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Fastpanel extended licence
Whilst I'm a big fan of Enhance, it has limitations, particularly multisite installations and (in my opinion) managing NGINX configs. I also use Fastpanel (replacing paid Runcloud) for some PHP scripts and multisite. I have posted about Fastpanel before here.
I recently noted that they have released a paid extended licence that I thought I would try out with a new site.
-The main extras include custom branding (which looks nice and clean). Custom Panel domain is already available with the free version.
-Integration with Prometheus in addition to their more limited monitoring.
-Priority support.
In my experience, Fastpanel offers a fantastic free package that is easy to configure, and I have noted very few bugs. The free package offers multi-level user management, and now, the addition of custom branding with the extended package makes it a little more attractive for agencies.
The support was responsive and responded to some late-night tickets within 24 hours (I probably could have managed independently, but I wanted to test the support).
Fastpanel doesn't offer OLS, but the NGINX php-fpm and NGINX Fast CGI stacks work well. Apache is also available, which I use for some PHP scripts, including Nextcloud (self-installed, not one-click).
I wanted to share this brief review/update of Fastpanel.
I'm not affiliated with Fastpanel or Enhance.
Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous 2025
Oh and the licence is 4.20 Euro's per month per server.
Any lifetime deal
Not that I have seen
I really love FastPanel, I've been using it for over 4 years and have had a great experience.
I hope they will have a website restore feature when installing a new Panel (FastPanel to FastPanel) in the paid plan
Hi - Thanks for your post. Does FastPanel give out-of-the-box configurations for managing the NGINX FastCGI cache, or do you manually add code in the NGINX vhost?
I am using CloudPanel and I have to add code manually to manage the FastCGI cache.
Hi - yes, it supports FastCGI out of the box. Options of Apache, NGINX php-fpm, reverse proxy, static site etc. I have installed Nextcloud (Apache worked with minimal setup errors compared with NGINX). I've also installed WordPress multisite. Both subdirectory and subdomain configurations work.
I installed Clientexec (had to reinstall the ioncube module - one-click)
I had to add some additional config's to the NGINX configs for the Humminbird plugin but that was fine. It's all really straightforward.
I like cloudpanel also but
What I love the most is, you can add subdomains of a Cloudflare hosted domain i.e. as domains with Digital Ocean DNS. If you have the Digital Ocean API set up, it will install the site, SSL, and email domains in one go.
Really so much for the free panel. The licence is bells and whistles but good for agencies as there is multilevel user management so you can let clients log in to a branded panel.
I haven't used the Prometheus.
Yes, I have been running Fastpanel on a GreenCloud VPS for >2 years - Codecanyon PHP scripts and they have both been solid over that time.
Will FastPanel add support for OpenLiteSpeed?
I really hope not - They are quite NGINX-centric and the whole stack works great as it is.
FastPanel vs CloudPanel?
last time i replace my 1gb ram/1 vcore/30gb vps fastpanel to aapanel, because it doesn't work as needed, too many timeouts and downtimes that I don't know why, now I only use cloudpanel, 1panel and aapanel for website production
isnt 1panel and aapanel the same only different markets? One targets the western market and one the asian market?
nope, 1panel is more like a docker manager like easy panel while aapanel is different although it also can handle docker container quite well, you might be referring to btpanel(chinese marketed version) and aapanel(international one).
i don't know about this, but the panels are different and adapt to needs, 1panel is more complex while aapanel is very easy to use
Yeah, you are right. I mixed them up. What panel of the mentioned ones would you recommend for webhosting? Any big differents?
I will go with CLoudPanel.
I have used it and liked its minimalistic design and almost no bugs / errors. Simple to get started.
My simple recommendation is cloudpanel for personal use and currently with fastpanel and hestia if i want multi user functionality, also aapanel is good choice(no multi user if you don't pay) if you don't mind them getting your server details and god knows what else.
@TrK - I really like the look of 1Panel for managing containers - hadn't heard of it before - thank you
Thanks. I'm also an owner of an apiscp license. What do you think about apiscp?
I really haven't tried apiscp cause my nginx fan boy habits always comes in between, although from what I have read about apiscp it's a rock solid panel although limited to apache there are many things you won't find in cloudpanel or other panels. Although for multiuser setup for shared "web hosting" apiscp is more than enough as I won't find many nginx fanboys like me.
Not having NGINX is perfectly fine, but saying Apache can match Nginx's performance, especially without proper context, feels more like defending a choice rather than acknowledging the technical realities. I 'd seen many places where the creators defend for apache. TBH I felt it as childish. There is a reason why nginx exist
You are the first person that I saw on this internet who says that FastPanel is better than CloudPanel.
Hehe, it should be the otherway. CP is rock solid. Only thing that i don't like is multiple PHP running, you have to manually disable or stop the process.
Technically it can match the performance of nginx if you know your way in optimization, nginx excels out of the box perfomance unlike apache where you have to optimise it for your use case to squeeze out performance evenly. And ofcourse with mod_pagespeed(there's nginx one as well) the rewrited webpages and static cache sure does wonders for some.
If you are expecting multiple users to setup php apps on your server, going with apiscp instead of Fastpanel or such is far better choice imo. If you are looking for something personal it's hard to say, i mean for me CP is just right fulfills all my needs and I have no issues with it so far, just once where I messed up my MySQL instance and replaced it with mariadb it didn't work as expected.
Don't get me wrong - I really like Cloudpanel and I would have used it for one of my projects if only they allowed subdomain multisite like most other panels (except Enhance...). It's a solid panel but in my experience so is Fastpanel
It was for our product. And our platforms uses signalR extensively, and apache is less efficient compared to nginx for handling websockets and signalr. Apache uses separate threads for each signalr connection and it can eat lot of resources/memory for a high concurrent use cases. So, we never considered apache as an option for our deployments.