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Looking for EU Dedicated Servers for Windows RDP Provisioning
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Looking for EU Dedicated Servers for Windows RDP Provisioning

edited June 30 in Requests

Could you guys recommend me some cost-effective high RAM, CPU dedicated server providers within the EU for provisioning RDP Windows for our clients?


  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @HOSTCAY said:
    Could you guys recommend me some cost-effective dedicated servers within the EU for provisioning RDP Windows for our clients?

    First go through Microsoft Licensing requirements for using RDP for client VPS

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @Calin said:
    Hello @HOSTCAY check our deals >


    We require dedicated servers not VPS.
    Thanks :)

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @HOSTCAY said: We require dedicated servers not VPS.

    Hello , you edited post with dedicated server version


    edited June 30

    @Calin said:

    @HOSTCAY said: We require dedicated servers not VPS.

    Hello , you edited post with dedicated server version


    It was always dedicated server in title and in content, we only added text “High RAM, CPU” but no problem thanks!

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @HOSTCAY said: It was always dedicated server it title and in content, we only added text “High RAM, CPU” but no problem thanks!


    Alright , any idea of how many ram , cpus , budget??

    We have just this type of dedicated servers available

    2x e5-2699 v4
    768 GB ram
    1 Gbps port speed
    1x IPv4
    8x 960 GB SSD
    ASN: 9050



    @Calin said:

    @HOSTCAY said: It was always dedicated server it title and in content, we only added text “High RAM, CPU” but no problem thanks!


    Alright , any idea of how many ram , cpus , budget??

    We have just this type of dedicated servers available

    2x e5-2699 v4
    768 GB ram
    1 Gbps port speed
    1x IPv4
    8x 960 GB SSD
    ASN: 9050


    Looks good, is monthly recurring fine with you?

  • CalinCalin Member, Patron Provider

    @HOSTCAY said: Looks good, is monthly recurring fine with you?


    Yes no problem , if you are interested write me to PM and i m make you invoice :)


  • conceptconcept Member

    What is your budget?

    Thanked by 1HOSTCAY
  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider

    We have sent you a Offer before and are sure its hard to Be beated. However should that be the case you know where i am.

    Thanked by 2HOSTCAY Calin

    @HostSlick said:
    We have sent you a Offer before and are sure its hard to Be beated. However should that be the case you know where i am.

    Yes we’ve received your offer and will order thank you

  • jayjayjayjay Member, Patron Provider

    We have many servers in NL and Switzerland, I'll DM you.

    edited June 30

    I’ve decided to go with @HostSlick as they given a very unbelievable offer and specs and matter they announcing our IPs for free which I couldn’t decline. Thanks @Calin also for your offer too but decided to go with HostSlick!
    I’m not sure if thread should remain open for other users to find providers or if it needs to be closed by the mods.

    Thanked by 1Calin
  • conceptconcept Member

    Glad you got things sorted, Hostslick is great!

    Thanked by 2HOSTCAY HostSlick
  • HostologHostolog Member, Host Rep
    edited July 1


    We can create a special offer for you, we provide service via Comnet Data Centre based in Istanbul, Turkey, we have 99% uptime guarantee, please contact us on our whatsapp line +90 850 304 2011.


  • ClouviderClouvider Member, Patron Provider

    Should you need more, have a look at - we have high configs available in multiple locations.

  • CaztielCaztiel Member
    edited July 1

    Worldstream & Mevspace
    Depending on your requirements you can check out. But I found them to be the best & most cost-effective for Dedicated Servers in EU.

  • alexhostalexhost Member, Patron Provider


    If you are looking for cheap dedicated servers in EU, just take a look:

    We can do custom dedicated servers just open a ticket support with your requirements and we will see what we can do :wink:

    Pretty sure we can do something for you. we have Own Datacenter and Network (Not resellers) also Colocation is available :)

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