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Looking for Cheap PayPal VPS without selling my info...
VZ Type: Any, but KVM preferred.
Cores: 2 or more.
RAM: At least 1GB, but more is better.
Disk Space: Don't care, at least 20-30GB is good.
Disk Type: Don't care, SSD is preferred.
Bandwidth: Max possible. More is better. 2TB per month at least preferred. Bonus points if unmetered either way.
Port speed: Max, as best as you can give me. I'd prefer at least 2Gbps, but I can go to 1.5Gbps for cheaper or even 1Gbps for <=$10/yr.
DDoS protection: Yes.
IPs: At least 1 IPv4, but if you can do 2 IPv4 and remain in budget that's great. At least one IPv6 is also good, but not needed.
Location: US server is preferred. If not, Canada.
Budget: $15/yr, but bonus points if you can do $12/yr. I can go up to $20-25/yr if your internet upload/download speed, bandwidth, and most importantly ping is super good.
Billing period: 6mo or 1yr per payment.
I want to pay with PayPal. I only want VPS that does NOT require me to do that weird KYC stuff. I am not comfortable with uploading "government ID" or whatever it is. I'm fine with giving Phone#, I'm fine with giving even an Address, but I am not OK with uploading a picture of myself holding my driver's license or Passport... that is not OK. That is the main part of what I need and is not negotiable. I've seen enough services get hacked and have tons of customer data be exposed to willingly subject myself to this.
I just really want fast port speed, low ping, DDoS protection and high bandwidth because I want to use it to forward my Minecraft servers and maybe a website/blog for a friend. Not even host them, I will do that on my own machines and use their processing power. So I don't care about CPU, memory or disk space very much. But I have to move my computers around a lot and so I can't sit there and set up port forwarding all the time. In a way I am just asking for an IPv4 address.
The only provider I’ve had asking me for ID was Ionos. No one on here has asked, not even netcup.
I saw OVH doing it, that's why I came here to go and ask. I was about to try Ionos too...
Most providers here will not ask for KYC.
We can help you with what you are looking for. We accept Paypal
Probably most of the providers won't ask for KYC, especially on such order. If you want to order like dedicated servers for thousand of euros monthly and pay by crypto, then it is more likely they will ask for KYC verification.
If you're still looking, maybe you can check our listings?
On Xeon Standard 1, upgrade to 5TB @ 2Gbps should be easily done without any increase. We have a lot of free capacity left!
Maybe you need a domain name and then dynamically set its IP address
Do you know if RackNerd, ColoCrossing, and EthernetServers do?
I’m with all of them and none of them have but my servers are small there
you don't want to share your infromation use cruypto instead of PayPal as PayPal does share your email address and full name.
RackNerd doesn't need it.
As I said, I'm ok with sharing info but not my whole damn government issued ID
Check @MannDude . He would not ask even your NAME too , and you can pay via Paypal.
Greencloudvps checks ID. Even with premium payment methods where my card could have easily been declined. Just fact.
Try incognet @MannDude , you only need a mail address to sign up, pay with PayPal or Crypto.
I second IncogNET. They take privacy and security seriously. No requests for name, street address, anything. Just a working email address.
I pay with crypto, but they take PayPal as well.
We don't ask for KYC.