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Looking for a storage VPS
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Looking for a storage VPS

jobayerjobayer Member

Hello, I'm looking for a storage vps. Here is my requirements

Dc location: Singapore ( preferable ) or india or australia or any south asian country
Storage: 100GB
Bandwidth: 100GB/month
Billing: monthly or quarterly or yearly

We need a cheap plan to backup our e-commerce site data on a weekly basis. So far we have found alphavps 15 euro per year. Unfortunately it has higher latency from singapore and saw some bad review. So I'm not sure whether they are reliable or not. That's why we are looking for other providers. Nat vps will be ok.

Thanks in advance.


  • davidedavide Member

    HostHatch has (no aff)

    • 1 vCPU core
    • 1024 MB RAM
    • 1000 GB storage
    • 2500 GB bandwidth
    • Hong Kong

    For $5 / month (monthly). See product specs (aff)
    With alphavps I guess you bought their Bulgarian VPS; in Europe they are cheaper.

    Thanked by 1jobayer
  • MateiSRMateiSR Member
    edited May 22

    +1 for HostHatch (they also have that deal in Singapore).
    If you don't really need a VPS and just want the storage, you could get 100 GB Amazon S3 for like $2-3/mo.
    Alternatively, ExpertVM has:
    stor1TB 1 Core @ 2.20 Ghz 1GB 1000 GB 1,500GB $5.60/mo
    Link here
    but I don't know much about them.

    Thanked by 1jobayer
  • n1njaxn1njax Member
    edited May 23

    So far we have found alphavps 15 euro per year. Unfortunately it has higher latency from singapore and saw some bad review. So I'm not sure whether they are reliable or not.

    Bad reviews? Idk about that, but I can recommend alphavps, i have been using them for over 2 years and im very satisfied.

    root@storage:~# uptime
    01:52:59 up 659 days, 42 min, 1 user, load average: 0.09, 0.32, 0.58

    Or you could check hostbrr nat storage

    Thanked by 1jobayer
  • sh97sh97 Member

    I think HostHatch and GreenCloud are the best bet you have. Both are available in SG.

    Thanked by 1jobayer
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