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Looking for a dedicated server with specific requirements (storage server for video serving, porn)
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Looking for a dedicated server with specific requirements (storage server for video serving, porn)

afcikaafcika Member

hi, I am looking for a dedicated server with the following requirements:
Storage: HDD (no need for SSD)
CPU: I don't care much - any reasonable cpu will do
Bandwidth: unmetered at least 300 mbps
preferably in USA, but Europe is fine too.


price: 3$ per TB of HDD storage (preferrable price)

For example, I wanted to acquire OVH KS-2 as it fits my purpose perfectly, but it is never in stock. So, I am looking for other options.

Hetzner is my favorite but they allow 0 porn.

What are my other options?

Thanked by 1Calin
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