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Looking for dedicated server/ VPS in the Ireland
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Looking for dedicated server/ VPS in the Ireland

glgjssy1926glgjssy1926 Member

At least 64GB RAM and 700GB SSD. Only found aws/azure provide server located in Ireland, but it's too expensive for me.
Are there any other options?


  • zGatozGato Member
    edited May 11

    I've recently started using ServeByte in Ireland 🇮🇪 for a small VM, so not a direct recommendation because it's not been too long since that, but they've been in business for a long time, and for now not a single issue.

    ServeByte has the following in Ireland 🇮🇪

    • CPU: Intel Core i7-5930k
    • RAM: 128GB DDR4
    • Storage: RAID-1 powered 2x 1TB SSDs
    • Network: 5TB @ 100Mbps
    • Location: DC1 (Rural & Green-powered)

    For: 189€/month (cheaper if paid in longer terms) (I would contact them for a custom quote so you get a lower price for your required minimum specs)

    affiliated link | non-affiliated

    They have 2 DCs (DC1 is a Rural DC, I guess no one knows and DC2 is Interxion DUB1) (Interxion seems to have slightly lower latency to nearby countries but I'm on DC1 and for me it's fine)
    DC1 looking glass
    DC2 looking glass

    Thanked by 1glgjssy1926
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