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Quadranet performing bad compared before.
We ordered new machine with AO network last year.
But after the Edge Centres become his mother, things changed, the AO network disconnected without any notice till we submited support ticket.
AS we didn't use the machine that much, so we didnt notice it from the beginning, and more and more compliants come from clients.
Our business started from QN many many years, and too sad to see thing becoming bad.
My ame is Melissa Pearl, and I am the Director of Client Success at QuadraNet. Before Edge Centres acquired QuadraNet, the previous ownership group removed the Asia Optimized Network (AON).
After reviewing your current services, it appears that you are not being charged extra for any AON services and are paying a significantly lower amount compared to our current offerings. If the AON is essential for your business, I recommend contacting our sister company, MultaCom. They provide exceptional support and offer a fantastic Asia Optimized Network. For any inquiries regarding their network, you can reach their support team at [email protected].
Melissa Pearl
Director of Client Success1-888-5-QUADRA I
QuadraNet Enterprises, LLC. / Dedicated Servers, Colocation, Cloud, QuadraNet Vest DDoS ProtectionDatacenters in Los Angeles, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta, Chicago & New Jersey
How I met his mother
Seems he is not a good mother, QN service outage and CC service outage happened one by one after he step in the familyl
Multacom owners are the same as quadranet, why mention that their support is better, lol
Multacom support is fantastic; they're all very experienced, and most of their employees have worked for Multacom for decades. In days with zero pressure, they perform well and in the rare events pressure is active, they too perform very well! Whereas with QuadraNet, historically, it's low dollar support staff learning on the job with little to no knowledge with a constant cycle of churn. Multacom has also traditionally provided a good bang for your buck, with an excellent network catering to the Asian community too.
QuadraNet does have a much larger presence than Multacom infrastructure wise - but LA is the only presence of real onsite staff for QuadraNet (though over the years prior to any leadership changes, staff was heavily cut in efforts to save cost with introduction of outsourced support). And operations for that set of brand has struggled with all the hand swaps.
In short, it's more of a story of who can successfully save a company, that naturally has churn, employee churn, with zero successful sales. I'll find that hard to answer, and leave it for you.
If you're looking for stables services, contact the Multacom brand - they've yet to let us down, and have always carried a solid reputation. Despite the operation being smaller infrastructure-wise than QuadraNet, it's a much more solid brand in every aspect when compared to QuadraNet.
Thanks for the insight AlphaRacks.
That's intriguing. Do you remember what set their 'Asia Optimized' network apart from the standard one? From my observations, companies that offer AO services typically prioritize more NTT and less HE & Cogent transit. However, it's worth noting that both Multacom and Quadranet utilize NTT transit in Los Angeles.
If you're indeed hosted in Los Angeles, I've analyzed the latency differences of some prefixes from Quadranet, Multacom, and DataPacket across various locations like Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Tokyo, Taipei, and Singapore. The differences were minimal, only a few milliseconds, which falls within margin of error. Similarly, for TCP throughput, the variation was less than 10%, again within margin of error for long-distance links.
Given that there's no noticeable difference between Multacom and Quadranet in my tested locations, I expect that you won't see a difference between these providers either. Ultimately, it depends on the specifics of the 'optimization' Quadranet performed, and whether you or someone else can recall what it entailed.
Thanks for your details.

We remember that we have conversations via support ticket when you were in QN.
The most value of AO to our clients is that they have China telecom and China unicom direct connect, which is not as good as GIA but is much better than NTT/He or Cogent.
And we have stayed with QN for nearly 10 years.
Their network stability was excellent.
Got it. I searched back and was able to find a point where Quadranet had a direct route to China Mobile, possibly others, via Any2West. That was likely paid peering, since we know from another well-known provider that China Unicom wants to charge the content ISP, even over IXPs.
@xTom has some China optimized stuff in San Jose I think
xTom has good connection to China, but too expensive for normal application.
Is Quadranet actually legit? They attempted to hijack our prefixes a few days ago, and not only ours...
They're going downhill rapidly but they're mostly fine
It's quite concerning that they continue to announce those prefixes without authorization.
I reported this issue to their NOC several days ago. While they have stopped announcing our prefixes, they are still announcing others for which they also lack authorization. (Invalid ROA/RPKI).
Seems QN is fading, especially with the sales and customer services.
its just inflation. nothing is cheap these days.
QN seems has large amount in business.
Can't understand why this happen.
This is the standard rates apply for China Telecom CN2 GIA, China Unicom Premium, and China Mobile N2. The US and EU region offers the lowest prices; however, in Asia, the cost is ten times higher.
@xTom Why don't you just expand San jose? It has been out of stock for so long.
That's too bad there is no economical China direct connection.
Quadranet LAX offline rn cuz of Cogent apparently.
They're not wrong about Cogent having issues:
Quadranet is performing emergency network maintenance today in its Downtown LA facility and tomorrow in its Century facility. They didn't provide any further information. They're not single homed so you'd think they could work around the Cogent situation unless of course their maintenance would limit their ability to pull Cogent.
From my observation, the Cogent issue impacted outside strictly localized LAX Cogent connectivity. For Cogent routes anything that would typically transverse through that area was seeing significant packet loss for a period of time.
That's strange.
Our dedicated server having network issue for 2days already.
Didn't happen like this before.
Seems fixed
What sort of service do you have at Quadranet?
I have a VPS from a provider who uses them.
NVM. I checked 5 min later and it's bad again
they are probably friends with Elon The Tusk(en) and supporters of Tondald Drump
The warning signs at QuadraNet have been there for a very long time - regular outages whether it be power, network or their own website being offline for days, along with other things, like IPs being changed with absolutely no notice.
I think it would be in anyone's best interest who's still hosted at QuadraNet to look for an alternative home.
We used to host with QuadraNet years ago and they were excellent in terms of uptime/support/price/etc - but a lot has changed since then.