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  • @FrankZ said:

    @noob404 said:
    I am back. Oh, Frank's been sharing facts with images.

    It is because it is ....


    Looks delicious. Serving Ceviche only, or we got GAs as well?

  • The Mystery of SS Ourang Medan

    he SS Ourang Medan was an alleged ship which, as per different sources, turned into a wreck in Dutch East Indies waters, or somewhere else, after its whole team had died under suspicious conditions either in 1940 to 1950 depending on the source. This is one of the fascinating unsolved mysteries that ever existed in history.

    The saga of Ourang Medan started from an SOS message that mentioned that the whole team was dead, even the telegrapher died during the transmission of the message. The message was sent into two-part:

    The message was “All officer including the captain, are dead lying in the chart room and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead” and the second was “I died”.

    The most mysterious part of Ourang Medan is when it was found by the Silver Star, an American Ship, all crew found in mysterious position, their eyes wide, arms grasping at unseen assailants and their face twisted into revolting visages of agony and horror. Captain remains on the bridge and the communication officer found on his post, as dead as the rest and his fingertips resting on the telegraph.

    Finally, the captain of the Silver Star decided to take Ourang Medan in tow, but as soon as the crew attached the tow line to the Ourang they noticed that smoke coming from the lower deck and then the ship exploded with such tremendous force that it came out of the water and swiftly sank.

  • @noob404 said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @noob404 said:
    I am back. Oh, Frank's been sharing facts with images.

    It is because it is ....


    Looks delicious. Serving Ceviche only, or we got GAs as well?

    No GAs while you have been gone, maybe soon though. I'd stay close just in case.

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited December 2023

    The Mystery of Bhimkund

    Ancient India left some the mind-blowing mystery for future generations to explore and Bheem Kund is one of them. Bhimkund or Neelkund is a holy place which is situated Madhya Pradesh, India.

    Bhimkund is a natural source of water and the water is so pure and clean even you can see fishes and other creatures living in the water to certain depths.

    There are many stories behind the origin of Bhimkund, one is claiming the links from Mahabharata and another link from Lord Vishnu and Narad.

    Now the mysterious thing about is that the depth of Bhimkund is endless and till now no one able to find the actual depth of Bhimkund. Once the discovery channel team came to measure the depth of Bhimkiund but they failed and like that every year number of researchers come and try their best to measure the limits of this Kund but no one gets succeed.

    Normally, when a person dies underwater then the body floats above the surface of the water but Bhimkund has different phenomena. Once the body drowned in this Kund, it never floats up. And the body can be never found back.

    According to the local people, Bhimkund is also an indicator of an upcoming natural disaster. The water level of Bhimkund drastically changes whenever the natural disaster going to happen. In 2004, at the time of the Tsunami the water level rose about 15 feet and the same happened at the time of the Nepal earthquake.

  • @TrK Still sleeping? Come join the party. Bring your speakers.

  • @FrankZ said:

    The Mystery of Bhimkund

    Ancient India left some the mind-blowing mystery for future generations to explore and Bheem Kund is one of them. Bhimkund or Neelkund is a holy place which is situated Madhya Pradesh, India.

    Bhimkund is a natural source of water and the water is so pure and clean even you can see fishes and other creatures living in the water to certain depths.

    There are many stories behind the origin of Bhimkund, one is claiming the links from Mahabharata and another link from Lord Vishnu and Narad.

    Now the mysterious thing about is that the depth of Bhimkund is endless and till now no one able to find the actual depth of Bhimkund. Once the discovery channel team came to measure the depth of Bhimkiund but they failed and like that every year number of researchers come and try their best to measure the limits of this Kund but no one gets succeed.

    Normally, when a person dies underwater then the body floats above the surface of the water but Bhimkund has different phenomena. Once the body drowned in this Kund, it never floats up. And the body can be never found back.

    According to the local people, Bhimkund is also an indicator of an upcoming natural disaster. The water level of Bhimkund drastically changes whenever the natural disaster going to happen. In 2004, at the time of the Tsunami the water level rose about 15 feet and the same happened at the time of the Nepal earthquake.

    There's a lot more where that came from. India is a land of mystery.

