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suggestion for a reliable email relay service with a simple setup
Hello there,
I've used
1- inmotionhosting's reseller cPanel plan in the past which just worked™ in terms of email deliverability, also did my own
2- custom setup with a VPS + FastPanel and Cloudflare DNS which works fine but unfortunately sometimes mails land in spam when mailing new contacts
3- hostbrr's reseller cPanel plan which is completely fine but mails are noticeably slow and some of the users have faced some issues (this is all probably due to
With the single requirement of having sent mails landing into inboxes while still being able to host the websites wherever i please (a VPS or shared hosting plan like hostbrr's),
What service/setup would you recommend for a very reliable and worry free email experience (just business emails, no big volumes of sent emails or marketing/spam campaigns in mind)
I know lots of people here are big advocates for Mxroute but I've never tried it and I'm unsure if it's even possible for it to be used for outbound only or not (was considering the lifetime plan) and the chatbot on their website doesn't provide enough help while also Jar ignored my DM here on LET...
Someone suggested Microsoft's Exchange but it seems to get out of hand very quickly ($4/month for each email account)
All help/suggestions/recommendations appreciated.
Sure it would be possible to use it outbound only as inbound solely depends on what your DNS's MX record points to. I haven't yet tried this myself but simply going by the technical framework it has to be possible. At worst it would require you to setup matching accounts for the various users to use their SMTP server for sending. Might still be a good idea to not straight up jump at lifetime but get a cheap plan and see if your pleased with the setup first though.
I am happily using for over two years on my cPanel server. Quite cheap and working fine for my clients.
You can definitely use it as an SMTP server for outgoing mail, as long as you keep it under 300 emails an hour per account, and if I'm not mistaken, don't send marketing newsletters.
AWS SES is a cheap PAYG option, Postmark probably has better deliverability though.
This actually sounds like something that can work, has anyone tried it and/or can give simple guide or an overview of how it could be setup properly?
This may work if you can setup custom SMTP account on your application (most apps do support this)
It's simple. Just create an email account on MXroute's DA, and then use that account to send emails. Just make sure to unselect "Use this server to handle my e-mails. If not, change the MX records and uncheck this option." and setup your currrent MX record on E-mail manager > MX records menu if you do not intend to recieve emails via MXroute.
Edit: TBH, if you are sending emails from apps such as Wordpress, etc. I'll just go with SES, Postmark, etc. It's meant to be used that way.
I personally use this and I can say it this works as expected. Good thing is, their DKIM selector is x, so you even send your mails from two different servers if needed (cPanel's DKIM is default, so you can't use another DKIM key in your DNS).
However, I've also seen that some providers block external SMTP relays, so it may not work for you. Better to get smaller account first.
I completely agree. I've had sites that just wouldn't connect to MXroute or other cPanel servers over SMTP because the host doesn't allows external relays. So the only way was to either use localhost or APIs
I usually install cyberpanel on vps, as far as it works is cool but problem is you check your IP on blacklists, mine shows up on some so email still goes to spam, clean IP is important. Got one from Hostshield and it sucks
Is there any good reason why hosters would do this other than to frustrate their own customers?
so they sell u thier own email service?
Most likely what xaos said.
You may want to try Amazon SES, Sendgrid, Labnify SMTP, or SMTPget.
Do you have good experience with any of these services ?
Which do you recommend the most?
Amazon SES and Sendgrid are good.
Nowadays it is very hard to get approved by amazon ses for higher email limits.
@HAMSW Are you running your own postfix server? It is unclear from your post exactly where the email is coming from.
If so, check out
Amazon SES is very cheap and best option.
In simple terms I'd like the emails have a relay service as a middle man to make sure they land in inbox because sending mails from own server seems to land in spam/junk especially with companies like microsoft...
Maybe you should try Labnify SMTP and Sendgrid. I use Amazon SES for only transactional emails as we are not doing high volume promotional campaigns on our stable diffusion AI website built on PHP and WordPress. On the same website I use Labnify SMTP with Acymailing WordPress plugin for marketing emails.
I found Labnify SMTP a lot more reliable as they are useful for both marketing and transactional emails in high volumes. And the fact that you know what to expect regarding inboxing rates per ESP (with Gmail topping their chart) wins my vote all the time. I simply send emails to Gmails only, 95% of the time. For recipients with Microsoft emails like Hotmail, Outlook etc well, they inbox less but at least their team is transparent with this (unlike most other SMTP providers). Also good for sending to business emails but Gmail still always take the lead.
As with Sendgrid it is integrated with my Django-based custom app on Linux server and it's easy to scale with (best for transactional email) but I don't like their pricing model which again makes me prefer Labnify. SMTPget, I have heard good things about them but I am not sure if I want to use it just yet as Labnify, SES and Sendgrid are working just fine with ny current setup.
Let me add a short disclaimer, I am actually using the Labnify API to resell and also with their Affiliate program. For my long-term commitment, I've got really nice deals including recurring long-term discounts. You could use some help, please let me know if you want me to assist.
At the end of the day, you should stick with what works best for you.
I think you should buy a title, Owner of Labnify.
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