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Reinstall Issue and Network config help needed on c1vhosting
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Reinstall Issue and Network config help needed on c1vhosting

Hi LET Community,

for a few days now I am unable to reinstall my VPS on @c1vhosting . I receive the following error:

I wrote to the support with this issue, hoping they would fix this however they just told me to use the OS templates instead of ISOs, though there are only 2 templates, one of which is debian and the other one is ubuntu

Please reinstall the VPS using our website interface. The updated templates should resolve the issue you're facing. Let me know if you need further assistance!

This works, however the templates do not have the network configured and I couldnt find any guide that works to configure the network neither on ubuntu nor on debian. I installed debian via ISO before and was able to configure the network during the installation proccess, but with these templates I'm unable to get the network working at all.

I wrote this to the support as well but haven't received any reply yet. (Last reply on the 25th)

Has anyone experienced similar things on c1vhosting an can give me advice how to fix this? Or how to configure the network when installing from template?

Thanks in advance!


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