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live streaming using another IPTV Channel as source
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live streaming using another IPTV Channel as source

Is it possible to live stream using other iptv channel as source? how can i do that? anyone can suggest me best tutorial for it?


  • got it but they didn't mention it is for nginx config?

  • farsighterfarsighter Member
    edited September 2023

    In the simplest form it can be done with ffmpeg only but ideally you'll want a server solution like nginx with nginx-rtmp-module.

    I did it before while traveling and using my TV stick, I had to reencode my streams to lower quality in order to save on mobile data.

    By the way this method is called restreaming. IPTV providers don't like it so much.

    Thanked by 2RUSS netomx
  • i got something from chatgpt

    `Restreaming IPTV using FFMPEG and NGINX requires some technical expertise and setup. Here's a high-level overview of the steps involved:

    1. Install FFMPEG: Make sure you have FFMPEG installed on your server. You can typically install it using your server's package manager.

    2. Prepare IPTV Source: You need access to the IPTV source stream. This could be a URL or a local file.

    3. Create an FFMPEG Command: Use FFMPEG to capture and re-stream the IPTV source. Here's a basic command template:

      ffmpeg -i input_source -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mpegts udp://localhost:port

      Replace input_source with your IPTV source URL or file, and port with the port number where you want to stream the content.

    4. Set Up NGINX: Install and configure NGINX as a reverse proxy to handle client connections and distribute the re-streamed content. Your NGINX configuration might look like this:

      worker_processes 1;
      events {
         worker_connections 1024;
      http {
         server {
             listen 80;
             location / {
                 proxy_pass http://localhost:port;
                 proxy_set_header Host $host;
                 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

      Replace with your domain or server IP and port with the FFMPEG port.

    5. Start FFMPEG and NGINX: Execute the FFMPEG command, and start NGINX to begin re-streaming the IPTV content.

    6. Client Configuration: Users can access the re-streamed content by connecting to your NGINX server at (or your server's IP address).

    Please note that this is a simplified overview, and the actual setup can be more complex depending on your specific requirements and the IPTV source you are working with. Additionally, make sure you have the necessary rights and permissions to re-stream the content, as copyright laws and terms of service may apply.`

    Thanked by 1ehab
  • but don't know it will work or not

  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate
    edited September 2023

    @RUSS said:
    but don't know it will work or not

    Try it and see.
    If you run into problems, ask the upstream content source to resolve.

    Thanked by 1netomx
  • stefemanstefeman Member
    edited September 2023

    Its easy, but the hard part is not getting caught.

    They use panels that can display user agent of the player, check your ip to determine if its residental or not using maxmind, when you connect, they will also check if specific ports respond to determine if its a server or not. All of this is done automacitaclly by xui panel which most iptv providers use. You also need to setup automatic restarts at different times for the stream, since nobody watches 24/7 and restarting exact same time is also detectable.

    The reason they care is due to public stream sites, which gets targeted by Friend MTS. Some channels have fingerprinting, and one person showing it publicly will expose the person at the top whos personally subscribed to it. In some PPV events, you can sometimes see red numbering at top left of the screen for 5-10 seconds. This is done by event publisher to all streams in order to catch the person who is showing it on various websites. xui panel also has this kind of function to catch restreamers.

    Thanked by 3farsighter RUSS YAdjou
  • SkelterSkelter Member
    edited February 5

    Wrong thread, sorry for necroposting....

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