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Reliable Singapore VPS?
Hello everyone,
I'm in need help choosing a reliable VPS server provider in Singapore for my VPN service. I've tried several providers, including Vultr, BlueHost, Contabo, and is*hosting, but none have met my needs.
Vultr has excellent performance, internet speed, and minimal downtime, but the bandwidth allocation is too small for a VPN proxy service. The bandwidth overage charges are also starting to pile up, which is hurting my wallet. BlueHost and Contabo both have latency issues.
Initially, I had a good experience with ishosting. The speed was good, there were no latency issues, and the ping was only slightly higher than Vultr (about 8 to 10ms difference). However, after switching all my servers from Vultr to ishosting, I started experiencing significant latency issues. When I contacted ishosting support, they informed me that they were aware of the ping issues with their Singapore servers and were working on it, but it would take time to resolve. They offered to change my server location to Hong Kong, but I can't even reach their Hong Kong server without using a proxy. Unfortunately, their refund policy only allows refunds to the account balance and deducts 25% for whatever reasons.
Given these issues, I urgently need to find another reliable VPS provider in Singapore that offers ample bandwidth. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Minimal Bandwidth - 20TB (Preferred Unlimited)
CPU - 2 Core
Can recommend @rsk Layer UAE, @ayyub_webh WebHorizon, @ManishPant Kuroit.
Have tried all, all of them are good and reliable.
@kuroit has some generous bandwidth allocations in SG ( and prob could help you with a custom plan.
If you can give everyone here a little bit more context on the amount of resources you need, could be helpful for us to recommend providers, and for providers to work with you. Good luck
This perhaps, but I don't know what the latency would be toward you:
SmartHost — $4.54 / month yearly
1 Intel Cores (shared)
1024 MB RAM
10 GB NVMe
2000 GB/month bandwidth
1.0 Gbps port speed
IPv4 + IPv6
With monthly payments ShockHosting has the same network specs for $5. These are all the affiliate results that I indexed.
@TinHtun Let me know how much bandwidth you're looking for.
You can test our Network:
@sh97 @zGato Thanks for the mention

Thanks, but I couldn't help in this case, I generally don't allow commercial VPNs. Guy should get a dedicated server since he will need high bandwidth and have to handle a lot of abuse probably.
My bad didn't see that one
All good. not really any great options for his use case in Asia. Plus OP mentions latency, but @TinHtun you're going to have a hard time having perfect latency in APAC region even if you find something that looks good at first. Bandwidth is expensive, nobody wants to deal with abuse from VPNs, and routing changes = higher latency are common.
Thanks for the replies, everyone. Since I'm new to LowEndTalk, I'm not sure how to reply to each comment individually. What I specifically need is a provider with high bandwidth and low latency, as I'm running a VPN service. Currently, each of my servers consumes roughly 300GB to 500GB of bandwidth per day.
Shock Hosting is prem.
@MikeA I'm not looking for "perfect latency," just reasonably good latency. Every service I've tried so far had unacceptable latency issues except for Vultr. Also, I'm not handling a heavy load of clients on my VPS servers. My current bandwidth usage is around 20Mbps to 50Mbps at max.
(click the quote button and it will autofill the "user said" so you can "answer" directly)
I'm also looking for a good Singapore server. Unfortunately, with the prices, your only option is to go for a dedicated server. Check out CurtCreation
Are you interested in the location of Indonesia?
why would anyone use that country for VPN proxy service like op mentioned?
Indonesia is probably the only country location that i ever seen always crying about "No Tunneling" in their VPS services, their bandwidth is also inferior from SG datacenters. not to mention they have internet censorship enforcement even in datacenter level, some of them are even using DPI method.
I've been checking out everyone suggestions but unfortunately I still haven't found a service that fit my needs. The most important things for me is Bandwidth allocation. I would really like a service that offer scalable and cheapest bandwidth possible. Unlimited? even better. Please help me out here.
