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Scaleway Aluminium availability
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Scaleway Aluminium availability

jimaekjimaek Member
edited October 2023 in Providers

Has anyone ever seen this line being available for purchase? It seems to have the perfect server for a project of mine but its always out of stock.

And I can't find anything similar(ssd, resources, trust) specifically in France.

Instead I bought an "elite" VPS by OVH and it sucks so bad. Their automated backup service is the worst thing I've ever seen, it basically takes down the server for 20 minutes every day while it runs the backup.
And none of the UI buttons actually work so cant disable it.

Thanked by 1MrLime


  • @jimaek said: Has anyone ever seen this line being available for purchase?

    A couple times, but only closer to when the line launched. In recent months I've not seen any sign of them. Probably not going to have much luck in the foreseeable future.

    Thanked by 1jimaek
  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran

    They don't really them to restock them, same goes for the cheap stardust vps.
    You can try to deploy via API, if there is still a bit of stock left, it works while the panel says no stock.

    Thanked by 2jimaek Erisa
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