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/24 subnet on LIR
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/24 subnet on LIR

omw2postomw2post Member
edited June 21 in General

I've got a question,
Assume I bought an AS (one time payment) from a random sponsor from the "lowend-deals" list,
Then I'm buying a /24 and putting it to my AS' name.
What happens if my sponsor suddenly stops sponsoring?
Declares bankruptcy and stops paying his RIPE membership fee.
Will the subnet be taken from me? what about the AS?

And out of curiosity, what are the chances to get pre-approve for a subnet transfer nowdays?
The block will be used for a very new Hosting company within the RIPE area.


  • coldcold Member

    I'm not a specialist, but I would said they take it away from him. So you're "safe"

  • kaitkait Member

    @omw2post said: Then I'm buying a /24 and putting it to my AS' name.

    You can only rent it, you have to be a LIR yourself to own IPv4 space.

    Since an ASN is PI space you can transfer it to any other LIR whenever you want, and don't forget that RIPE fees changed and you will be paying at least 60 EUR/year for your ASN sponsorship.

    Thanked by 1omw2post
  • AndreixAndreix Member, Host Rep

    First of all, you can't buy a subnet if you are not the LIR. You only lease them.
    Secondly, for the ASN, RIPE will let you know your current LIR deadpooled and you should find a new one.

  • RickBakkrRickBakkr Member, Patron Provider, LIR

    Assume I bought an AS (one time payment) from a random sponsor from the "lowend deals" list

    Although being one of the LIRs on that list, I would be careful taking just the absolute bottom rate option. Go for someone with whom you feel at home, and who does not give you the feeling of going bust some day.

    Then I'm buying a /24 and putting it to my AS' name.
    What happens if my sponsor suddenly stops sponsoring?
    Declares bankruptcy and stops paying his RIPE membership fee.
    Will the subnet be taken from me? what about the AS?

    Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen.

    ASN is always Provider Independent (PI).

    If you would buy an IPv4 range, and you are not a LIR, you have basically put two options - of which one only realistically is an option:

    1) buy PI space, and it will be assigned by RIR to you directly.
    2) buy PA space, and let the LIR have it in good faith.

    With PI space, the sponsor is basically only a liaison. If they go bust, the RIPE NCC will register your resources as unsponsored. No big deal, you just have to get a new sponsor. This is really somewhat similar to domain registrars. You can move it around all you want. It is your resource.

    If you go with PA resource, one way or another, they do not belong to you, and therefore, can go bust. This is NOT a recommended way, however, it is likely the cheapest option.

    If you are really worrying, and considering IPv4 (nowadays at around the 10K mark for a /24), you probably also can spare the 1900 EUR needed for RIPE Membership.

    And out of curiosity, what are the chances to get pre-approve for a subnet transfer nowdays?

    I am not aware of this even being a thing in the RIPE NCC area. We have transferred both inbound and outbound with zero pre-approvals, no issues.

    The block will be used for a very new Hosting company within the RIPE area.

    I would recommend you become a LIR yourself. Using PI resources for hosting (read: sub-allocating/assigning) is not allowed as per RIPE policies.

    Thanked by 1omw2post
  • xxslxxsl Member, LIR
    edited June 22

    @omw2post said: What happens if my sponsor suddenly stops sponsoring?

    RIPE will contact you and force you to find another sponsor-LIR, otherwise the ASN will be deleted and returned.

    @omw2post said: Will the subnet be taken from me? what about the AS?

    For the /24,
    As you said "I'm buying a /24", you can not buy that but instead rent from others,
    So unless you can not login to your own RIPE portal, you still hold the /24.

    ASN (aut-num) and /24 (inetnum) are just objects. They are only connected by another object which is called "route" object (also RPKI there, but it's another story.)

    ASN will be terminated if you can not find another sponsor-LIR.


    @omw2post said: AS (one time payment)

    ASN will not be one time payment soon next year due to the new billing strategy approved from RIPE88.

