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  • @gabydup said:

    @paijrut said:

    @gabydup said:

    @paijrut said:
    A Thousand Doors, a Thousand Horror Stories: Lawang Sewu, Semarang

    Widely said to be Indonesia’s most haunted place, the Lawang Sewu is notorious for being featured in the final episode of a local paranormal TV series, where an apparition was caught on video. A few days later, rumours spread online that one of the participants had died mysteriously.

    Sitting right in the heart of Semarang, the Lawang Sewu marked the Dutch’s success in Indonesia. Rich in colonial era atmosphere, the building itself is a majestic piece of architecture and a modern marvel at that time. Underground tunnels that were made to cool the building also served as passageways connecting it to the Governor’s residence and harbours.
    During the Japanese Occupation, the Lawang Sewu was used as their headquarters in Semarang. The underground tunnels of Building B served as prisons where inmates were brutally tortured, and their decapitated heads were piled in a corner of the basement.

    Climb up a few set of stairs and you may get goosebumps. The ghost of a girl who committed suicide to escape torture is said to be roaming the tower, often with feet floating off the ground!

    Looks like a nice place to go on vacation.

    Actually it is a beautiful architecture, and they are open for tourist as it is now a museum.

    The building looks great but I don't know if I would stay there, I couldn't see the ghost of the girl in the pictures.

    stay at nearby hotel.. haha
    it was actually a screen capture taken from an old video. Here's the link

    Thanked by 1gabydup
  • Can I get double bandwidth on my order please.
    Order 9413780

  • @dustinc said:

    @kashon said:
    Day before yesterday, I said we'll reach Page 50 by the new year. But here were are at the edge of the 50.

    @kashon -- You postulated it, and because you did, we've exceeded the goal. GREAT WORK! :)

    Do you think we can hit 100 before the new year officially rolls around? That'd be worth celebrating, imo.

    we're sure going to try out darnedest!

    aint no party like a racknerd party

    Thanked by 1dustinc
  • @sycot said:

    @dustinc said:

    @kashon said:
    Day before yesterday, I said we'll reach Page 50 by the new year. But here were are at the edge of the 50.

    @kashon -- You postulated it, and because you did, we've exceeded the goal. GREAT WORK! :)

    Do you think we can hit 100 before the new year officially rolls around? That'd be worth celebrating, imo.

    we're sure going to try out darnedest!

    aint no party like a racknerd party

  • Damn! You guys sped through 69 already. Good job!

  • @dustinc said:

    @noob404 said:


    Wipro CDC5

    A technology park is the least expected in Chennai’s spook saga, especially by people who are practical thinkers and rubbish the rumors. A human figure with a shadowy existence has been spotted walking the streets of the Wipro premises, sometimes among his techie colleagues. Believe it or not, it is rumored that the Wipro campus has been built on a cemetery of the 80’s. The guards in the night have reported such encounters and have therefore asked the visitors to steer clear of the venue after dark. They have reported experiencing fever, shivers, and bodily damage post their tryst with the night trooper. Who would have ever imagined this technology giant could host such twisted dark events? No wonder, this technology park has earned a place in the list of top 10 haunted places in Chennai.

    Interesting story! Thanks for sharing @noob404

    Anytime. India's got tons of these stories. But, many of them are stories, just stories created to grab media hype. Others though may have some truth to them.

  • Time for my creepy stories yet again. This time, we will look into some stories from countries around India.


    Raniban: The Gigantic Old Tree

    Once the place was visited for witnessing splendid sunrise and sunsets but now it is more of a spot where people are scared to even go. Locals have reported hearing voices of a woman crying and some have even felt an evil but powerful spirit trying to connect with them. Ask the locals and they will tell you about the story of a woman who was raped and murdered at this spot. Call it nature’s justice or done by the woman’s spirit, but the obnoxious man who did the disgraceful act was found hanging from the tree. Till today the locals are terrified to even go near the tree as they believe it is haunted. Wanna see the deadly sunrise and sunset now?


    Dhapasi: The Scary Water Tank

    Locals have reported that they have seen a man’s spirit near the water tank and so no one dares to visit Dhapasi. It is said that spirits are always around water bodies and maybe it is true in case of the water tank.


    Devghat: Chitwan’s Mysterious Ladies!

