us?
    Entropy? :P¨

    Because the CPU doesn't appear to be the bottleneck

  • Cpu spikes at 12% while doing the tests, openVPN is using around 12MB of ram.

  • If I download a file off the server, I can max my downstream.

  • download the file over the VPN, or just download the file over http?

  • @yomero said: So, then what is limiting us?

    Shitty Routing/Networks

  • Speedtest micro, or mini.

  • fanfan Veteran

    Which location of ramhost are you using? Also which platform, OpenVZ or KVM?

  • StableVDSStableVDS Member
    edited April 2012

    @bijan588, Where are you located?

    With 60ms ping i could peak out my DSL connection on a OpenVPN proxy located on ramhost servers. (Atlanta location to be exact!)

  • AnthonySmithAnthonySmith Member, Patron Provider

    Dont know about your location but in the UK allot of ISP's seriously throttle VPN traffic unless your on a business broadband package, plusnet and virgin media do this afaik but probably others too.

  • @StableVDS said: BTW, just forgot: Ramhost vps are limited to 40mbit/s

    ?? Where'd you get that info from?
    My ramhost is 1000mbit/s

  • InfinityInfinity Member, Host Rep
    edited April 2012

    @AnthonySmith said: virgin media

    As far as I know they don't, they only throttle torrents at peak times after you hit a certain limit or certain usage time. At least that's what they say.

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