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Selfhosted S3
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Selfhosted S3

I'm playing around with the idea of setting up some selfhosted S3 storage. The idea is to use it for backups, nextcloud and whatever else I might see fit. Mostly just personal playground.

So far I've looked at SeaweedFS, MinIO and Garage. Any quick thoughts or recommendations? I'm sure each solution has it's pros and cons and is suitable in different scenarios, anyone with some experience that can shed some light?


  • I personally only use (self hosted)S3 occasionally. Since I'm already using AList,I just use the S3 feature inbuilt.

  • fzorbfzorb Member

    I know Minio is pretty good

  • I installed and use minio at work, and personally using garage at my own lowend vps. Both are fine.

    Usability-wise for personal use, I would recommend minio because of the web interface. But too resource intensive for my low end taste.

    Garage was OK to install and use, uses very little resources. Doc is very good, I configured it to listen on localhost and a caddy reverse proxy doing SSL for it. Doing my rclone and restic backups to its buckets with no issues yet (3 months) -- restic restore check finds it all good.

    Thanked by 3tenji rcy026 ariq01
  • ehabehab Member

    @eliphas said:
    I installed and use minio at work, and personally using garage at my own lowend But too resource intensive for my low end taste.

    show me the numbers?

  • @ehab said:

    @eliphas said:
    I installed and use minio at work, and personally using garage at my own lowend vps. MINIO too resource intensive for my low end taste.

    show me the numbers?

    Just current htop output. This is as idle as they get, nobody is using either one of them in this instant:

    2-core 2GB personal vps (other 4 threads not showing):
        PID USER       PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S  CPU% MEM%▽  TIME+  Command
       7105 root        20   0 1024G  4728  4096 S   0.0  0.2  0:00.21 /garage server
    8-core-16GB office vm (other 27 threads not showing):
      PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
    22298 root       20   0 2354M  491M 21772 S  4.6  3.1 34h30:07 minio server

    I evaluated and measured both when choosing our restic backend, and both performed well in the single-node simple configuration with huge zfs disks backend that was our goal.

    In the small 2GB VPS trying minio, I found my VM sluggish at backup times, what I did not see with garage. I can tell that my restic backups are a tad bit slow with garage in that small VPS, but at least it does not gob down the entire server.

    Thanked by 4ehab 0xC7 vicaya gks
  • With minio community, you don't get disk monitoring, which is fucking lame.

  • @eliphas said:
    I installed and use minio at work, and personally using garage at my own lowend vps. Both are fine.

    Usability-wise for personal use, I would recommend minio because of the web interface. But too resource intensive for my low end taste.

    Garage was OK to install and use, uses very little resources. Doc is very good, I configured it to listen on localhost and a caddy reverse proxy doing SSL for it. Doing my rclone and restic backups to its buckets with no issues yet (3 months) -- restic restore check finds it all good.

    This fits the picture I've got from only reading the docs.
    Thank you.

  • I've only ever used minio and seaweedfs on hetzner.

    When installed on a single node both work great. When used in a distributed way (multiple nodes) you should also set up a private network (an actual switch and LAN, not vswitch) and have the servers communicate over that rather than over the public network (internet), otherwise the performance will be very poor.

  • gksgks Member

    Minio has 1 TB limit? I remember this number, not sure recently still limit applicable. Or it may be for cluster?

  • @gremeyer said:
    I've only ever used minio and seaweedfs on hetzner.

    When installed on a single node both work great. When used in a distributed way (multiple nodes) you should also set up a private network (an actual switch and LAN, not vswitch) and have the servers communicate over that rather than over the public network (internet), otherwise the performance will be very poor.

    That should be the strength of garage, his cluster code is oriented for coping well with nodes that may have high latencies in a geo distributed deployment.

    @gks said:
    Minio has 1 TB limit? I remember this number, not sure recently still limit applicable. Or it may be for cluster?

    If that limit is written in their docs anywhere, I definitely missed it.

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