    Another one of the horror place in Nepal is a religious Hindu site which now is a place where paranormal activities take place. Police found skeleton of a woman on the spot and since then locals have reported witnessing four women dancing at night in Devghat which is quite creepy if you think about it. Nobody has the guts to visit the place and it is one of the most popular haunted places in Nepal.


    Mount Everest: The Climber’s Ghost

    Even the highest mountain in the world is haunted and so the scepticals who believe that supernatural is just a mere word should head to Mount Everest and feel its existence in our world. Many climbers have reported that they have seen the spirit of Andrew Irvine who died while climbing the Everest. Though the spirit doesn’t harm anyone but having a spirit with you on your trip is definitely spine-chilling. Wanna climb with the dead climber’s spirit?


    The Royal Palace: A Ghastly Story Of The Royal Prince

    The gruesome story of the beloved Nepal prince killing his father and other 7 members by shooting them as he was drunk, or it is said so. This ghastly incident took place at the ancient Narayanhity Royal Palace which is considered as one of the haunted places in Nepal. An eminent tourist spot, the Royal Palace is still haunted, and many tourists have agreed to it. Though many religious rituals were performed but the locals still hear gunshots, people crying and shouting at the Royal Palace.

  • @noob404 said:


    Raniban: The Gigantic Old Tree

    Once the place was visited for witnessing splendid sunrise and sunsets but now it is more of a spot where people are scared to even go. Locals have reported hearing voices of a woman crying and some have even felt an evil but powerful spirit trying to connect with them. Ask the locals and they will tell you about the story of a woman who was raped and murdered at this spot. Call it nature’s justice or done by the woman’s spirit, but the obnoxious man who did the disgraceful act was found hanging from the tree. Till today the locals are terrified to even go near the tree as they believe it is haunted. Wanna see the deadly sunrise and sunset now?

    What kind of tree is it?


    Mount Everest – The Spirit Climber

    This is the rare case of a friendly ghost, like Casper.

    Many people die in their pursuit to the peak of Mount Everest. One among them was an enthusiastic climber, Andrew Irvine, who died in his attempt in 1924. Until date, there are around 300 bodies in Mount Everest, but unfortunately, the body of the spirit climber is not found (source). Many climbers have encountered many paranormal activities and few have even spotted the spirit of the climber. However, none has ever mentioned that the spirit was harmful. They mentioned that the spirit climber seems to be motivating and helping other climbers.


    Mugling- Narayanghat – Never stop for hitchhikers

    The road has forest on either side. Police have confirmed that they have retrieved several bodies from the forest regions and most of the cases are still pending. Unfortunately, there can be numerous other dead bodies in the forest, beyond imagination. In the past, the towns around the highway were just deserted fishing regions, which was a dangerous place for crime and violence. The sprits found on the highway were said to be tortured souls,


    Sundarijal Bank – river that needs human sacrifice

    The region of Sundarijal is located a little away from the main city of Kathmandu. The place holds the huge river, which is one of the main source of drinking water for inmates of Kathmandu. Although the water is quite essential for their living, the locals consider the river to be haunted. People refused to go to the banks of the river for any activity, anytime of the day. The river is said to flow through a lush jungle and the forest is assumed to be home to many tormented spirits.

  • @gabydup said:

    @noob404 said:


    Raniban: The Gigantic Old Tree

    Once the place was visited for witnessing splendid sunrise and sunsets but now it is more of a spot where people are scared to even go. Locals have reported hearing voices of a woman crying and some have even felt an evil but powerful spirit trying to connect with them. Ask the locals and they will tell you about the story of a woman who was raped and murdered at this spot. Call it nature’s justice or done by the woman’s spirit, but the obnoxious man who did the disgraceful act was found hanging from the tree. Till today the locals are terrified to even go near the tree as they believe it is haunted. Wanna see the deadly sunrise and sunset now?

    What kind of tree is it?

    Most probably a banyan tree. They are known for their hanging branches. They are known to grow very wide and for their hanging branches. If you go to the country side in India and neighbouring countries, you will see many of these and you'd see kids swinging on the hanging branches. They are pretty sturdy.
    Moreover, these trees are considered sacred by Hindus and almost every part of it is known to have medicinal properties.
    Here is an image of a mighty banyan tree:-

  • Let's take a break from the trip around the world. Now, here are some facts about horror movies for the cinephiles amongst you. Let's get started!


