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NetCup Performance Issue - Page 4
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NetCup Performance Issue



  • itsdeadjimitsdeadjim Member
    edited May 31

    @jar said: Probably, honestly, wouldn't have many false positives if you truly gathered good data first.

    Yeah I guess this is what they are trying to do these days.

    @totally_not_banned said: @itsdeadjim alright, you know it all, seen it all and your definition is the only one that counts. If that gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling so be it.

    It's the warm and fuzzy feeling of reading less shit here.

    @totally_not_banned said: By the way: That's probably also what those miners are thinking about being attacked. Some weird guy writing shit on a message board... well who the fuck cares?

    So your point is since miners do not care being attacked, it's better to attack to the providers.

    Colossal waste of time but suit yourself.

    It's not that hard to post 4-5 posts on a forum, how much time does this take you by the way?

  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    Surprisingly my €1 vps is pretty consistent in performance.

    Thanked by 1lzy666
  • edited May 31

    Yawn... strange hobby you got there.

    I kind of wonder though, you aren't by any chance the personal account of someone directly involved? It's kind of hard to imagine someone would be that invested randomly but oh well... people are strange sometimes.

  • faleddofaleddo Member

    “ We have made improvements in the meantime, so the problem should no longer exist. If you still need support, we are happy to help you.”

    Ticket replied. And now my wp-benchmark score increased from 4.5 to 7.9.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • crunchbitscrunchbits Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @jar said:

    I think that's probably what you'd have to do to impact the least number of users. Keep everything the same and kick out anyone who looks like they're running it based on resource usage patterns, then turn a blind eye to the complaints. Probably, honestly, wouldn't have many false positives if you truly gathered good data first.

    The problem with mining is that it isn't always uniform in that sense, and for a lot of it (keeping it to CPU-based) would mimic AI/LLM/rendering very closely. An extremely common use-case we receive is Bella Render. Over a long enough time-frame you could likely decipher between Bella and XMR/Quilibrium/the next one but unfortunately that amount of time would be too long to wait while users are impacted. This is where @totally_not_banned is right imo: it's on the providers to decide who they are and what they want to do/serve. I like that use-case, and I've enjoyed interacting with clients that run that kind of software (two in particular have been extremely helpful and open with tons of details/benchmarks). I'd hate to false-positive suspend them in the middle of a 36-hour render. From the limited stats we see, it would be very difficult to differentiate those use cases from mining in less than ~96 hours with a high accuracy rate.

    At the same time, @itsdeadjim is also right. There will always be some new mining algo/piece of software that skirts the limitations of a virtualized environment (VPS, VDS, etc) leading to providers having to now add blanket statements to their AUP's, figure out why their node is on it's knees but stats aren't showing any load that would be doing this (recent true story while helping someone else troubleshoot their environment) because of some new shitcoin that is now monetizing your RAM bandwidth, etc.

    Of course, as someone who provides a VDS that doesn't do any sort of black magic AI core balancing and just gives you your core + threads I did dislike having the constant uphill battle when asked to price-match stuff that (as a provider) I blatantly knew wasn't the same dedicated setup. But that's my job/problem to solve. Some customers were probably mislead, most customers "didn't need" the dedicated resources so probably never noticed and were/are happy.

    At the end of the day just basic good old fashioned detective work and talking to people works the best so far at identifying problems. I really don't want to give too much away, but legitimate users are always extremely easy to differentiate. If any miners are reading this: just tell your host what you're wanting to do. If the host can't properly support you, it's a lose-lose to try and sneak under their skirt. If the host is willing, then they'll quote you out appropriately for your use-case (i.e. a dedicated chassis with proper cooling) and you'll both be happy. You might even end up getting a better price because the host knows you're mining which is highly speculative month-to-month so they're not going to wait for that perfect Supermicro H12 board with all the expansion options available just in case your business grows, and instead can toss you on something existing or repurposed with minimal-to-no work and make it a win-win.

    Thanked by 2jar emgh
  • MoopahMoopah Member

    @crunchbits said:

    @jar said:

    I think that's probably what you'd have to do to impact the least number of users. Keep everything the same and kick out anyone who looks like they're running it based on resource usage patterns, then turn a blind eye to the complaints. Probably, honestly, wouldn't have many false positives if you truly gathered good data first.

