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Bypass vps bandwith limit
Hello, I noticed that most VPS providers offer unlimited inbound bandwidth and impose a limit of 10 GB to 5 TB outbound bandwidth per month. After reaching this limit, they start charging for additional usage. Is there any way to bypass this, such as using a proxy or doing something to spoof outgoing data as incoming data, etc.?
It's impossible to bypass bandwidth accounting through a proxy.
Any traffic going to the proxy is still counted towards your server's traffic consumption.
However, if the provider offers free internal traffic among your servers, you could optimize traffic usage by choosing your other server as proxy.
Suppose you have server A and server B, each allowing 5TB external traffic and unmetered internal traffic.
If you need 9TB on server A and none on server B, you can route half of the traffic from server A through server B via the internal network.
You can use compression to reduce bandwidth used, increasing the amount of effective data transferred.
Or you can choose a different provider. Netcup for example allows 2TB full speed every 24h and afterwards limit to 200 Mbps. If you download+upload nonstop you should be able to transfer 100TB in and 100TB out each month.
use racknerd to double bandwidth .
So illegal bandwidth stealing ?
Shutdown the server.
Its possible but will be super slow. You have to use a side-channel to exfiltrate the data.
Let's say your the VPS management panel of the provider allows to view the current memory usage or the cpu usage. You can exfill the data through those counters.
You can encode the data to a series of zeros and ones. For each zero bit, you allocate say 1 GB of ram hold for 5 second or so and then free it. Similarly for a one bit you allocate 2GB for 5 second.
Now when looking at the panel assuming the base usage is 0, memory usage of 1 GB indicates a 0 bit and 2 GB indicates 1 bit. This way entire data can be exfiltrated at a speed of 1 bit per 5 second. For reliability you can add error correcting bits if necessary.
Slow but works.
to get a whopping 64 kBytes extra per month
You can use IPv9 tunnel, it will not count to your bandwidth limit. Providers ale collecting only IPv4 and IPv6 usage.
64 kBytes is for starters. Sure it can be improved if the OP wants to go this way.