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options for Omnichannels support?
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options for Omnichannels support?

How are you all?

what system do you know or recommend for omnichannel support?

with "omnichannel support" (not sure if that's the correct name) i mean a service in wich you can add your facebook fanpage, instagram account, whatsapp business number (and/or telegram, line, or others).

I have had experience with 2 systems,

freshchat from freshworks, but their support has been one of the slowest i have experienced, like 5-7 days for a real human reply.

brevo, from sendinblue i think, but i find their pricing scheme a scam, since META gives you 1.000 service whatsapp conversation per month for free, but Brevo ignores that, and charge you their own currency credit for whatsapp conversations, lol (found that out after migrating to them, so they totally screwed me ).

So i'm here looking for alternatives :(

My priority are WABA (whatsapp business account), fanpage from facebook and instagram. a plus would be telegram.

any recommendation?

thanks :)

pd. not anative english speaker here, so there may be some/lot of errores here, sorry about that.


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