    The problem with mining is that it isn't always uniform in that sense, and for a lot of it (keeping it to CPU-based) would mimic AI/LLM/rendering very closely. An extremely common use-case we receive is Bella Render. Over a long enough time-frame you could likely decipher between Bella and XMR/Quilibrium/the next one but unfortunately that amount of time would be too long to wait while users are impacted. This is where @totally_not_banned is right imo: it's on the providers to decide who they are and what they want to do/serve. I like that use-case, and I've enjoyed interacting with clients that run that kind of software (two in particular have been extremely helpful and open with tons of details/benchmarks). I'd hate to false-positive suspend them in the middle of a 36-hour render. From the limited stats we see, it would be very difficult to differentiate those use cases from mining in less than ~96 hours with a high accuracy rate.

    At the same time, @itsdeadjim is also right. There will always be some new mining algo/piece of software that skirts the limitations of a virtualized environment (VPS, VDS, etc) leading to providers having to now add blanket statements to their AUP's, figure out why their node is on it's knees but stats aren't showing any load that would be doing this (recent true story while helping someone else troubleshoot their environment) because of some new shitcoin that is now monetizing your RAM bandwidth, etc.

    Of course, as someone who provides a VDS that doesn't do any sort of black magic AI core balancing and just gives you your core + threads I did dislike having the constant uphill battle when asked to price-match stuff that (as a provider) I blatantly knew wasn't the same dedicated setup. But that's my job/problem to solve. Some customers were probably mislead, most customers "didn't need" the dedicated resources so probably never noticed and were/are happy.

    At the end of the day just basic good old fashioned detective work and talking to people works the best so far at identifying problems. I really don't want to give too much away, but legitimate users are always extremely easy to differentiate. If any miners are reading this: just tell your host what you're wanting to do. If the host can't properly support you, it's a lose-lose to try and sneak under their skirt. If the host is willing, then they'll quote you out appropriately for your use-case (i.e. a dedicated chassis with proper cooling) and you'll both be happy. You might even end up getting a better price because the host knows you're mining which is highly speculative month-to-month so they're not going to wait for that perfect Supermicro H12 board with all the expansion options available just in case your business grows, and instead can toss you on something existing or repurposed with minimal-to-no work and make it a win-win.

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

  • crunchbitscrunchbits Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Moopah said:
    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At that point...

    Thanked by 1itsdeadjim
  • edited June 1

    @Moopah said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @jar said:

    I think that's probably what you'd have to do to impact the least number of users. Keep everything the same and kick out anyone who looks like they're running it based on resource usage patterns, then turn a blind eye to the complaints. Probably, honestly, wouldn't have many false positives if you truly gathered good data first.

    The problem with mining is that it isn't always uniform in that sense, and for a lot of it (keeping it to CPU-based) would mimic AI/LLM/rendering very closely. An extremely common use-case we receive is Bella Render. Over a long enough time-frame you could likely decipher between Bella and XMR/Quilibrium/the next one but unfortunately that amount of time would be too long to wait while users are impacted. This is where @totally_not_banned is right imo: it's on the providers to decide who they are and what they want to do/serve. I like that use-case, and I've enjoyed interacting with clients that run that kind of software (two in particular have been extremely helpful and open with tons of details/benchmarks). I'd hate to false-positive suspend them in the middle of a 36-hour render. From the limited stats we see, it would be very difficult to differentiate those use cases from mining in less than ~96 hours with a high accuracy rate.

    At the same time, @itsdeadjim is also right. There will always be some new mining algo/piece of software that skirts the limitations of a virtualized environment (VPS, VDS, etc) leading to providers having to now add blanket statements to their AUP's, figure out why their node is on it's knees but stats aren't showing any load that would be doing this (recent true story while helping someone else troubleshoot their environment) because of some new shitcoin that is now monetizing your RAM bandwidth, etc.

    Of course, as someone who provides a VDS that doesn't do any sort of black magic AI core balancing and just gives you your core + threads I did dislike having the constant uphill battle when asked to price-match stuff that (as a provider) I blatantly knew wasn't the same dedicated setup. But that's my job/problem to solve. Some customers were probably mislead, most customers "didn't need" the dedicated resources so probably never noticed and were/are happy.

