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What tools do you use to monitor your services?
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What tools do you use to monitor your services?

Hello LET!

What tools do you use to monitor the status and uptimes of your website/API/services?

Currently looking for sth independent, therefore I can still monitor my services when my server's down

I am not asking about the control panel of the VPS.

Thanked by 1chiccorosso


  • Hetrixtools

    Thanked by 2Carlin0 Jim88
  • HetrixTools and UptimeRobot.

  • Hetrixtools,

  • betterstack

  • has been very reliable

  • bethpbethp Member, Host Rep

    Use a mix of Hetrixtools, UptimeKuma and LibreNMS but for something self-hosted and very light to run you can use as there is also a docker container we run ours on ARM using docker

    Thanked by 2chiccorosso Jim88
  • Hetrixtools and Xitoring

    Thanked by 1a_shmiedt
  • hetrixtool, uptimekuma & uptimerobot

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran
    edited February 2024

    Uptimerobot, Hetrixtools, Selfhosted Night-Sky and Cryptic-Sky.
    However, I recently starting ditching HetrixTools partially, it works fine on Debian but on Ubuntu it causes high cpu usage.

    The bad part is that HetrixTools doesn't pick the high cpu usage up by itself, which it is generating, you need another set of monitoring tools to pick up the issue.

    I reported the issue, however he was unable to reproduce it and I am not going to debug it.
    Has to do something with Ubuntu and potentially snap, but I can't tell what part in his code is causing it.

  • Uptimerobot. +1

  • Netdata, Uptimekuma are easy, popular in the homelab scene

    For people with too much time:
    Grafana with Loki + Promtail, Prometheus, InfluxDB + Telegraf, Graphite,…

  • Grafana.

  • Great post! I need it! ;) thanks for suggestions

  • I don't really need to monitor, because of my server is not working there are many people that will let me know

  • @lowendtalkxdax said:
    Netdata, Uptimekuma are easy, popular in the homelab scene

    For people with too much time:
    Grafana with Loki + Promtail, Prometheus, InfluxDB + Telegraf, Graphite,…

    I, apparently, have too much time.

    I used netdata in the past and I still use it in some circumstances: it can export prometheus metrics mostly 'out of the box' if I want to start monitoring a new server with minimal config. Netdata is also easier to interact with if you want to build a truly-custom dashboard independent from the main UI and user-flow of grafana.

    Uptime-Kuma is okay if you want public-facing statusboards akin to, but you don't use it for metrics, just for up/down notifications. U-K may be overengineered though, if you just want to do ping monitoring or something — you can just write that yourself.

    My current monitoring stack is slightly overambitious with prometheus et al, but I like the intellectual challenge. I also have a slightly hacky backup solution. My DNS provider also offers a monitoring service, so I send a 'reverse heartbeat' to my DNS provider from my monitoring stack. That way, I know if my monitoring stack goes down. And, if my DNS goes down, then both I — and the rest of the internet — have bigger problems.

  • zrj766zrj766 Member
    edited February 2024


  • HetrixTools

  • Observium.. Why no one mentioned this? It's an amazing tool. Just monitor the whole server.

  • HetrixTools

  • febryanvaldofebryanvaldo Member
    edited February 2024

    Managed: HetrixTools or BetterStack.

    Self-Hosted: ofc it should be UptimeKuma

  • Is there agentless option?

  • HetrixTools and UptimeRobot.

  • I little bit caveman, using some shell script and rrdtool to output some nice graphs and history.

  • is the one we use since 6 months, and are happy with.

  • @pangkus said:
    Is there agentless option?

    It is all about what you exactly want to monitor? If it is only uptime monitoring almost all of the uptime monitoring out there are agentless, but if it comes to server and integration monitoring it should be with agent!

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