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LEB Like Kubernetes provider?
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LEB Like Kubernetes provider?

tl;dr Looking for a cheap Kubernetes provider, or something like a 'bring-your-own-server' type of deal with managed Kubernetes.

So, here is the deal, I am running an application which requires quite a lot resources (MySQL database of 91gb storage, Neo4J server with 24gb ram) which is currently running on my own self hosted K3S cluster on 2 Hetzner nodes. Last night my cluster went down because my master node was OOM. I don't really feel like dealing with this type of issues so I am looking for an alternative. This is not the only thing I am running on these nodes and I don't feel like locking into 1 specific panel, also, I am using K8S for my clients anyway so K3S/K8S is pretty much a requirement on my side.

The cheapest kubernetes that I have found is Scaleway, but when requiring 24gb of ram it still becomes very expensive quite quickly. I don't think there is another provider offering my resource requirements for a affordable price, so I am also looking for a host that might allow me to bring my own hardware and then use my LEBs as hardware.

Alternatively, maybe someone has been running their own cluster and could share some insight into how to make it HA.

Looking forward to your thoughts!


  • Typically you need 3 nodes for HA with kubernetes from my experience with kubeadm and k3s. Although not the best idea, you may be able to cut costs by utilizing the control plane nodes as worker nodes as well, which reduces the count from 6 to 3. You should see what fits best with your budget and use case, and also test bringing down some nodes to make sure you don't hit downtime. (However, 3 nodes only give you single fault tolerance, and that may not be desirable).

  • @six said:
    Typically you need 3 nodes for HA with kubernetes from my experience with kubeadm and k3s. Although not the best idea, you may be able to cut costs by utilizing the control plane nodes as worker nodes as well, which reduces the count from 6 to 3. You should see what fits best with your budget and use case, and also test bringing down some nodes to make sure you don't hit downtime. (However, 3 nodes only give you single fault tolerance, and that may not be desirable).

    That is on my list to migrate towards to, currently I got 1 Master node and 2 regular nodes. I am planning on adding another regular node and turning every node into a master node. However, I don't really feel like migrating all of that and would rather move towards something that does this for me. :)

  • Just add three hetzner cloud VMs as control planes and taint them so applications don't start on them. Then add a load balancer in hetzner cloud targeting your bare metal workers and use that for any ingress you need. Would be dirt cheap and HA (at least on the k8s side).

    For your databases you either need to configure HA or use a CSI plugin like OpenEBS if it supports your performance requirements. Just be aware it takes 5 minutes for k8s to reschedule pods on failed nodes by default (it's configurable).

  • @vitobotta made, might be what you're looking for

    Thanked by 1homelabber
  • @taronyu Hi, @fluffernutter beat me to it. I built this tool to easily create and manage clusters in Hetzner Cloud and many companies use it for production clusters. The tool creates all the infrastructure resources automatically (servers, private network, firewall, load balancer, placement groups), deploys Kubernetes (k3s) and installs software required to provision persistent volumes and load balancers out of the box, as well as managing k3s upgrades easily. It supports both HA and non HA clusters and it even supports autoscaling, so it's the closest thing to a managed Kubernetes cluster you can have with a tool like this. There are other tools to create clusters in Hetzner Cloud but hetzner-k3s is by far the simplest and all it requires is a small config file. Let me know if you try it :)

    Thanked by 1homelabber
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