    At the end of the day just basic good old fashioned detective work and talking to people works the best so far at identifying problems. I really don't want to give too much away, but legitimate users are always extremely easy to differentiate. If any miners are reading this: just tell your host what you're wanting to do. If the host can't properly support you, it's a lose-lose to try and sneak under their skirt. If the host is willing, then they'll quote you out appropriately for your use-case (i.e. a dedicated chassis with proper cooling) and you'll both be happy. You might even end up getting a better price because the host knows you're mining which is highly speculative month-to-month so they're not going to wait for that perfect Supermicro H12 board with all the expansion options available just in case your business grows, and instead can toss you on something existing or repurposed with minimal-to-no work and make it a win-win.

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where such a thing could be actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to merely detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Not exactly elegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

  • MoopahMoopah Member
    edited June 1

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @Moopah said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @jar said:

    I think that's probably what you'd have to do to impact the least number of users. Keep everything the same and kick out anyone who looks like they're running it based on resource usage patterns, then turn a blind eye to the complaints. Probably, honestly, wouldn't have many false positives if you truly gathered good data first.

    The problem with mining is that it isn't always uniform in that sense, and for a lot of it (keeping it to CPU-based) would mimic AI/LLM/rendering very closely. An extremely common use-case we receive is Bella Render. Over a long enough time-frame you could likely decipher between Bella and XMR/Quilibrium/the next one but unfortunately that amount of time would be too long to wait while users are impacted. This is where @totally_not_banned is right imo: it's on the providers to decide who they are and what they want to do/serve. I like that use-case, and I've enjoyed interacting with clients that run that kind of software (two in particular have been extremely helpful and open with tons of details/benchmarks). I'd hate to false-positive suspend them in the middle of a 36-hour render. From the limited stats we see, it would be very difficult to differentiate those use cases from mining in less than ~96 hours with a high accuracy rate.

    At the same time, @itsdeadjim is also right. There will always be some new mining algo/piece of software that skirts the limitations of a virtualized environment (VPS, VDS, etc) leading to providers having to now add blanket statements to their AUP's, figure out why their node is on it's knees but stats aren't showing any load that would be doing this (recent true story while helping someone else troubleshoot their environment) because of some new shitcoin that is now monetizing your RAM bandwidth, etc.

    Of course, as someone who provides a VDS that doesn't do any sort of black magic AI core balancing and just gives you your core + threads I did dislike having the constant uphill battle when asked to price-match stuff that (as a provider) I blatantly knew wasn't the same dedicated setup. But that's my job/problem to solve. Some customers were probably mislead, most customers "didn't need" the dedicated resources so probably never noticed and were/are happy.

    At the end of the day just basic good old fashioned detective work and talking to people works the best so far at identifying problems. I really don't want to give too much away, but legitimate users are always extremely easy to differentiate. If any miners are reading this: just tell your host what you're wanting to do. If the host can't properly support you, it's a lose-lose to try and sneak under their skirt. If the host is willing, then they'll quote you out appropriately for your use-case (i.e. a dedicated chassis with proper cooling) and you'll both be happy. You might even end up getting a better price because the host knows you're mining which is highly speculative month-to-month so they're not going to wait for that perfect Supermicro H12 board with all the expansion options available just in case your business grows, and instead can toss you on something existing or repurposed with minimal-to-no work and make it a win-win.

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

  • AdvinAdvin Member, Patron Provider

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @Moopah said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @jar said:

    I think that's probably what you'd have to do to impact the least number of users. Keep everything the same and kick out anyone who looks like they're running it based on resource usage patterns, then turn a blind eye to the complaints. Probably, honestly, wouldn't have many false positives if you truly gathered good data first.

