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Happy Black Friday Free VPS Share: Linveo MetalVPS Ryzen 9 7950X NetBSD-current VPS (Phoenix, AZ)
Happy Black Friday from MetalVPS!
Free VPS Share!
CPU: Ryzen 9 7950X
vCores: 2
Disk: 50 GB
IPv4: 1 x /32
IPv6: 2 x /64; 1 x /48
Network: 1 Gbps
Bandwidth: 2000 GB
Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA
OS: Self-compiled NetBSD-current
This is one single VPS! CPU, RAM, disk, and bandwidth are shared among @Not_Oles, you, and, maybe, a few others.
Why: Fun discussion and learning here in this, our LET thread.
Terms of Service:
- Free, open source software only.
- White Hat only.
- Your name and location must be clear, public, and easy to find.
- No service level guarantee.
- Not for business use.
- Free
More Info:
Besides working in your shell account via ssh, root or other privileges might be shared.
MetalVPS is a project of @Not_Oles a/k/a Tom Miller.
Linveo kindly donated several VPSes to guys who are active in the Low End BSD Threads. Thanks to Linveo for donating both this VPS to @Not_Oles and the other VPSes to other guys!
How To Apply:
Please post in this thread.
Please include links to your website and to your source code repository. Please remember that, quoting from the Rules above, "Your name and location must be clear, public, and easy to find."
Please explain what you want to do on our VPS.
Thanks, everybody!
I’m definitely interested, @Not_Oles we should PM to discuss this. I’d like to use the VPS for developing a web hosting panel and possible a wire guard server. I infrequently use NetBSD so this’ll be a great for learning.
Hi @eguo! Welcome to LET! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks! Sounds great! As requested in the OP, could you please post links to your website and your source code repository? Please remember that, quoting from the Rules above, "Your name and location must be clear, public, and easy to find."
Best wishes!
My name is Tayyib. I'm from Africa Nigeria. I use VPS to create free internet using PUTTY
I'm"m really begging the VPS owners to please grant me free access
@Not_Oles Happy Thanksgiving! I’m from Perth, Australia. I don’t usually post publicly onto repositories but you can find me on GitHub here:
My website is and you can email me at [email protected]
Thank you.
Count me in. My primary goal is to set up an Asterisk VoIP server and focus on developing custom modules to extend its functionality, especially in the area of SIP and WebRTC integration.
I can share personal information privately if I'm selected. I'm committed to adhering to the MetalVPS TOS focusing solely on free and open-source software, and maintaining a white hat approach in all my activities
Check your PMs I think I have something for you.
Hi @Toheebd! Hi @farsighter!
For convenient reference, please let me repeat here what the OP says about how to apply.
Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Black Friay!
Hi @eguo!
Congrats on your recently established account here, your recently established Github repository, and your still being developed website! It looks like you have an excellent start and will go far.
I will keep trying to give you a MetalVPS account. Could you please check back in six months so we can see your progress?
Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Bllack Friday!
My website is:, you can email me: [email protected].
@Not_Oles Will do
I need a HDD configuration with 2 cores 4G RAM storage of 6T any? Please contact me, thanks!
Thanks for the link to your site! Thanks for your email address! Do you have a code repository?
If you post more about yourself and about what you want to do on the server, I will happily take a look.
Happy Black Friday! Best wishes!
Sorry, I don't have your needed configuration available at the moment. Best wishes for a Happy Black Friday!
I also want to
Hi @hakuha!
How To Apply:
Best wishes!
wows, I even have no git account
Of course I do.
Hello! Happy Thanksgiving!
I am Pi Xia and I am currrently a univeristy student from China. Recently I start studying python and linux. I hope this vps may help boost my learning process.
I once started learning C-language and is my c-language repo.
And also, I once contributed to when I was learning Julia, another computer language.
I have also hosted a blog . But I am sad that I don't have much time maintaining it.
Best wishes!
Hi @CNMDNEWS! Thanks for the Github link! I did take a look at it. You seem to be a really intelligent guy. Surely you understand both that I am trying to get to know you in real life and that your identity as a real person is difficult to connect with from your website or from your Github. So, I am sorry, but I don't know what to do! I have to say no to your request. Nevertheless I send you best wishes and kindest regards! Tom
Hi @pixia1234! Thanks for your request! I will look at the links you sent. Meanwhile, would you please email me at the address on my profile from your university email account? If there is some reason why you can't send me an email from your University account, please tell me the reason via PM here at LET. Thanks! Happy Black Friday! Tom
I swear every time I see one of these threads, I feel like I'm in the twilight zone and/or Truman show.
Sure! I have already sent an email to [email protected]. Would you please have a check on it? Thank you!