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The account was successfully banned after recharging
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The account was successfully banned after recharging

xingramxingram Member
edited December 2024 in Help

2 days ago

I'm unable to access my account since it's pending verification. Please help me verify it.

Thank you.

Jaden W
2 days ago
Hi xingram,

We have identified several accounts registered by you on our platform using the same payment method. According to section #6 of our Terms of Use ( an individual can only maintain 1 account at any given time.

Please let us know the reason for creating multiple accounts. Additionally, can you please provide;
1. Your main account
2. A list of all accounts tied to you, or recommended by you
3. The use-case of the services in each of the accounts.

Once verified our team will review and allow the use of multiple accounts if allowed, or guide you on how to transfer your services to one main account.
Thank you for your corporation!

Jaden W
CloudCone Customer Support

1 day ago
This is my main account, but I don't need it now. Please refund and cancel it,
I have previously recharged the company server with my payment account,
It is also possible to continue recharging on behalf of others in the future, without the need for consolidation,
thank you


  • SwiftnodeSwiftnode Member, Host Rep, LIR

    So why did you create multiple accounts?

  • @Swiftnode said:
    So why did you create multiple accounts?

    So why did you create multiple accounts?x2

  • @Swiftnode said:
    So why did you create multiple accounts?

    The last person used my Alipay to recharge the company's account. I think the overall usage of CC is quite good,
    So I wanted to have a personal account independent of the company, but after recharging, the situation turned out like this,
    But now I no longer need this account. I request a refund and delete this account. Thank you.

  • @xingram said:

    @Swiftnode said:
    So why did you create multiple accounts?

    The last person used my Alipay to recharge the company's account. I think the overall usage of CC is quite good,
    So I wanted to have a personal account independent of the company, but after recharging, the situation turned out like this,
    But now I no longer need this account. I request a refund and delete this account. Thank you.

    sounds like you a broke boi

  • I was not aware of such restrictions, and now I only hope for a refund and the deletion of this account, without the need to merge it with any other account. Thank you

  • @FloridaManInTheFlesh said:

    @xingram said:

    @Swiftnode said:
    So why did you create multiple accounts?

    The last person used my Alipay to recharge the company's account. I think the overall usage of CC is quite good,
    So I wanted to have a personal account independent of the company, but after recharging, the situation turned out like this,
    But now I no longer need this account. I request a refund and delete this account. Thank you.

    sounds like you a broke boi

    CC restriction
    1. One payment account can only recharge one CC account,
    2. I have previously recharged my company account with my payment account and originally wanted to have my own CC account, but I didn't know that CC has such restrictions
    3. I hope to receive a refund and delete this account without merging it with any other account, Can't CC do it

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