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Seeking Affordable VPS Providers in Less Common Locations
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Seeking Affordable VPS Providers in Less Common Locations

hyunhyun Member

I'm looking for VPS in less common locations. My requirements are dedicated IPv4 addresses for less than $15 per year.

Currently, I already have VPS in the following locations: United States, Japan, France, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Netherlands, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Brazil, Pakistan.


  • bootboot Member

    Have a look on there for anything. Good luck with your budget.

    Thanked by 1totally_not_banned
  • edited July 2

    Yeah exotic location and absolute bottom of the barrel budget usually doesn't mix. I guess you could get something in Russia but beyond that options are going to become thin pretty quickly.

  • davidedavide Member
    edited July 2

    So you're missing:

    South Africa
    Hong Kong

    The pony has these places in its catalog; Chile is only OpenVZ (and out of stock, as I checked).
    But your budget is... good luck :)

  • servzenservzen Member, Host Rep

    Try @Virtury for Pakistan.

  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    Usually, VPSes in less-common/exotic locations won't be cheap, so I doubt you'll find any in such locations for $15/year.

    But in case you do, let us know :smiley:

    Thanked by 1khalequzzaman
  • DPDP Administrator, The Domain Guy

    @servzen said:
    Try @Virtury for Pakistan.

    @hyun said: Currently, I already have VPS in the following locations: United States, Japan, France, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Netherlands, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Brazil, Pakistan.

    Thanked by 1totally_not_banned
  • @DP said:

    @servzen said:
    Try @Virtury for Pakistan.

    @hyun said: Currently, I already have VPS in the following locations: United States, Japan, France, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Netherlands, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Taiwan, Brazil, Pakistan.

    I also almost posted this but then i actually read the post :D

  • bootboot Member has 3 VPS packages.

    Starting at 61,646 CFA per month.

    1 West African CFA franc = 0.0016 United States Dollar

    Thanked by 1totally_not_banned
  • ailiceailice Member

    Could you tell which provider you choose on SG and JP?

  • zGatozGato Member

    Give me a list of locations which you consider less common, and I'll give you some providers, high chance I have a VPS in that location, but perhaps not within your budget.

  • davidedavide Member
    edited July 2

    @zGato said:
    Give me a list of locations which you consider less common, and I'll give you some providers, high chance I have a VPS in that location, but perhaps not within your budget.

    Let's try! Do you happen to have some services from:

    • Chad
    • Oman
    • Brunei
    • Papua
    • Trinidad
    • Dominica


    I can't recall having ever encountered a provider offering any of these. But I think I saw Yemen and perhaps Congo... it would be too cool to have a hosting company in Chad and call it :D

  • AvaHostingAvaHosting Member, Patron Provider


    What you consider exotic? Maybe take a look in our VPS 11€ yearly
    In Republic of Moldova

    Check our Yearly VPS for limited time.

    Best Regards

  • hyunhyun Member

    @AvaHosting said:

    What you consider exotic? Maybe take a look in our VPS 11€ yearly
    In Republic of Moldova

    Check our Yearly VPS for limited time.

    Best Regards

    I have purchased it, and it is working well.

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