    Zodiac (2007)

    Anyone with a passing interest in true crime is familiar with the Zodiac Killer, who terrorised San Francisco with a string of still-unsolved murders in the 1960s. But David Fincher’s chilling masterpiece is less about the slayings – though he re-enacts several of them in unnerving detail – than the rabbit hole the killer opened up with the maddening puzzles and coded messages he disseminated through the press. The case fully consumed political cartoonist Robert Graysmith, played by Jake Gyllenhaal, whose decades-long obsession with uncovering the Zodiac’s identity cost him his marriage. Given how, every few years, some new theory arises about who committed the killings, he’s clearly far from the only one.


    The Amityville Horror (1979)

    Driven by a marketing campaign playing up its supposedly truthful bona fides, this haunted house tale became a significant leftfield success during the post-The Exorcist horror boom of the late ‘70s. Based on the book by Jay Anson, it depicts the supernatural harassment experienced by the Lutz family upon moving into an old house in Long Island that had previously been the site of a grisly mass murder. Of course, critics have long dismissed Anson’s book as a hoax, but that didn’t stop the movie from becoming a horror classic, spinning off numerous lesser sequels and inspiring a 2005 remake from Michael Bay.

    There's also a 2005 remake starring Ryan Reynolds -

    There have been several reports though that the whole episode is fake. You can google to find out. I also believe that an author wrote a detailed book exposing the "lies."


    The Conjuring (2013)

    Ed and Lorraine Warren were semi-famous paranormal investigators before director James Wan decided to turn their most well-known case into a throwback haunted house movie and made them perhaps the most famous ghost hunters in the world. Who else in their field can claim to have inspired the most successful horror franchise of all-time? The so-called ‘Conjuring Universe’ has spun off in several directions now – including the Annabelle movies – but the first film takes its inspiration directly from the Warrens’ account of investigating supernatural activity at a crumbling farmhouse in Rhode Island back in 1971. It gleefully mashes up numerous classic horror tropes, including many jump scares, and proved that Wan, previously known for the torture porn Saw franchise, could conjure up more than just nausea.


    Poltergeist (1982)

    Three years after The Amityville Horror, director Tobe Hooper effectively ‘Spielbergised’ the modern haunted house movie – with an assist from Steven Spielberg himself, who produced and possibly, maybe ghost-directed some of it – turning in a horror classic. And like Amityville, it takes inspiration from an actual haunting. In the 1950s, the curious case of the Hermann house in suburban Long Island became a national media story after the family brought in a paranormal investigator to diagnose unusual activity, such as randomly popping bottles and objects moving on their own. The house did not ultimately vanish into an interdimensional portal, however.


    Compliance (2012)

    The incident that inspired this indie thriller didn’t end in death or involve any sort of bloodshed, but it is nonetheless deeply disturbing – and not without torture. In 2004, a man claiming to be a police officer called a fast-food restaurant in rural Kentucky and managed to convince the employee who answered to strip search her coworker, the first in a series of rapidly mounting indignities. Craig Zobel’s claustrophobic drama doesn’t exploit the humiliation of what turned out to be an incredibly fucked-up prank call but uses it as a springboard to explore the American fealty to authority.


    10 Rillington Place (1971)

    John Christie is perhaps second to Jack the Ripper as London’s most infamous serial killer, an unassuming postman who, in the 1940s and ‘50s, strangled at least eight women, including his wife, and hid their corpses in the walls of his Notting Hill flat. Richard Fleischer’s account of his killing spree is an under-seen gem of the true crime genre, featuring a truly chilling lead performance from Richard Attenborough, which the actor claimed haunted him for a long while afterward.


    Open Water (2003)

    It’s one of those scenarios your subconscious always seems to generate just as your moments away from drifting off to sleep: wouldn’t it absolutely suck to go scuba diving and end up stranded in the middle of the ocean? Americans Tom and Eileen Lonergan lived that nightmare in 1998, when the boat taking tourists out to explore the Great Barrier Reef accidentally departed without them. Whoops! How long they actually ‘lived’ is unclear – their bodies were never found. But filmmaker Chris Kentis has an idea of what happened to them, and it involves a horde of hungry sharks. Watching a helpless couple on the verge of becoming bobbing meat snacks doesn’t sound like much of a movie premise, but Kentis – who shot in the actual ocean, using real-live sharks – lends the incident a severely anxious realism that keeps your stomach sufficiently tied for 80 minutes.

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