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CHRISTMAS + New year| 512GB+ SSD KVM 10GBIT VPS for the best $ ever seen! +Lotteries -> WIN A PS5!! - Page 30
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CHRISTMAS + New year| 512GB+ SSD KVM 10GBIT VPS for the best $ ever seen! +Lotteries -> WIN A PS5!!



  • kashonkashon Member

  • kashonkashon Member

  • @HostSlick said:

    @DanSummer said:

    @HostSlick said:
    I forgot to mention for stacking as this is not something offical but courtesy we do:
    Courtesy means we may not do it. It really depends on the metrics/flags of you and your account.

    • IP is not stacked. When merging 2 into 1, you have 1 IP.
    • Once stacked, discount expire on next renewal.
    • Bandwidth is not possible to be doubled, depending on package. Some have maximum already.
    • We can deny it for any reason.
    • Maximum 2 can be stacked. (already said that)

    Great! does that mean our chickens are coming soon?

    Staff and especially me is working on all

    Is January 4th the latest date for VPS activation?

  • JoyFlickJoyFlick Barred
    edited January 4


  • kashonkashon Member
    edited January 4

  • @HostSlick said:
    I forgot to mention for stacking as this is not something offical but courtesy we do:
    Courtesy means we may not do it. It really depends on the metrics/flags of you and your account.

    • IP is not stacked. When merging 2 into 1, you have 1 IP.

    Fair enough.

    • Once stacked, discount expire on next renewal.

    But that's discouraging !!!

  • kashonkashon Member

  • OK. me think nothing is coming today or for another 3 days :)

  • verl20verl20 Member

    An update from Hostslick would be nice.

  • remyremy Member

    @DanSummer said:
    OK. me think nothing is coming today or for another 3 days :)

    Why ?

  • @remy said:

    @DanSummer said:
    OK. me think nothing is coming today or for another 3 days :)

    Why ?

    Because 1st of Jan, @HostSlick said:
    Good morning. Hope Yall had good Parties.
    I am processing Orders now. 50.xx. Range for Special Chicken full now. We started to Provision . Also a range dedicated only to this Chicken offers.
    Next days Hardware restock is completed and then all left Orders are delivered latest 4th January. End of the day


    From what I can see, nobody posted here that they got anything on the 2nd or 3rd. It's the end of the day on his end now and nobody posted they got their server yet.

    Though he said few hours back we're still on, I think there's a delay and its looking like a few days more.

    At least, that's how I see it. Could be wrong though.

  • JabJabJabJab Member

    This @HostSlick is workoholic, day don't end 4 pm for him, don't worry, it's only 7 pm there.

    Thanked by 2JeanRGW kashon
  • @JabJab said:
    This @HostSlick is workoholic, day don't end 4 pm for him, don't worry, it's only 7 pm there.

    He, by himself, answers tickets faster than Hetzner (even on weekends).

  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 4

    @JabJab said:
    This @HostSlick is workoholic, day don't end 4 pm for him, don't worry, it's only 7 pm there.

    Engineer made mistake. I was waiting for him here on telegramm until he replied and fixed. He is in the datacenter. He put the transceivers for some VPS node wrong and then set wrong mngmt user and pass for ilo4 on all new nodes or lets say he forgot to save that in BIOS. He is a new Staff member, bare with him.

    I start now installing OS on nodes and provisioning then.

  • @HostSlick said:

    @JabJab said:
    This @HostSlick is workoholic, day don't end 4 pm for him, don't worry, it's only 7 pm there.

    Engineer made mistake. I was waiting for him here on telegramm until he replied and fixed. He is in the datacenter. He put the transceivers for some VPS node wrong and then set wrong mngmt user and pass for ilo4 on all new nodes or lets say he forgot to save that in BIOS. He is a new Staff member, bare with him.

    I start now installing OS on nodes and provisioning then.

    Looks like engineers' salaries are going on a 'diet'

    Thanked by 1lovelyserver
  • t0mt0m Member

    Thanked by 1ehab
  • Thanked by 1ehab
  • kashonkashon Member

  • @JabJab said:
    This @HostSlick is workoholic, day don't end 4 pm for him, don't worry, it's only 7 pm there.

    Absolutely not worried. I once waited 8 months to have a good storage server provisioned by another service provider and it was well worth it! :)

    I was just telling those saying today is the day to manage their expectations.

    They can setup all the servers then find out something is missing or issues with switch or hundreds of other possibility.

    Thanked by 1kashon
  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider

    First node ready to provision.

    Aborting YABS to start provision of the first VPSs

  • _MS__MS_ Member
    edited January 4

    The Chef is busy cooking for you. Don't bother him with requests. Y'all will get your chickens and omelettes, don't worry.

    Tasty food takes time!

    Thanked by 2kashon lovelyserver
  • kashonkashon Member

    @DanSummer said:
    From what I can see, nobody posted here that they got anything on the 2nd or 3rd. It's the end of the day on his end now and nobody posted they got their server yet.

    I'm sorry I couldn't mention I received one from 50.x.x.x range, on 1st. I'm expecting the remaining 02.

  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 4

    @kashon said:

    @DanSummer said:
    From what I can see, nobody posted here that they got anything on the 2nd or 3rd. It's the end of the day on his end now and nobody posted they got their server yet.

    I'm sorry I couldn't mention I received one from 50.x.x.x range, on 1st. I'm expecting the remaining 02.

    50x full now with LET deals
    93x waiting for you

    Thanked by 1kashon
  • HostSlickHostSlick Member, Patron Provider
    edited January 4

    @DanSummer said:

    @JabJab said:
    This @HostSlick is workoholic, day don't end 4 pm for him, don't worry, it's only 7 pm there.

    Absolutely not worried. I once waited 8 months to have a good storage server provisioned by another service provider and it was well worth it! :)

    I was just telling those saying today is the day to manage their expectations.

    They can setup all the servers then find out something is missing or issues with switch or hundreds of other possibility.

    Oh sorry bro. Engineer stole all the chickens and now he is gone

  • kashonkashon Member

    @HostSlick said:
    50x full now with LET deals
    93x waiting for you

    That's sweet to hear! Can't wait to try YABS and post results before anyone else 😁

  • @HostSlick said:

    @DanSummer said:

    @JabJab said:
    This @HostSlick is workoholic, day don't end 4 pm for him, don't worry, it's only 7 pm there.

    Absolutely not worried. I once waited 8 months to have a good storage server provisioned by another service provider and it was well worth it! :)

    I was just telling those saying today is the day to manage their expectations.

    They can setup all the servers then find out something is missing or issues with switch or hundreds of other possibility.

    Oh sorry bro. Engineer stole all the chickens and now he is gone

    Not a problem. Put me at the back of the line. :)

  • kashonkashon Member

  • @kashon said:

    @HostSlick said:
    50x full now with LET deals
    93x waiting for you

    That's sweet to hear! Can't wait to try YABS and post results before anyone else 😁

    Post YABS for the first one you got on 50x. Should get all idling enthusiasts salivating for more :)

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