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Preferred Payment Terms and Gateways

I'm trying to get a feel for how people like to pay for their VPS. Which of the following gateways is your favorite (and did I miss any)? Does the gateway matter at all when you're making a purchase?
Google Checkout
And which of the terms do you like to choose when buying?:
Monthly (no commitment)
Thanks for the feedback,
I prefer PayPal and monthly billing term.
This. Also hate forced subscriptions. Prefer to pay manually each month.
"This. Also hate forced subscriptions. Prefer to pay manually each month."
Interesting -- thanks for the feedback.
Paysafecard and monthly/yearly payment.
PayPal, no subscription, monthly. I can't/won't buy if they force a subscription or don't accept PayPal.
Hmm, I heard about some buzz with 2Checkout for some time - what was it about?

Prefer Paypal and monthly
I prefer this too
Me too!
But if the provider has a good quarterly/yearly offer, I can take it. That's why most of my boxes are yearly plans
paypal and annually. My time to setup a vps is worth the risk, plus i love to pay 10 months and get annual contract
If you cant offer either of those alarm bells are already ringing that I should be looking elsewhere. Sure there are probably countries/people that cant use them, but thats honestly of little interest to me.
Monthly preferably, unless youve been around long enough to have many satisfied customers from previous annual offers. Theres very few VPS providers in that category.
Paypal (or Moneybookers if there is some money left), monthly, no subscription if possible, if there is a really good quarterly/yearly offer I'll take it too.
Paypal or similar.
Annually payment is ok for budget offers.
Monthly/Quarterly for higher prices.
As a provider, it's a merchant account and we have subscriptions for something like 97% of our accounts. The rest are set up special for one reason or another. (ie freebies, sponsored, they pay when they're able to, etc.)
Thanks for all of the feedback all. Very enlightening!
My #2 method of being paid is AlertPay with 5% of my monthly revenue. I've had the account for years, but now it is a great option for customers in China and India who have always been troubled by PayPal and their iron fist if you are not from a G7 country.
1st place is naturally PayPal, and then Google Checkout for less then 1%, after ignoring all the fraud from it.
Google checkout is junk, it wont protect you if your offering intangible items.
I like Google checkout and monthly terms. @Semoweb, form last month, I paid you through AlertPay and really missing Google Checkout
yearly for cheap vps (< $20-25), monthly for more expensive. paypal.
Moneybookers or / Monthly (no commitment)

Thanks all for the feedback. It looks like paypal monthly with no auto-recurrence is the clear winner. Very enlightening -- thanks again!
@Sktanmoy I'm sorry about that ;( We did also add a replacement for Google checkout we now accept direct credit cards.
@semoweb, you added 2checkout, I noticed. But If I Paid you $3.5, Google Checkout deduct just $3.5 from my card, not more a single cent, but 2checkout/alertpay deduct some extras from my card.
Kind of surprising to see the difference here. I don't think I've ever had anyone complain to me that we do subscriptions on the month to month accounts. Most folks seem to think that's a plus so that they don't have to worry about it.
And some other folks like me think that you must worry about the subscriptions xD
Because sometimes you forget to cancel
Yeah, intelliServe had a forced subscription, I didn't remember about it and about a week after they died a subscription payment was made >_<
I managed to get my money back though
I have nothing against having an option to subscribe. I do want an option not to subscribe too, however.
I've added this to the cancellation confirmation email just for that reason.
"If you were paying for this service via PayPal subscription, please remember to cancel your subscription, we have no way of doing so."
I do with mine. I went through that with one of my recent seedbox providers too as well. They kept unsubscribing me and then resubscribing me. Finally canceled myself because of all that.
That works sometimes, sometimes it doesn't, but how is it my job as a provider to cancel your subscription? And how are they creating a subscription?
The guy was an idiot. Long story. Box was full of errors and couldn't handle more than a couple of small torrents. (Not that I'm running such a thing of course. :whistle:) Report them and 3-5 days later I got back "I don't know..." Came highly recommended too.
Beats me but had about half dozen of them off and then back on pairs of emails in my inbox.