    The problem with mining is that it isn't always uniform in that sense, and for a lot of it (keeping it to CPU-based) would mimic AI/LLM/rendering very closely. An extremely common use-case we receive is Bella Render. Over a long enough time-frame you could likely decipher between Bella and XMR/Quilibrium/the next one but unfortunately that amount of time would be too long to wait while users are impacted. This is where @totally_not_banned is right imo: it's on the providers to decide who they are and what they want to do/serve. I like that use-case, and I've enjoyed interacting with clients that run that kind of software (two in particular have been extremely helpful and open with tons of details/benchmarks). I'd hate to false-positive suspend them in the middle of a 36-hour render. From the limited stats we see, it would be very difficult to differentiate those use cases from mining in less than ~96 hours with a high accuracy rate.

    At the same time, @itsdeadjim is also right. There will always be some new mining algo/piece of software that skirts the limitations of a virtualized environment (VPS, VDS, etc) leading to providers having to now add blanket statements to their AUP's, figure out why their node is on it's knees but stats aren't showing any load that would be doing this (recent true story while helping someone else troubleshoot their environment) because of some new shitcoin that is now monetizing your RAM bandwidth, etc.

    Of course, as someone who provides a VDS that doesn't do any sort of black magic AI core balancing and just gives you your core + threads I did dislike having the constant uphill battle when asked to price-match stuff that (as a provider) I blatantly knew wasn't the same dedicated setup. But that's my job/problem to solve. Some customers were probably mislead, most customers "didn't need" the dedicated resources so probably never noticed and were/are happy.

    At the end of the day just basic good old fashioned detective work and talking to people works the best so far at identifying problems. I really don't want to give too much away, but legitimate users are always extremely easy to differentiate. If any miners are reading this: just tell your host what you're wanting to do. If the host can't properly support you, it's a lose-lose to try and sneak under their skirt. If the host is willing, then they'll quote you out appropriately for your use-case (i.e. a dedicated chassis with proper cooling) and you'll both be happy. You might even end up getting a better price because the host knows you're mining which is highly speculative month-to-month so they're not going to wait for that perfect Supermicro H12 board with all the expansion options available just in case your business grows, and instead can toss you on something existing or repurposed with minimal-to-no work and make it a win-win.

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits


  • crunchbitscrunchbits Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    Just run a LLM on a "dedicated cpu" VPS and surely it will burn through the memory bandwidth like there is no tomorraw.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    @dev_vps said:
    Surprisingly my €1 vps is pretty consistent in performance.

    These are shared cores, no shitfest magnet, sorry.

  • AdvinAdvin Member, Patron Provider

    @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

    Unfortunately we only have 451.75 in stock, I would point you back to @crunchbits

  • Another funky idea would be having Qemu send alerts on specific instruction patterns being written to executable memory regions. Kind of like an anti virus but for known resource hogs. All it needs is some bored guy keeping the database up to date ;)

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • MoopahMoopah Member

    @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

    Only 452 available? My research shows I need exactly 453 to ensure the maximum amount of LET drama is generated :(

    Though I won't be surprised if the next shitcoin happens to kill hypervisor based hosts as a side effect

  • MoopahMoopah Member

    @Advin said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

    Unfortunately we only have 451.75 in stock, I would point you back to @crunchbits

    Seriously though, you've been out of stock for a while and I sadly missed your Genoa deals :(

  • MoopahMoopah Member

    @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

    Probably would force a full AVX2 or AVX512 workload to force a all core downclock in combo with flooding the MMU with page writes and then a curl script in the background running creating LET drama threads using custom AI LLM model trained from LET comments

    Thanked by 2itsdeadjim emgh
  • AdvinAdvin Member, Patron Provider

    @Moopah said:

    @Advin said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

    Unfortunately we only have 451.75 in stock, I would point you back to @crunchbits

    Seriously though, you've been out of stock for a while and I sadly missed your Genoa deals :(

    I still see some stock!
    Just not the yearly deals

  • crunchbitscrunchbits Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Another funky idea would be having Qemu send alerts on specific instruction patterns being written to executable memory regions. Kind of like an anti virus but for known resource hogs. All it needs is some bored guy keeping the database up to date ;)

    I did wonder if something similar to what is used on shared hosting environments might find it's way into Qemu based hypervisors. When are you going to write it?

    Thanked by 1totally_not_banned
  • edited June 1

    @crunchbits said:

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Another funky idea would be having Qemu send alerts on specific instruction patterns being written to executable memory regions. Kind of like an anti virus but for known resource hogs. All it needs is some bored guy keeping the database up to date ;)

    I did wonder if something similar to what is used on shared hosting environments might find it's way into Qemu based hypervisors. When are you going to write it?

