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Ubuntu 24.04 Chrome Trackpad Gestures (Fwd/Back) Help
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Ubuntu 24.04 Chrome Trackpad Gestures (Fwd/Back) Help

I'm driving myself mad. I'm willing to throw some money at someone to save my sanity.

How in the world to I get gesture inputs (like forward/backwards on a laptop trackpad) working in Ubuntu 24.04 (or any version of Ubuntu) on Wayland with Chrome.

I have already tried the --enable-features=TouchpadOverscrollHistoryNavigation flag and I made sure to switch Chrome to Wayland. That doesn't seem to work when launched with Terminal. Firefox works fine as intended, but Chrome is stubborn. I built yotool and that -works- but I had to try to pair it with libinput-gestures and it's just a hot mess.

Any ideas?

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