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Questions about CentOS 7 kernel upgrades
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Questions about CentOS 7 kernel upgrades

Hello guys,

I have some servers running CentOS 7, today I decided to update the kernel on them and found something interesting:

  1. Two servers have the same 3.10.0-1160.62.1.el7 kernel, however one updated to 3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7 and the other to 3.10.0-1160.99.1.el7. Why the difference?
  2. Where can I see the full list of bug fixes and security updates of the kernel 3.10.0-1160 series?
  3. Is it safe not keep the server running with and old kernel? Or do you suggest me to reboot it? My servers have like 650 days uptime.



  • jfreak53jfreak53 Member, Patron Provider

    Buy KernelCare if uptime is important. All servers we can't reboot for a couple minutes get that setup on initial.

    Now why you got different kernels I'm not sure, doesnt make much sense. Could be different flavor streams of centos, but I'm not positive honestly.

    Its an older version but its a point version, not whole, so I wouldnt worry too much about it.

  • RHCHostingRHCHosting Member, Host Rep

    Hello @gapper ,

    1 - Are those 2 servers in the exact same location? They must be getting their updates from different repos? One being more up-to-date than the other?

    2 - On RedHat website

    3 - If it's stable why do you want to reboot? Centos will request a reboot if upgrades requires one. Else, your'e ok to apply upgrades and keep running. This is Linux, not Windows :-)

    Thanked by 1gapper
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