  • The Mystery of Stonehenge

    Stonehenge is one of the most prehistoric monuments in Wiltshire, England. It is a property of the UNESCO world heritage site. Archaeologists believe it was built around 3000 BC and it took 1500 years to erect.

    Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious places in the world. The biggest stone of Stonehenge is known as sarsens, are up to 9 meters (30 feet) and around 25-ton weight. And the smallest stone of Stonehenge is known as bluestones, weight around 4 tons.

    There are many mysteries associated with Stonehenge like who built it? how it was built? Why built it? What was Stonehenge used for? Was it a temple for sun worship?

    Some of the stone weight dozen of tons and were only available hundreds of a kilometer away. It is still a mystery how they could be transported over such distances.

  • @noob404 said: There's a lot more where that came from. India is a land of mystery.

    Feel free to share. :)

  • The Mystery Of The Taos Hum

    Taos is a small town in North-central, New Mexico. To a passerby, it looks like a normal place but it’s not when you listen carefully you may listen a low-frequency buzzing noise like a diesel engine idling in the distance. It is a hopeless noise for those who can hear it. It never stops, interferes with sleep, and is increasingly perceptible around evening time and indoor.

    Since the 1990’s the Hum became a big concern for the local resident. According to one study only 2 percent of people reported hearing the Hum but Taos is not so special about strange and mysterious sound. Actually, there are numbers of places around the world where similar Hum sound can be heard which remains an unsolved mystery.

    There are many stories, theories going around about Hum like Hum can be the result of a military experiment or submarine communication or it can be due to alien spaceship.

  • @FrankZ said:

    The Mystery of SS Ourang Medan

    he SS Ourang Medan was an alleged ship which, as per different sources, turned into a wreck in Dutch East Indies waters, or somewhere else, after its whole team had died under suspicious conditions either in 1940 to 1950 depending on the source. This is one of the fascinating unsolved mysteries that ever existed in history.

    The saga of Ourang Medan started from an SOS message that mentioned that the whole team was dead, even the telegrapher died during the transmission of the message. The message was sent into two-part:

    The message was “All officer including the captain, are dead lying in the chart room and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead” and the second was “I died”.

    The most mysterious part of Ourang Medan is when it was found by the Silver Star, an American Ship, all crew found in mysterious position, their eyes wide, arms grasping at unseen assailants and their face twisted into revolting visages of agony and horror. Captain remains on the bridge and the communication officer found on his post, as dead as the rest and his fingertips resting on the telegraph.

    Finally, the captain of the Silver Star decided to take Ourang Medan in tow, but as soon as the crew attached the tow line to the Ourang they noticed that smoke coming from the lower deck and then the ship exploded with such tremendous force that it came out of the water and swiftly sank.

    wow, never heard of this before..

  • hello page 46
    hello @FrankZ

  • @paijrut said:

    @FrankZ said:

    The Mystery of SS Ourang Medan

    he SS Ourang Medan was an alleged ship which, as per different sources, turned into a wreck in Dutch East Indies waters, or somewhere else, after its whole team had died under suspicious conditions either in 1940 to 1950 depending on the source. This is one of the fascinating unsolved mysteries that ever existed in history.

    The saga of Ourang Medan started from an SOS message that mentioned that the whole team was dead, even the telegrapher died during the transmission of the message. The message was sent into two-part:

    The message was “All officer including the captain, are dead lying in the chart room and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead” and the second was “I died”.

    The most mysterious part of Ourang Medan is when it was found by the Silver Star, an American Ship, all crew found in mysterious position, their eyes wide, arms grasping at unseen assailants and their face twisted into revolting visages of agony and horror. Captain remains on the bridge and the communication officer found on his post, as dead as the rest and his fingertips resting on the telegraph.

    Finally, the captain of the Silver Star decided to take Ourang Medan in tow, but as soon as the crew attached the tow line to the Ourang they noticed that smoke coming from the lower deck and then the ship exploded with such tremendous force that it came out of the water and swiftly sank.

    wow, never heard of this before..

    I'm glad you found it interesting. :)
    Mysteries are fun.

    Thanked by 1paijrut
  • @markz said:
    hello page 46
    hello @FrankZ

    Hello @markz. How is aunt FranZ doing these days ?