    Funny enough, i've just spent 10 minutes chilling on the throne brainstorming. On 5th thought the idea doesn't even seem to be all that silly. Some kind of hardened Qemu with the ability to detect/mitigate DoS situations or generally detect disallowed applications being run.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • dev_vpsdev_vps Member

    @Moopah said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

    Only 452 available? My research shows I need exactly 453 to ensure the maximum amount of LET drama is generated :(

    Though I won't be surprised if the next shitcoin happens to kill hypervisor based hosts as a side effect

    Sorry , could not resist mathematical trivia about number 453 …. It is the sum first 30 numbers

  • MoopahMoopah Member
    edited June 1

    @dev_vps said:

    @Moopah said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At least in general i wouldn't be surprised (from my understanding VT-x/AMD-V do quite a bit) even if it probably isn't some kind of knob labeled throttle RAM but rather something that need to be taken care of around the MMU emulation. If/how far/where that's actually exposed is totally different topic though but in end it would probably be sufficient to detect it. Even if one can't directly influence the throughput simply dropping the clockrate once a condition is triggered. It's probably kinda hard to max the RAM when you don't get cycles. Kinda inelegant but if it's the difference between a DoS situation and smooth sailing...

    Time to invent new shitcoin that mines new memory bandwidth.

    I just need to order exactly 453 VDS from Mr. @crunchbits

    Sorry only 452 in stock, I would point you to @Advin

    Yeah you'd run into other logical/natural bottlenecks probably but realistically there are many ways to abuse a hypervisor if that is your intention. Kind of an inefficient DoS, but possible.

    Only 452 available? My research shows I need exactly 453 to ensure the maximum amount of LET drama is generated :(

    Though I won't be surprised if the next shitcoin happens to kill hypervisor based hosts as a side effect

    Sorry , could not resist mathematical trivia about number 453 …. It is the sum first 30 numbers

    Did you know that 453 and 7237 ( @online7237 ) are coprimes of one another? This cannot be merely a coincidence

  • jarjar Patron Provider, Top Host, Veteran

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Another funky idea would be having Qemu send alerts on specific instruction patterns being written to executable memory regions. Kind of like an anti virus but for known resource hogs. All it needs is some bored guy keeping the database up to date ;)

    I did wonder if something similar to what is used on shared hosting environments might find it's way into Qemu based hypervisors. When are you going to write it?

    Funny enough, i've just spent 10 minutes chilling on the throne brainstorming. On 5th thought the idea doesn't even seem to be all that silly. Some kind of hardened Qemu with the ability to detect/mitigate DoS situations or generally detect disallowed applications being run.

    You just made a business plan. Time to code it, then swim in cash.

  • faleddofaleddo Member

    yabs score now

    Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 1838                          
    Multi Core      | 8253                          
    Full Test       |
    Thanked by 2lzy666 emgh
  • @crunchbits said:

    @Moopah said:
    Is it even possible/feasible to limit memory bandwidth on a per VM basis? What is to stop someone from writing random data at max throughput to their allocated portion of RAM and stress out the MMU?

    At that point...


    @totally_not_banned said:
    Funny enough, i've just spent 10 minutes chilling on the throne brainstorming. On 5th thought the idea doesn't even seem to be all that silly. Some kind of hardened Qemu with the ability to detect/mitigate DoS situations or generally detect disallowed applications being run.

    Have a look at Intel RDT

    and AMD has QoS Extentions which seem to be extended further with newer EPYCs:

    never played with these, but it seems a good starting point.

  • edited June 1

    @jar said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Another funky idea would be having Qemu send alerts on specific instruction patterns being written to executable memory regions. Kind of like an anti virus but for known resource hogs. All it needs is some bored guy keeping the database up to date ;)

    I did wonder if something similar to what is used on shared hosting environments might find it's way into Qemu based hypervisors. When are you going to write it?

    Funny enough, i've just spent 10 minutes chilling on the throne brainstorming. On 5th thought the idea doesn't even seem to be all that silly. Some kind of hardened Qemu with the ability to detect/mitigate DoS situations or generally detect disallowed applications being run.

