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VDS, 1-2 CPU, 2-4 GB RAM, 15-20 GB SSD, 3-5 TB Traffic for ~$5
I currently have a VPS, but I want a VDS. Is it possible to save a bit and find a reliable VDS for $5/month?
I need:
1-2 CPU (depending on the processor power), 2-4 GB RAM, 15-20 GB SSD, 3-5 TB Traffic
Update: I forgot to mention the speed – and preferably higher bandwidth speed, 10Gbps.
It is possible give you:
HostEons — $4.99 / month
1 Ryzen Cores (dedicated)
4096 MB RAM
50 GB NVMe
15360 GB/month bandwidth
1.0 Gbps port speed
IPv4 + IPv6
Hosted in U.S.A.
Thank you!
BTW, 404 -
The link is , follow the pony he will never betray you (unless I tell him to :)
This is not quite a VDS as I can see from the description. It's more like a VDS-VPS if the RAM is shared.
Your request is wrong. You are not looking for dedicated cpu ressources.
From your writings so far you are actually looking for very fast disk with stable high IOps and a provider side backup that is also very fast.
Dediccated cores won't help you with that and before you'll know it you will be back complaining about another providers "poor" performance.
Best of luck.
Thank you!
I want a VDS with guaranteed fast disk speed, this is my wish 😊
The RAM bus is shared but the amount of RAM is reserved to the tenant.
Host Server disk access is shared even for VDS. only cpu vCores and memory are dedicated resources.
dedicated 1 vCore is not 100% dedicated as there are shared resources between 2 HTs of physical cpu core. Therefore I always recommend 1 cpu core dedicated with both its HTs
And which provider around here offers that?
Here's a VDS matching at all points:
For a dollar less you can have a very similar config (another plan with larger slices): 1 d.core / 4GB / 250GB NVMe / 4TB b/w.
Both plans support optional SAN disk storage (from 500 GB for $1.50).
/ disable VPN before ordering /
Check Servarica disk iops before recommending them.
1 vCore is never truly dedicated since there are shared resources between HTs of the same cpu physical core.
What does VDS mean to u?
does it mean pinned physical cores? dedicated vcores/threads? being able to use 100% without going against fair use?
I only have a storage VPS with them (pure HDD), its speed is more than enough for my tasks.
I saw that post.
And besides "fast", I also saw "guaranteed". And that's where Xen shines - it isn't as fast in benchmarks as KVM, but it distributes resources more evenly.
So yes, if the goal is posting YABSes, then KVM could be better. Even better with a higher monthly budget.
For the real life workload it's at least worth testing. Just in case, they have a 7 day money back guarantee on VPS plans.
VDS means a virtual server with dedicated resources like RAM, CPU, disk speed, and network bandwidth (connection speed), providing more control and performance than shared VPS.
What exactly do you mean by 'fair use' in the context of resource usage (e.g., RAM, CPU)? Are there any specific limitations or guidelines I should be aware of?
VDS means different things to different providers, what's dedicated? dedicated physical cores?
many vps have fair use policy to avoid overloading the machine, where customers can only load the server with the resources 30% of the time, for example. as long as the server is not overloaded, you can have "dedicated" performance
I can show the weekly load statistics of my VPS at Crunchbits.
Here’s only a link to the image, no option to attach an image. Damn it...
Hello @arnoldz,
If you prefer VPS instead of VDS, we are happy to help you in Istanbul/Turkey location
Statistics for the week and for the day:
2CPU 2GB RAM 15GB disk
Crunchbits VPS
Why you post in Requests threads when it is clearly not in align with the request?
Exposure everywhere.
Why not 100%?
Here is 100%:
Crunchbits' fast VDSes are perfect for when you have workloads that require INCREDIBLE PERFORMANCE
Crunchbits' fast VDSes are perfect for when you have workloads that require 100% CPU all day, every day without CPU steal or "noisy neighbor" issues.
Not sure why you misquoted the guy. Here's what he said
VPS = Virtual Private Server. Spikes in CPU that reach 100% are ok for short periods - but anything sustained (normally between 30%-50%) is going to get you on the naughty list and likely suspended.
VDS = Virtual Dedicated Server. Dedicated CPU, run it at 100% all day, every day.
Crunchbits' least expensive VDS is $8/mo
[1C/2T] Xeon Gold 6146
150GB NVMe Storage
20TB Bandwidth @ 2.5Gbps
1 IPv4 & 1 IPv6 /64
1 Backup Slot
It seems what you're looking for is a dedicated server rather than a VDS. I think guaranteeing disk access speed is nearly impossible with VPS/VDS setups...
Maybe you could DM everyone in this list except me because I pick HDD. They lasted 3month from late Desember / early January. 1gig port only. Total bw 10tb monthly, so you take 1/3 - 1/2 of available bw.
Be nice 'cause they got it for free.
Or you chould ask @ShockHosting directly for a quote.
with hetzner's vps, u get to run it at 100%, but with some cpu steal if the server load is high (they reportedly considered changing the policy but removed it from their documentation).
even for vds with dedicated threads/vcore, you might still be sharing a physical core with other users, this means lower performance.
so as you can see, VDS means different things to different providers
it's difficult to find VDS with pinned physical cores, do you know of any that provide this?
(or with hyperthreading disabled, making every vcore a dedicated physical core)
Sorry, I just read his post quickly and carelessly. I thought he was referring to the 30% load in the context of the VDS.
I know that the VDS is $8 at Crunchbits, I posted this text from their website myself, I know well what a VPS and VDS are.
Thank you
even if you have 2 dedi threads, can you be sure that they're pinned to a physical core? and that each thread isn't sharing a physical core with a busy neighbor and the server isn't operating at full load?
a vps on a server with <50% load is superior to a vds in a server operating at 100% load