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Advise for Video Streaming Solution
I have mp4 videos of approximately 100 GB in size and I would like to publish them on my site. website is new, it has no traffic yet, but I think it will increase.
I have own video player.
I was undecided between multiple alternatives. what is the best solution you can suggest?
Hello check our deals for VPS
For streaming this videos check
no its not. its news websites about sports. thats the reason i will have plenty of videos.
Alrighty. Also, maybe a scaleable solution like an Cloudflare R2 or a B2 bucket with another cdn solution would be working quite well for your usecase.
Cloudflare technically doesn't allow big media streaming through their proxy services. They have a separate paid video cdn for that.
You'd probably be fine with cloudflare + b2 for a while though until you have significant traffic. That way you only pay the $6/tb for b2. B2 egress to Cloudflare is free.
It'll also beat pretty much everything in terms of speed and availability.
Oh right! Forgot about that. Wouldn't having b2 + cloudflare be violating the tos as well though?
why dont you take 1gbps unlimited server ? or try bunnycdn?
Yeah it would still be streaming through their proxy and thus a violation, but it takes quite a lot of traffic for Cloudflare to notice. You can't run a big YouTube or Netflix alternative over the proxy, but with the couple thousand visitors his website likely will have in the first months the traffic is nothing to Cloudflare.
Cloudflare and BunnyCDN both have video streaming solutions.
I've seen Cloudflare suspend people just for streaming their security cameras over their CDN.
They do notice it.
That's odd. I've seen a couple media-heavy websites with over 100k daily visitors according to SimilarWeb who stream over Cloudflare proxies.
R2 is allowed to serve media files (and Workers to rewrite requests to R2 too)
With that many visitors, they likely have a paid account and a rep at Cloudflare that guides them to the right product to use.
Interesting, seems to be true!
No, 100k daily visitors really isn't that much (we're talking about small-fry online piracy streaming sites and such). They most likely are running on Cloudflare free tier. Or perhaps R2 like @marcolino said.
Just go with VPS and then upgrade to dedicated when you get a lot of traffic. Choosing other alternatives (like object storage + cdn) may require a more complicated setup and player modification. I'm not sure you have to spend a lot of time on this at the stage with 0 traffic.