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Redstation charge for enabling IPv6?

I just dropped a ticket in with Redstation, who we currently use for our UK based OpenVZ VPS, to see when IPv6 would be ready in there DC.
They responded to tell me it was now up and ready which is great. The block would be free (/64) which is expected as its the norm atm for IPv6. But then they tell me a £50.00 administration cost would have to be paid!
Has anybody else come across this with any other DC/Company, or is this a first for everybody else as well?
Some dc's do actually charge for ipv6, in blocks ofcourse :P
However, 50 quid seems to be a lot :P
Seems like if I can levy a £50 fee just to add another line in IOS to your interface, then i'm in the wrong business.
My thoughts exactly :P I could probably get a taxi there and back and do it myself for cheaper haha.
Redstation have a standard £50+VAT charge for any little thing they have to do. It's how they pick up their margin and one of the reasons why a lot of people dislike them. Think of it as the 'lifting a finger fee'.
I think i will be the one lifting the finger, the middle one.
So what are you going to tell your customers who want IPV6?
It was never advertised as part of our service
And we have quite a lot of our IPv4 range left with Redstation so we aren't going to run out any time soon.
Is this 50 pounds one time, or MRC? If it's one time - no big deal, just pay it and move on...
Its one time, i know it wont break the bank but i know how steep that is for such a simple task which is what puts me off. You can get 1 hours remote hands for much less than that in other UK DC's.
Most I've seen are >£60/hour+VAT
You have been looking in the wrong places
Well, you can view it as a one time "ip block administration fee" for making a RIPE subnet assignment to you. Other providers probably also charge similar fees, and for ipv4 too.
Nope. They are possibly the only 2 main stream providers, but certainly are not the only ones.
This makes no sense, their making £50 profit, they received the blocks for £0.
Their basically saying, "thanks for using us, but were going to charge you £50 for something that's standard and free."
I asked them what the charge was for LOL;
"In this instance this cost covers our engineer's time in allocation and router configuration."
If they are getting paid £50.00 per 10 Mins (Max) i want in on the action.
It's not just 10 min work.
It's probably 10 min or less to configure the router, yes.
But before that they must decide what subnet to give to you. Then they must make an assignment in RIPE. Probably not all of their engineers have access to the RIPE LIR portal, someone from their management has to do this, etc.
Then you are going to request rdns delegation sooner or later. Another 15 minutes of labor. Or more, if you need to exchange several tickets until you both get it right.
So it does add up. Granted most reasonable providers are going to do this for free, it seems their business model is not to offer free services for the benefit of customer's satisfaction.
So just pay the cash and don't worry - it will pay off soon enough. IRC users love ipv6, especially if you let them set rdns.
IRC Is not allowed :P
I see where your coming from though, but i don't think its fair to have a set price for administration when all jobs are different.
As for the rDNS, again, there are providers that give you access to do this your self, for free.
Redstation is a budget company that pretty much stays budget if you dont want to do anything to your server that requires them to get involved.
We had dealings with them a few years ago, but didn't like being part of a nickle and dime culture were they try and secure profit from support issues.
They tried to charge me that for adding a few more IP's to my dedicated a while ago.
That's retarded.
See if HE has a tunnel broker in LON.
What's free? the IPs? the time spent? Neither of those are 0 cost.
If you are bitching just to bitch, carry on, but really, what is your choice here? Pay the fee or move, move is probably not an attractive offer.
I don't think people realise they're going to get billed £50 for every little thing when they sign up with Redstation. I think that's the problem here and why it's important to share the experience.
I was actually just looking to see if this has happened to anybody elsewhere as mentioned in the original thread
I would say is fairly normal. I remember about 7 years ago I had been renting from rapidswitch and was arranging with them to colocate there and wanted a /25 across 3 servers.
They invoiced me £100 +VAT to process their forms, I filled in their inhouse justification application form only to be told 10 mins later that it was denied.
I was not happy to say the least, did I pay....No, well not until they processed court proceedings.
They seemed quite shocked that I no longer wanted to colocate with them!!
Poundhost at BlueSquare were more than happy to provide a /25.
I would still be at poundhost if I was not working in a datacentre now. Makes sense to colocate where I work, Is certainly convenient being 20 yards away from my rack
They took you to court over £100? what a truly shady company iomart are.
BurstNET are giving \64 allocation for free, albeit they take time to actually send the allocation they don't go throwing £50 admin fees around.
@rethinkvps BurstNET sent the welcome email for our IP Addresses without actually Routing them.
I phoned michael yesterday and he was raging at me for calling him at 11PM and he may of also lost my spare harddrives, He said he didn't find any.. I understand his point and I just get quite impatient.
What a great start.
@Jacob Did you call BurstNET or somehow Michaels personal number?
@rethinkvps I got his number when I was dropping the server off, But having servers with 5 IPs when you need a /26 is useless and it's been like this since Friday.
5 Days in and still no updates.