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15% off for Ryzen 9 5950X dedicated server | Mevspace
We have a special offer for the LET forum
Take the server for testing 48h - 1 eu, extend it, and get a 15% permanent discount on the Ryzen 9 5950X.
AMD® Ryzen™ 9 5950X
RAM: 64 GB
Storage: 2 x 500 GB NVMe
Network: 1Gbps (included 1xIPv4)
Datacenter: Europe (Warsaw, Poland)
Regular price: $112,20
** Price with discount: $95,37**
AMD® Ryzen™ 9 5950X
RAM: 64 GB
Storage: 2 x 1 TB NVMe
Network: 1Gbps (included 1xIPv4)
Datacenter: Europe (Warsaw, Poland)
Regular price: $117,70
Price with discount: $100,05
AMD® Ryzen™ 9 5950X
RAM: 128 GB
Storage: 2 x 1 TB NVMe
Network: 1Gbps (included 1xIPv4)
Datacenter: Europe (Warsaw, Poland)
Regular price: $123,20
Price with discount: $104,72
Or use this code: 15%OFF9LET
for any dedicated server with a Ryzen 9 5950X CPU.*
You will receive a 15% off on a permanent basis (the discount is active until you cancel the server).
Our offer
*while stocks last or until 30.09.2023.
"Ryzen 9 9550X"
/48 IPv6 per server doable?
for 1€ i will test it 48h!!!
Running yabs?
What plan is this?
Joke plan, as 9550X does not exists and half of the posts in this topic is taking a piss at provider not knowing what they selling/not bother to fix it
Dyaamm, that's fast af...
40 gigabits? Truly the time to shine for my remote ram google drive folder.
/28 per server is doable. > @JabJab said:
Actually we do, name will soon be changed - Laura
Yo wtf going on with Ryzen 9000, is this a 2025 thread?

Again, /48 IPv6 per server is doable? By saing /28 I'm pretty sure you talk about IPv4 not IPv6.
Yes it is, we are taking set up fee for this. - Laura