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OVH new billing cycle/renewal cycle....
So OVH introduced this new billing cycle /renewal procedures with a new billing cycle from the 1st of a month to the last of a month.
In Nov I've seen everything working as expected with the changes (I had a different renewal date than the 1st), OVH invoiced and charged all products up to 30th of Nov.
Now today I would have expected a new invoice and charging but did not get any mails so far.
Looking at the OVH manager I do see a renewal order dated Dec. 1st and an open invoice Dec. 1st. that should be charged as well. But no mails so far and no charging until now (1600 UTC) while normally I got the mail and charging close to 0am UTC plus some minutes.
As OVH changed each customers renewal date from some date in a month to the 1st I can quite imagine the size of the queue building up today (mail queue, charging queue, whatever).
did you got an invoice mail today? By either OVH or OVH US? Did you got charged today?
OVH being OVH I just hope for not all hell breaking loose with their changes....
Yes, we received invoices from OVH Germany today.
@nik: did you had a different renewal date than 1st of month in the past? And did you edited that date yourself or kept the old settings?
OVH moved my payment date to the start of the month (as they said they were going to do) and I've just seen the money get charged to my card but had no invoice, or notification, via email. I can see an invoice when I log in to the billing panel though.
@Xor and that today's invoice is hopefully marked as paid in the manager?
As you I haven't received any mails yet but I did not get charged so far, only get the message about being charged shortly by my standard payment method (which is not a card).
Yes. My invoice was marked as being paid.
So at least it's working as expected at OVH US. Still waiting for OVH in Europe...
I was not aware of any billing changes, no emails from OVH about it. I did notice this morning that I didn't get any invoice emails though.
@MikeA at OVH US or OVH Europe/Canada?
I still suspect that they have problems with the mail queue at least at OVH Europe/Canada while switching all invoicing into one day of the month (instead of 30 or 31 days).
From OVH US I got the mails at least now and they also charged the way they should.
With OVH Europe I'm still hanging in uncertainty.
(and the announcement about those changes came a few weeks ago, I think in September or October - not sure about OVH US though but I do remember that OVH Europe/Canada announced it)
I've not had any communication from OVH about billing changes.
I had my regular invoice on Tuesday on the usual day, and in the invoice it states "1 month
From 26-11-2023 to 25-12-2023" which suggests that nothing has changed for me.
EDIT: I'm in the UK and billed by OVH France in Euros.
I still have my dedis on manual, works for me.
Hm, ok, it seems as if only customers for OVH Europe are affected (but not France), not OVH Canada or Asia etc. At least the FAQ entry is only available for e.g. OVH Italy, OVH United Kingdom, OVH Ireland etc. etc. but not for Asia or Canada or France. Thank you for the confusion.
Example for OVH UK:
(and yes, it's about autorenew instead of manual renew).
Plus: they also - probably unrelated - changed also some payment processors which also affects payments for some customers.
And it seems as if i'm in both boats. Thank you, OVH. Now I'll just have to hope in that the one change does not interfere disastrously with the other change while both changes hit the system for the first time today...
The combined effect is that they charge some customers 3 days after the invoice date which is also the due date.
But at least one of their mails (about the change in payment processor that I found just now) claims that this will not affect continuity of services.
OVH CA (World). But I might be wrong and maybe it will be sent overnight. I don't pay much attention since it's auto renewal.