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Non gTLD domain
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Non gTLD domain

LeviLevi Member

There is massive amount of free to register domains in Europe TLD list. Is it really matters and it is harder to promote website with non-generic TLD? For example: server.tuvalu .


  • dhmodhmo Member

    There is massive amount of free to register domains in Europe TLD list.

    I am not understand What did you mean.

    Is it really matters and it is harder to promote website with non-generic TLD?

    If you are talking about SEO, As I heared, For Google SEO, TLD is doesn't matter.
    But .com .net .org is more recommended!
    So It's your choice. If you are planning game website, .io .gg tlds are good too.
    But If company website, maybe .com is better.

    For example: server.tuvalu

    By the way There is no tld such as .tuvalu, there are .tv.

  • MumblyMumbly Member
    edited May 18

    Empirical LET evidence shows that 64.7% of hosting companies using .io domains are destined to fail. For .host and .hosting TLDs, the percentage is even higher.
    Because of that, it's hard to take them seriously. I can imagine the situation would be even worse for .tv (Tuvalu) domains.

    However, we also see plenty of companies with [somethingrandom].com, instead of vm/host/serv/node/etc... before .com, doing just great. So the question is, does a hosting company really needs something hosting-related in its name to be successful?

    I prefer creativity over some silly new extensions, just so a hosting company can use the word [server] before a silly .extension.

    Another problem with those silly extensions is that variations of the word "server" have already existed with .net, .com, and non-exotic ccTLDs for decades. So when people search for "server" variations, what do you think will be the first, second, third, and even fifth option? (even if there's just SEDO landing page)
    Would you even click unknown [serverrelated].by website ranked 14th in the search results?

    Thanked by 2hyperblast Levi
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