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Anyone has a Tokyo VPS from Webhosting24? I'm experiencing weird bandwidth issue
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Anyone has a Tokyo VPS from Webhosting24? I'm experiencing weird bandwidth issue

kheng86kheng86 Member

Anyone has a Tokyo VPS from Webhosting24? For the past few days, I have noticed from the CP that there is an additional bandwidth consumption of about 60GB per day over my normal usage. I have been monitoring my VPS bandwidth usage but it has not consumed anywhere near that, probably just a few MB per day(yes, it's very much idling). I also have other VPS from other locations but no such issue so far.
Anyone experiencing this?



  • DazzleDazzle Member

    I got something too on my SG VPS at Webhosting24, but its kinda positive. My bandwidth calculator always shows 0% on the panel. Not using excessive amount btw.

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate
    edited June 13

    @kheng86 said: Anyone experiencing this?

    I don't have any issues with bandwidth but there's something strange going on with UDP traffic for 1-2 days. I didn't have time to dig deeper but it looks like outgoing UDP packets get lost in transit somewhere.

    EDIT: Just checked my monitoring and it looks like you're right: I see a constant 8-10 Mbps incoming traffic. Usually I'm below 1 Mbps.

  • kheng86kheng86 Member

    @Dazzle said:
    I got something too on my SG VPS at Webhosting24, but its kinda positive. My bandwidth calculator always shows 0% on the panel. Not using excessive amount btw.

    Same situation for my VPS in SG. But the one in Tokyo has already showed more than 50% reached, so it gonna get suspended in the next few days :D

  • DazzleDazzle Member

    @kheng86 said:

    Same situation for my VPS in SG. But the one in Tokyo has already showed more than 50% reached, so it gonna get suspended in the next few days :D

    So the issue only happens in JP, no issue whatsoever in SG. ;)

  • kheng86kheng86 Member

    @brueggus said:

    @kheng86 said: Anyone experiencing this?

    I don't have any issues with bandwidth but there's something strange going on with UDP traffic for 1-2 days. I didn't have time to dig deeper but it looks like outgoing UDP packets get lost in transit somewhere.

    EDIT: Just checked my monitoring and it looks like you're right: I see a constant 8-10 Mbps incoming traffic. Usually I'm below 1 Mbps.

    Yeah, I'm seeing about 8 to 10 mbps from the CP when it's almost idling. I have ticketed them but so far they are denying any issue because no one else has informed them the issue :D Maybe you should ticket them as well to convince them :D

  • MegumisoMegumiso Member

    I just checked mine and yeah I saw that too.
    it used 75GB yesterday and all of it is inbound.

  • kheng86kheng86 Member
    edited June 13

    @Megumiso said:
    I just checked mine and yeah I saw that too.
    it used 75GB yesterday and all of it is inbound.

    Yep, almost similar to mine, except that my limit is 250GB so it can't last much longer

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @kheng86 said: I have ticketed them but so far they are denying any issue because no one else has informed them the issue :D Maybe you should ticket them as well to convince them :D

    They don't care:

    no we are not aware of any issues.
    Try to shut it down to see of than it goes away.

    My services are due for renewal on July 1st and I'm considering to let them go. The last ticket responses I got have all been unfriendly and indifferent.

  • ArirangArirang Member

    06> @Megumiso said:

    I just checked mine and yeah I saw that too.
    it used 75GB yesterday and all of it is inbound.

    My bandwidth graph is almost same as yours.
    76387MB (06-12), 67536MB (06-13)

  • kheng86kheng86 Member

    @brueggus said:

    @kheng86 said: I have ticketed them but so far they are denying any issue because no one else has informed them the issue :D Maybe you should ticket them as well to convince them :D

    They don't care:

    no we are not aware of any issues.
    Try to shut it down to see of than it goes away.

    My services are due for renewal on July 1st and I'm considering to let them go. The last ticket responses I got have all been unfriendly and indifferent.

    Almost the same response I got. Anyway I tried shutting down and start again, and the weird bandwidth usage came back.


  • ailiceailice Member

    Something I aware but thinking it was my mistake using VPN or something, but it looks not.