  • The Mystery Shepherd’s Monument Inscription

    The Shepherd Monument located in Staffordshire, England was commissioned by Thomas Anson, paid by his brother Admiral Anson and designed by Flemish stone carver Peter Scheemakers.

    From a long time Shepherd’s Monument hold a mystery of cryptic message which is considered a great puzzle for them who tried to solve the fathom of mysterious letter combination.

    Many world greatest mind have tried to crack the puzzled of the 10 letter inscription – “DOUOSVAVVM” but failed.

    The code engraved on the Shepherd’s Monument has evaded decipherment for more than 250 years. Those of a romantic disposition believed it to be a coded message of the sort utilized by the Knights Templar and their successors to point to the whereabouts of the Holy Grail or some different strict relic. Others trusted it to be a private insistence of love.

  • Mystery of 9 Unknown Men of Ancient India

    India has it's own version of Illuminati, the 9 Unknown Men, which is considered as one of the most powerful secret group. Actually, according to the legend the society of 9 Unknown men was created Emperor Ashoka around 226 BC after the battle of Kalinga that took lives of more than 1 Lakhs people.

    The main objective of this society was to protect the method of destruction from falling into the hands of wrong people and to further pass knowledge which would help humanity. Every one of the Nine Men is probably liable for guarding a solitary book which managed an alternate part of possibly risky learning. The books are known to cover the accompanying subjects: Propaganda and Psychological Warfare, Physiology, Microbiology, Alchemy, Communication, Gravitation, Cosmology, Light and Sociology. Hypothesis about the nine unknown men say they lived for more than 2000 years.

  • Mystery of Ghost Village Kuldhara, Jaisalmer India

    From about 200 years ago, in the era of king, Kuldhara this village was home to around 1500 Paliwal Brahmins. But one night they all disappeared from village without a trace. No one know why but they neither died nor got abducted.

    According to the legends “Once an evil minister in the ruling kingdom saw the daughter of the village chief and decide to marry to her and he set the deadline for the marriage afterwards they forcefully enter in the village and take the chief daughter. So to the sake of their pride they decide to leave the village and cursed the area so no one would live there ever again.”

    Till now the curse stay true because the village is still barren and uninhabited.

  • The Mystery of Nazca Lines

    The Nazca Lines are enormous examples of work of art scratched into the ground in Nazca, Peru. Some take the shape of creatures and abnormal animals. The Nazca civilization is responsible for Nazca line. The Nazca culture flourished from 100BC to 800AD.

    They include some strange drawings like a large spider, monkey (size of 2 football ground), sharks, flowers and many more. According to archaeological research the ancient Nazca civilizations famous for their ceramic art and giant drawing.

    Why did they draw these giant images? How were these images were created? These are still unsolved questions till this day.

  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited December 2023

    The Mystery of D.B. Cooper.

    The Saga of Dan Cooper started when on November 24, 1971 a man himself called Dan cooper wearing black suit and tie board northwest Airlines flight #305. After some time during the flight he warns the stewardess and other crew members that he has a bomb and is hijacking the plane.

    He demand $200,000 in cash, parachutes, and food to release the flight. After that, he put all the money in a bag and jumped into the night somewhere around the north of Portland. During the investigation police were only able to find $5,800 of the money at north Portland with the same serial number which was given to D.B cooper but no clue of D.B cooper. Who was he? Where had he gone? Still unsolved.

  • The Mystery of the 'vanished' colonists at Roanoke Virgina

    On July 22, 1587, John White arrived to Roanoke Island with another 120 people along with him. A few months later, he sailed back to England, hoping to restock on badly needed supplies. But when he finally returned three years later, every last resident had vanished.

    The only clue to their potential whereabouts? The mysterious word CROATOAN carved on a palisdae, and another CRO carved on a tree. White assumed the residents had traveled to Croatoan Island, which is now called Hatteras Island. But a storm blew in and prevented White from reaching the island, and he never raised enough money for another search.

    Some documents suggest Chief Powhattan kiled some of the colonists, but there's no archaeological evidence to back that up. Other theories propose the residents were attacked by Native Americans or by the Spanish. Others assume the colonists simply died of natural causes.

