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Review of LET

in Reviews
Not a bad place to check things out, been around long time so it doing somethings right, should have a section where you can just post without little brother over your shoulder, seams to be that they try hard to take your tags or something like that, not that it matters, also there is an air of serperiorty that is uncalled for as we all the same.
Thank you for your feedback.
You might want to try the Cest pit ( At least in theory that's where you can rant to your hearts content.
While i personally also don't agree with everything it's still not like the hosts that did get their tag revoked where entirely innocent or couldn't have seen it coming.
Well, some trolls are bigger trolls than other trolls. That's kind of the natural order around here
Edit: Joking aside, a good combination of a healthy sense of humor, wide ranging technical knowledge and firm morals is probably what will gain you the most respect. More or less in exactly that order.
especially the dark theme is great for the eyes
Whatever that is about, there's one thing I fully totally 100% agree with you: an air of serperiorty that is uncalled for. That's indeed totally uncalled for - as in "afaik nobody ever called for that here on LET".
Well spoken. To hell with serperiorty! We don't need wannabe providers who brag about having Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft as customers and who on their website show a building as "theirs" that isn't at their address.
Fuck serperiorty! I prefer honest providers.
What this is to do with a "Review of LET"? Just about as much as OP's rumbling.
He made a thread asking for feedback on his hosting company and packages, and it was removed (probably because no patron provider tag) - that's it. That's what this is about.
Thanks for the explanation. BUT: rules, and even more gravely, insisting on rules being taken seriously is a clear case of serperiorty!
Oh, i think i remember that and i'm also pretty sure that i made some valuable suggestions. What a pitty...
The only real question I have is, is blackwebhosting better then MzunguHosting?
Lets find out.
@blackwebhosting is network fast my man?
Yup, I had a great reply and when I clicked post I got the ”you don’t have permission” message:(
he's just reselling datacentec at a 100% markup too lmao, actual leech tier "provider"
ATMwebhost was a better name tbh. AnyTimeMoney web host, money was right here in the name itself.
LowEndTalk is superior to WebHostingTalk.
I said what I said and I'm not taking it back.
LET is the pro version of WHT.
Pro version of accepting scam & deadpools
Users are expected to be too pro to fall for it.
Your inferiority complex has been doubled. 👊
Your bandwith has been doubled.
this is where you are absolutely wrong on so many levels
involucrated.png soon tm
I have been here since 2013 and still don't know how to get out. I have offered $7 but still no luck on getting that air of superiority
First and fearmost, needed Elon Must to return all member tags no matter what they have done including selling crack steeling vcr and the such, ok the building you see in the about us belongs to Me in the future when I get like 250,000 hosted websites per day that's all of them, lets clear the superiority air, void ATM had no money deposited but Black Web Host that's me I Black
And that's probably just the first entry in a longish list it seems...