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delorean, a highly opinionated TLS/SNI and HTTP Reverse Proxy for IPv4->IPv6
Hello LET,
I wanted to share with you all delorean, a reverse proxy for IPv4->IPv6 access.
Using delorean, you can host websites with IPv6 only endpoints and still ensure their accessibility by visitors who only have access to an IPv4 network stack. Essentially, you just give all of your domains the IPv4 endpoint of delorean, and they should also have their own IPv6 end point. delorean will proxy traffic to the IPv6 endpoint.
As a mission oriented company, our goal is to decentralize the internet and ensure freedoms to the people (free speech, freedom of access to information, etc.). IPv6 is the answer to this - and this can't be done with closed source software.
This software is already running on IPv6rs!
We hope you find this useful!