    Whatever the case, the fate of the colonists is "the biggest unsolved mystery in American history,"

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @TAXUEZJU said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 4667301496
    Invoice #9363989

    Hi @TAXUEZJU -- Exciting news! Your bandwidth allocation has been doubled. :)

    Appreciate your business!

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @tuc said:


    Happy New Year @tuc 🎉

    Thanked by 1tuc
  • FrankZFrankZ Veteran
    edited December 2023

    Woot, Woot Dustin is back @MrEd @TrK @noob404 @markz @codelock

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @kuticon said:
    Hi @dustinc, happy selling! Please double the bandwidth. Thank you!

    Invoice #9385682
    Invoice #9385598

    Hi @kuticon -- Happy New Year! Thank You for ordering multiple services with us and for expanding :)

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth for both of these orders.

  • Page 46

  • @FrankZ said:

    @paijrut said:

    @FrankZ said:

    The Mystery of SS Ourang Medan

    he SS Ourang Medan was an alleged ship which, as per different sources, turned into a wreck in Dutch East Indies waters, or somewhere else, after its whole team had died under suspicious conditions either in 1940 to 1950 depending on the source. This is one of the fascinating unsolved mysteries that ever existed in history.

    The saga of Ourang Medan started from an SOS message that mentioned that the whole team was dead, even the telegrapher died during the transmission of the message. The message was sent into two-part:

    The message was “All officer including the captain, are dead lying in the chart room and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead” and the second was “I died”.

    The most mysterious part of Ourang Medan is when it was found by the Silver Star, an American Ship, all crew found in mysterious position, their eyes wide, arms grasping at unseen assailants and their face twisted into revolting visages of agony and horror. Captain remains on the bridge and the communication officer found on his post, as dead as the rest and his fingertips resting on the telegraph.

    Finally, the captain of the Silver Star decided to take Ourang Medan in tow, but as soon as the crew attached the tow line to the Ourang they noticed that smoke coming from the lower deck and then the ship exploded with such tremendous force that it came out of the water and swiftly sank.

    wow, never heard of this before..

    I'm glad you found it interesting. :)
    Mysteries are fun.

    this is nice, I actually read all of your mystery posts

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @FrankZ said:

    @markz said:
    hello page 46
    hello @FrankZ

    Hello @markz. How is aunt FranZ doing these days ?

    Good news :D

    Thanked by 1FrankZ
  • @FrankZ said:
    Woot, Woot Dustin is back @MrEd @TrK @noob404 @markz @codelock

    Yes, I'm following along

  • @paijrut said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @paijrut said:

    @FrankZ said:

    The Mystery of SS Ourang Medan

    he SS Ourang Medan was an alleged ship which, as per different sources, turned into a wreck in Dutch East Indies waters, or somewhere else, after its whole team had died under suspicious conditions either in 1940 to 1950 depending on the source. This is one of the fascinating unsolved mysteries that ever existed in history.

    The saga of Ourang Medan started from an SOS message that mentioned that the whole team was dead, even the telegrapher died during the transmission of the message. The message was sent into two-part:

    The message was “All officer including the captain, are dead lying in the chart room and bridge. Possibly whole crew dead” and the second was “I died”.

    The most mysterious part of Ourang Medan is when it was found by the Silver Star, an American Ship, all crew found in mysterious position, their eyes wide, arms grasping at unseen assailants and their face twisted into revolting visages of agony and horror. Captain remains on the bridge and the communication officer found on his post, as dead as the rest and his fingertips resting on the telegraph.

    Finally, the captain of the Silver Star decided to take Ourang Medan in tow, but as soon as the crew attached the tow line to the Ourang they noticed that smoke coming from the lower deck and then the ship exploded with such tremendous force that it came out of the water and swiftly sank.

    wow, never heard of this before..

    I'm glad you found it interesting. :)
    Mysteries are fun.

    this is nice, I actually read all of your mystery posts

    I'm glad you like it. I've tried to make it more interesting this time around since I am not pushing to win anything, and just want to keep the party going through the slow times.

  • @FrankZ said:
    Woot, Woot Dustin is back @MrEd @TrK @noob404 @markz @codelock

    Go go go

    Thanked by 1noob404
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