  • marelhuemarelhue Member

    :o Why?

  • entrailzentrailz Member, Host Rep

    Mass ddos against their range maybe?

  • kheng86kheng86 Member

    @entrailz said:
    Mass ddos against their range maybe?

    Wouldn't the network monitoring tool in the VPS see that? So far I don't see anything from iftop.

  • _MS__MS_ Member
    edited June 14

    @brueggus said:
    The last ticket responses I got have all been unfriendly and indifferent.

    I've read a few similar comments here in the past as well from their promo customers.

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate
    Your VPS xxxxx has exceeded 90 % of the bandwidth limit.
    The VPS has used 226.37 GB of bandwidth out of 250 GB. 
    Webhosting24 Cloud


  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited June 14

    @brueggus said:

    Your VPS xxxxx has exceeded 90 % of the bandwidth limit.

    The VPS has used 226.37 GB of bandwidth out of 250 GB.

    Webhosting24 Cloud


    Considering there are so many of you with the same issue at the same time, you should maybe just share the thread URL link with the host if you haven't already and let them decide after that if there's really no issue on their end.

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @Mumbly said:

    @brueggus said:

    Your VPS xxxxx has exceeded 90 % of the bandwidth limit.

    The VPS has used 226.37 GB of bandwidth out of 250 GB.

    Webhosting24 Cloud


    Considering there are so many of you with the same issue at the same time, you should maybe just share the thread URL link with the host if you haven't already and let them decide after that if there's really no issue on their end.

    I'll try.

    Could anyone with a VPS that hasn't been suspended yet confirm if that random traffic is still flowing in?

  • SendaiSendai Member

    Have a Tokyo VPS with them, too.
    Interesting to hear, with so many people complaining about unusual traffic I can now assume I didn't overused my personal vpn.
    I was wondering what I've done that I would exceed my 250GB and got suspended for the first time by them.

  • MegumisoMegumiso Member

    @brueggus said:

    Could anyone with a VPS that hasn't been suspended yet confirm if that random traffic is still flowing in?

    It still is.

  • MegumisoMegumiso Member

    I was bored and decided to get out of my bed(it's 1 am here) and investigate this.
    I just did tcpdump and packets were flooded with this.

    I'm not so sure if this is actually the problem because I don't know IPv6. but dump data size was increasing 1MB/s and it doesn't happen on my other server on Sydney.

    Maybe someone can explain what's going on here?

  • brueggusbrueggus Member, IPv6 Advocate

    @Megumiso said:
    Maybe someone can explain what's going on here?

    This could be either someone flooding the network with Multicast packets or an issue with Intel network drivers:

    Or something else.

  • coldcold Member
    edited June 19

    yes, I have the problem and they said it's not from their end

  • coldcold Member

    well @tomzu ignores us here, he ignores the tickets... I guess this month we pay for his bill....

  • iKirbyiKirby Member

    Same situation here. My VPS got suspended and I haven't had a chance to check what was happening. I've been using it for nearly 2 years and this never happened before.

  • coldcold Member
    edited June 21

    Singapore is the next ? its very unstalbe latley... now I saw it was rebooted and ipv6 doesnt work, didnt had time to look why. Anyone else facing same poblem ?
    is it time to move to anothe provider ?
    someone I think @tomazu zu doesnt give to much shit anymore

  • kheng86kheng86 Member

    @cold said:
    well @tomzu ignores us here, he ignores the tickets... I guess this month we pay for his bill....

    U tagged the wrong guy, should be @tomazu

    Thanked by 2Dazzle cold
  • SendaiSendai Member
    edited June 30

    New month started, VPS got unsuspended... but that unwanted multicast IPv6 traffic is still ongoing. With that only a matter of a few days until 250GB are eaten up again. :(

  • kheng86kheng86 Member

    @Sendai said:
    New month started, VPS got unsuspended... but that unwanted multicast IPv6 traffic is still ongoing. With that only a matter of a few days until 250GB are eaten up again. :(

    Same for me. Is there anyway from our side to solve the issue? :(

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