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Virmach VPS down NY node?
hetrixtools reported status=down 1 hour ago.
I cannot access vps control panel via client login:
We cannot load the controls for your service at this time.
This could either mean:
A) It took too long to load.
B ) The server controls have been automatically disabled due to an anomoly.
C) The server could be offline, in which case we have already been notified.
Also... :
Error 1015 Ray ID: 8b1ca24dee5e462b • 2024-08-12 01:18:53 UTC
You are being rate limited
Anybody in the same situation like me?
Thanked by 1JasonM
If you folks still have a Byte of data on any of their servers, it's all on you.
Stopped taking this provider seriously about 4y ago. Shit has been going downhill, steadily!
OMG, i cant even access the basic billing/client panel now.
says rate Error 1015 You are being rate limited
anyone same?
ok recovered 40min ago,
can access my websites and ssh into server though control panels still not yet recovered.
thank god.
LES please.
Ah, must be another virmache migration in progress
nyc040 node down for 24hrs since and no updates on status page or ticket reply.
last year, moved critical apps out
this year, moved essential apps out
lol, probably next year will be playground with 0 apps
I have a VM in PHX. No notice, no response to tickets. These guys have really gone down hill.
Virmach has been a nightmare for me since 2022 prior to that zero issues. Guess it is time to search for another host? The application I run is very low resource wise but it needs to be reliable. NYC040 has been down going on 3 days, filed ticket, no response, no updates, it is if they don't even know the server is down!
If Biloh promises to implement it, I can code something up where if virmach is mentioned in the title when creating a thread, the user is simply redirected to LES.
naw I like a little virmach round here. I was a customer till the big falloff and I am interested to know when the plug is finally pulled and get tired of having to go to another forum just to check for the obituary of the company
Worst part is that when the underlying VM host is down, the auto troubleshooter spins forever making it impossible to file a ticket.
So will this also redirect? V I RM a cH
A redirect to the advertisers on LET would make more sense . These are the very people they should want. Vps users dissatisfied with their current provider.
Very VirmAchy