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Domain Name Auctions on LET
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Domain Name Auctions on LET

There are some pretty decent or better domain names auctioned on a regular basis here in LET. I'm not an expert on domains, but from my layman perspective it would seem that they could potentially fetch higher prices if sold on the popular large domain name resellers sites, usually run by the larger registrars.

What is the incentive for a domain name owner to sell it here, targeted at a more limited audience, than elsewhere where they might go for a higher price?


  • angstromangstrom Moderator

    There are no middle-man fees

    Thanked by 1lzy666
  • emghemgh Member, Megathread Squad

    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, I woke up and chose violence.

  • @emgh said:
    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, I woke up and chose violence.

    You haven't seen a few good domains here?

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • @JosephF said:

    @emgh said:
    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, I woke up and chose violence.

    You haven't seen a few good domains here?

    He has, it's just emgh.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • emghemgh Member, Megathread Squad

    @JosephF said:

    @emgh said:
    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, I woke up and chose violence.

    You haven't seen a few good domains here?

    I have, but there's a lot of shit too.

    @shruub said:

    @JosephF said:

    @emgh said:
    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, I woke up and chose violence.

    You haven't seen a few good domains here?

    He has, it's just emgh.


    Just woke up haha, so it was even more emgh than usual

    Thanked by 1hcea520
  • xvpsxvps Member

    It's just like idling VPSs.

    I sometimes buy domains for 0-3 dollars or because I have plans for them.

    But I don't have the time to realize all my "great" website plans.

    I create auctions to reduce the number of idling domains.

    It might not be the most popular auctions, but others have a chance to get a cheap domain and I make a small profit despite some of them don't get sold.

    And now and then I sell one of the domains with a decent profit.

  • Do any of the dedicated domain auction sites sell domains at a relatively low cost?

  • DartNodeDartNode Member, Patron Provider

    @JosephF said:
    There are some pretty decent or better domain names auctioned on a regular basis here in LET. I'm not an expert on domains, but from my layman perspective it would seem that they could potentially fetch higher prices if sold on the popular large domain name resellers sites, usually run by the larger registrars.

    What is the incentive for a domain name owner to sell it here, targeted at a more limited audience, than elsewhere where they might go for a higher price?

    To be fair, you can say the same about most offers on LET.

    Just about every provider on here sells at well below "market" rate. As to why? Everyone has their own reasons and justifications. Some of them might make business sense, some of them might not.

    That being said, a domain someone might be willing to spend $30 on through an impulse buy auction could alternatively take 2 years to sell for $200 through one of the "big guys". Or it might never sell at all through them.

    Thanked by 1sasslik
  • whats the cheapest 2 letter domain i can buy? auction or retail ? with low renewal btw

  • @john_sd3 said:
    whats the cheapest 2 letter domain i can buy? auction or retail ? with low renewal btw

    Forget about any of the original gTLDs; all those two character domains are long gone.

  • If you folks were interested in selling your domain (not on LET), which sites would you list it for sale on and what other steps would you take to maximize the potential sale price?

  • edited April 2024

    @emgh said:
    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, for some that's pretty much the case but i'm not that much of an asshole that i'd point those out. People pay what they feel the domain is worth to them. If that's above what such domain would usually fetch (in my humble opinion) i'm simply happy for the seller and assume there's something to this specific domain that justifies the price to the buyer.

    (Well, OK, sometimes i can't contain myself when there's an offer for some exceptionally pointless domain but in that case the domain is so bad there also wouldn't have been any buyers if i had kept quiet)

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • @totally_not_banned said:

    @emgh said:
    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, for some that's pretty much the case but i'm not that much of an asshole that i'd point those out. People pay what they feel the domain is worth to them. If that's above what such domain would usually fetch (in my humble opinion) i'm simply happy for the seller and assume there's something to this specific domain that justifies the price to the buyer.

    (Well, OK, sometimes i can't contain myself when there's an offer for some exceptionally pointless domain but at that point the domain is so bad there also wouldn't have been any buyer if i had kept quiet)

    Are those poor domains auctioned here fetching a higher price than it would on a dedicated domain auction site?

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • edited April 2024

    @JosephF said:

    @totally_not_banned said:

    @emgh said:
    I might have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, but a bunch of domains auctioned here sucks, and at a domain forum, they’d know they suck.

    Yeah, for some that's pretty much the case but i'm not that much of an asshole that i'd point those out. People pay what they feel the domain is worth to them. If that's above what such domain would usually fetch (in my humble opinion) i'm simply happy for the seller and assume there's something to this specific domain that justifies the price to the buyer.

    (Well, OK, sometimes i can't contain myself when there's an offer for some exceptionally pointless domain but at that point the domain is so bad there also wouldn't have been any buyer if i had kept quiet)

    Are those poor domains auctioned here fetching a higher price than it would on a dedicated domain auction site?

    Sometimes that's the case but on the other hand there's also situations where i'd feel with a bit of patience and all the sellers might have gotten a better deal elsewhere.

    If you are generally interested in domains (sales) i guess taking a look at wouldn't hurt :)

    Edit: I wouldn't really call the domains that fetch more than i'd expect on LET poor just somewhat random and domains like (i think something along those lines was being auctioned here sometime ago...) is unlikely to find buyers, be it on LET or elsewhere.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • xvpsxvps Member
    edited April 2024

    @john_sd3 said:
    whats the cheapest 2 letter domain i can buy? auction or retail ? with low renewal btw

    2 letter?

    If you mean 2 characters, you have to look at or a similar website. These are hard to get.

    If a number in the domain name is okay, you can register and renew a .nu for $13 with


    You can compare regular prices at but be aware that short domains are premium with some tlds and cost a lot more than regular prices.

  • @john_sd3 said:
    whats the cheapest 2 letter domain i can buy? auction or retail ? with low renewal btw

    You can register and renew .ee/.lt 2 characters domains cheap at if domains include numbers is okay.
    Or not, .ci at Regery is good suggest to you.

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