    Thanked by 1omw2post
  • omw2postomw2post Member

    @RickBakkr said: I would recommend you become a LIR yourself. Using PI resources for hosting (read: sub-allocating/assigning) is not allowed as per RIPE policies.

    Just to clarify, If I would pay to become a RIPE Member, and than buy a /24 from a popular broker (like ipv4 global), am I getting a PI or a PA? I just read the "RIPE-826" Doc but I am still confused.

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @xxsl said:

    @omw2post said: AS (one time payment)

    ASN will not be one time payment soon next year due to the new billing strategy approved from RIPE88.

    @Cloudie sold thousands of ASNs at one time payment of $7~50.
    Are they deadpooling next year?

  • xxslxxsl Member, LIR
    edited June 29

    Not sure >:), if Cloudie is kind enough and keep covering the cost for them...

    -> these ASNs deadpooling and Cloudie survive
    -> Cloudie finally go deadpooling due to big cost of ASNs, so does these ASNs

    is Cloudie your sponsor LIR?

  • kaitkait Member

    @yoursunny said:

    @xxsl said:

    @omw2post said: AS (one time payment)

    ASN will not be one time payment soon next year due to the new billing strategy approved from RIPE88.

    @Cloudie sold thousands of ASNs at one time payment of $7~50.
    Are they deadpooling next year?

    AFAIK he is not accepting new asns but the current pay 75/y

  • xxslxxsl Member, LIR

    @omw2post said:

    Just to clarify, If I would pay to become a RIPE Member, and than buy a /24 from a popular broker (like ipv4 global), am I getting a PI or a PA?

    You get PA

    Thanked by 1omw2post
  • is cloudie not zappie?

  • kaitkait Member

    @mikewazar said:
    is cloudie not zappie?

    Cloudie resells zappie

    Thanked by 2yoursunny mikewazar
  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @xxsl said:
    Not sure >:), if Cloudie is kind enough and keep covering the cost for them...

    No -> these ASNs deadpooling and Cloudie survive
    Yes -> Cloudie finally go deadpooling due to big cost of ASNs, so does these ASNs

    Delete thousands of one-time ASNs -> thousands of chargebacks -> merchant account locked -> inability to accept payment -> deadpool

    is Cloudie your sponsor LIR?

    Yes, I'm in trouble.

  • xxslxxsl Member, LIR
    edited June 29


    I suggest don't do chargebacks. Providers are just people like us. Don't make them sad, be kind :)

    Also $75/year is not a big amount, why not consider supporting your provider. Sometimes buying them a cake and a cup of coffee will make them feel good for a whole day long, I don't know if all others feel like this, but for me it is.

  • if i say what i want to say ill be in big trouble

  • FazzilFazzil Member

    @xxsl said:

    I suggest don't do chargebacks. Providers are just people like us. Don't make them sad, be kind :)

    Also $75/year is not a big amount, why not consider supporting your provider. Sometimes buying them a cake and a cup of coffee will make them feel good for a whole day long, I don't know if all others feel like this, but for me it is.

    My homelab and ASN is my hobby. I pay a shitload of money for other things I need less, so $75 per year for an ASN it's worth it.

  • RickBakkrRickBakkr Member, Patron Provider, LIR

    @omw2post said:

    @RickBakkr said: I would recommend you become a LIR yourself. Using PI resources for hosting (read: sub-allocating/assigning) is not allowed as per RIPE policies.

    Just to clarify, If I would pay to become a RIPE Member, and than buy a /24 from a popular broker (like ipv4 global), am I getting a PI or a PA? I just read the "RIPE-826" Doc but I am still confused.

    This is determined at the time of the original request. Any listed space should be public, and thus you can look up the status of said prefix.

    Feel free to jump into DM and we'll together check out this situation. This is sort of what we do for a living ... ;-)

    Thanked by 1omw2post
  • terrahostterrahost Member, Patron Provider

    And if you buy ARIN space and transfer to RIPE; you can select whether or not it should be PI or PA.

    Thanked by 2omw2post xxsl
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