This is not EU/NA. APAC transit is expensive, don't expect "unmetered / unlimited" bandwidth without some FUP clause unless you pay for a dedicated port (not cheap ofc).
HostHatch gives you 20TB and a great config at 69 USD/mo
NVMe 96 GB
16 AMD EPYC Milan core (8 dedicated, 8 fair-shared cores)
250 GB NVMe Storage
20 TB bandwidth
Maybe Leaseweb?
This is true, we realize that in Indonesia there are many providers who really hate Tunneling users.
But if interested in the location of Indonesia, we will provide a special offer. Our upstream does not implement the DPI method and we have a VPN provider customer.
Indonesia > @atharva said:
Indonesia is a bit far from our country, Myanmar. However I would like to try Thailand server if you can provide one.
Seems all the plan listed on your web are out of stock.
if you want latency Vultr is your only choice.
Unfortunately we currently do not have a server in Thailand.
Yep, we are still in stages in opening the stock of services.
Shockhosting are really have good support and reliability. Im use it for 3 month with their dedicated server, i move from them because their dedicated server ram are just 32GB cant be upgraded.
Webhorizon use for 2 months now. For first time they had a downtime at six hours when i have an school events. But after that their server are great and good.
For me, Greencloudvps @NDTN and HostHatch @hosthatch Singapore servers are very reliable so far.
Just take note Greencloudvps has two Singapore DCs. Can test which DC is better for you.
And Both so far cannot take vps image backup, so need to do your backup yourself.
For unlimited or high bandwidth in Singapore, I think only Contabo and OVH higher plan.
Yes .... even when you subscribe for Linux VPS,
They still monitor your Linux VPS whether you abuse it or not by installing Mikrotik.
Host in Indonesia if you just using 100Kbits/second all the time.
Using 10% of CPU Usage all the time.
and they will be silent and happy getting customers like you
Since you mentioned you are from Myanmar
The wiser decision I think would be to get anything from Thailand.
Both DTAC and AIS already expand their DC with bigger network capacity.
If I am not mistakes,
Thailand already had landing points connecting directly to Southern Europe
Singapore, everything got so expensive.
Connecting to Datacenters would be a high cost to count.
I understand your issues because I am facing it too in my Singapore
I remember reading something like that, someone get suspended for attempting to download mikrotik ISO in the first place (maybe that was in DWH)
from what i remember that provider is also providing mikrotik chr vps so probably they don't want someone making a workaround for that by using ordinary vps plan (and this is not listed in tos/eula).
Seriously tho, few years ago someone from Indonesia asked me for help to host RDM CMS and Moodle (only few dozen of them) during covid learning-from-home-thingie. using shared hosting won't cut it due to school size, and they already have written record that the current cpanel hosting they uses are just too slow, always collapses when there's a class ongoing, and the provider ended suspending them because using too much resources multiple times (even when the usage is already agreed both in ticket and in-call during presale).
I asked several people for their input, and at that time, the best case scenario using least budget is to use their pc in computer lab and have multiple VPS acting as reverse proxy (this was before i knew LET).
So I tried to ask around to indonesian providers, and most of them said Nope, proxy/vpn is not allowed, if you need RDM/Moodle then you must use our mid-high VPS plan or dedicated server that cost around 50-100 USD.
Then a friend told me there are a lot of $5/mo VPS located in US/EU from various provider here in LET and OGF. that was a huge help since a total of $20/mo on 4 VPS could get a school running (and it was cheaper too at that time compared to the school spending in shared hosting). well that's almost 5 years ago, i recall now most school already have a fibre or long range wifi to make their own system available online, took them 2-3 years to build the infrastructure.
Conclusion? Indonesian provider are not yet capable delivering VPS service like the most provider here. their price are more expensive than SG, and they uses SG as upstream anyway (with extra nonsense country regulation added on top).
if your target audience are not in that particular country, it's simply not worth it renting a VPS over there (but then again, you can outsource these kind of thing to CDN provider nowadays)