    You just made a business plan. Time to code it, then swim in cash.

    Yeah, this could make a nice (well, at least as far as working with Qemu's codebase can be considered nice) winter project. The swimming in cash part could be a little problematic due to Qemu's GPL status though. From my perspective building upon GPL'd code is usually mostly advantageous for in-house use (no release, no obligations...) but who knows, maybe i'll run out of commercially questionable projects at some point ;)

    @itsdeadjim There being room for improvement can be pretty much taken for granted. The Qemu project doesn't really care that much beyond the basic premise of virtualization and there's quite a bit of options. Doesn't even have to be something overly complex. Just scanning memory around RIP for questionable code (by patterns, heuristics or even AI) and countering it by depriving the VM of cycles (admittedly likely resulting in a lot of side effects) would probably already ruin the fun of people trying anything clever. Another approach could be playing with the memory protection on the host side using the generated signals to slow down or at least monitor access.

    I also wouldn't discount network traffic as a pattern all that easily. Even if it's all encrypted on fully randomized ports that in itself can already be a pattern. Take the chance of there being any kind of non-standard approaches that lead to observable anomalies and the whole encryption part becomes pointless as far as detection is concerned.

  • siemenssiemens Member

    @totally_not_banned said: swimming in cash part could be a little problematic due to Qemu's GPL status though

    There is nothing preventing you from selling GPL code, you just have to give the source to the people you sold it to, afaik.

  • @totally_not_banned said:

    @jar said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @crunchbits said:

    @totally_not_banned said:
    Another funky idea would be having Qemu send alerts on specific instruction patterns being written to executable memory regions. Kind of like an anti virus but for known resource hogs. All it needs is some bored guy keeping the database up to date ;)

    I did wonder if something similar to what is used on shared hosting environments might find it's way into Qemu based hypervisors. When are you going to write it?

    Funny enough, i've just spent 10 minutes chilling on the throne brainstorming. On 5th thought the idea doesn't even seem to be all that silly. Some kind of hardened Qemu with the ability to detect/mitigate DoS situations or generally detect disallowed applications being run.

    You just made a business plan. Time to code it, then swim in cash.

    Yeah, this could make a nice (well, at least as far as working with Qemu's codebase can be considered nice) winter project. The swimming in cash part could be a little problematic due to Qemu's GPL status though. From my perspective building upon GPL'd code is usually mostly advantageous for in-house use (no release, no obligations...) but who knows, maybe i'll run out of commercially questionable projects at some point ;)

    @itsdeadjim There being room for improvement can be pretty much taken for granted. The Qemu project doesn't really care that much beyond the basic premise of virtualization and there's quite a bit of options. Doesn't even have to be something overly complex. Just scanning memory around RIP for questionable code (by patterns, heuristics or even AI) and countering it by depriving the VM of cycles (admittedly likely resulting in a lot of side effects) would probably already ruin the fun of people trying anything clever. Another approach could be playing with the memory protection on the host side using the generated signals to slow down or at least monitor access.

    I also wouldn't discount network traffic as a pattern all that easily. Even if it's all encrypted on fully randomized ports that in itself can already be a pattern. Take the chance of there being any kind of non-standard approaches that lead to observable anomalies and the whole encryption part becomes pointless as far as detection is concerned.

    Yeah is not completely alien idea, assuming that this will be done on a sample basis, otherwise performance hit will be worse than running the miner.

    I dont remember if qemu can have access to the executed instructions when vmx are used, but maybe it's better this way, as you could monitor kvm process itself and stay out from qemu GPL codebase, if you are seriously thinking about it.

    If you open the door to something like that, nothing stops you to scan memory in general and access unencrypted network traffic, too. But then again all this opens many questions about privacy.

  • itsdeadjimitsdeadjim Member
    edited June 1

    @siemens said:

    @totally_not_banned said: swimming in cash part could be a little problematic due to Qemu's GPL status though

    There is nothing preventing you from selling GPL code, you just have to give the source to the people you sold it to, afaik.

    I guess the problem with selling GPL code is that you can sell it only once :)

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