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OPLINK Cloud VPS Starting at $3.50/mo +NEW Cloud VDS Plans 0% Sharing
Cloud Virtual Private Server (Cloud VPS) Plans:
1 AMD Ryzen Vcore & 512M Memory
10 Gbps Port, 2TB data
Free Corero DDoS Protection
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address
★ $3.50 per month ★
★★Order Now: ★★
1 AMD Ryzen Vcore & 1GB Memory
10 Gbps Port, 3TB data
Free Corero DDoS Protection
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address
★ $5.00 per month ★
★★Order Now: ★★
1 AMD Ryzen Vcore & 2GB Memory
10 Gbps Port, 5TB data
Free Corero DDoS Protection
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address
★ $10.00 per month ★
★★Order Now: ★★
Visit for more information and other Cloud VPS we offer.
Cloud Virtual Dedicated Server (Cloud VDS) Plans:
Our Cloud Virtual Dedicated Servers (Cloud VDS) are 100% dedicated to only you, with 0% sharing. We combine the best of Cloud VPS and Dedicated Servers. This provides you with the instant upgrades, instant server provisioning, and easy to manage portal. Each Cloud VDS comes with 100% dedicated memory, cpu, NVMe ultra fast storage, 1Gbps dedicated unmetered port, and free always-on 100Gbps DDoS protection.
Intel Xeon E3-1270-v3 / 3.5 - 3.9 GHz (4 Cores)
32GB Memory
3.5TB NVMe
1Gbps Dedicated Unmetered
Free Corero DDoS Protection
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address
★ $50.00 per month ★
★★Order Now: ★★
Intel Xeon E-2136 / 3.3 - 4.5 GHz (6 Cores)
128GB Memory
3.5TB NVMe
1Gbps Dedicated Unmetered
Free Corero DDoS Protection
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address
★ $80.00 per month ★
★★Order Now: ★★
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2683-v4 / 2.1 - 3.0 GHz (32 Cores)
128GB Memory
3.5TB NVMe
1Gbps Dedicated Unmetered
Free Corero DDoS Protection
1 IPv4 Address
1 IPv6 Address
★ $125.00 per month ★
★★Order Now: ★★
Visit for more details.
Datacenter Location:
2626 Spring Cypress Road
Spring, TX 77388
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call/text: 1-281-445-9800
i like the name but too expensive for me.
Too OP for my budget.
placed an order.
Your Order Number is: 3602270342
Looking nice, but no Proxmox in the OS list?
We can do proxmox or vmware on bare metal dedicated servers.
Nested Virtualisation enabled on VDS servers?
Offer violates rules: exceed price ceiling.
There's no separate pricing rules for VDS, so that VPS rules will apply.
Yes. Nested is on for VPS & VDS
cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
Maybe the rules need to be updated for VDS, because VDS is 100% dedicated to the client. We followed the price rules for dedicated for VDS.
The resources may be 100% dedicated to the client, but not the entire server. You can have more than 1 VDS deployed on the same server if you have enough resources so it's still considered a VPS and not a dedicated server.
Its 0% shared, its 1 client per server in VDS. This is why we feel it breaks the norm of a VPS, or even being marketing as "Dedicated CPU VPS" as many other providers do. In both of those cases your VM is on the same node or compute resource with other users. If a user signs up with Oplink Cloud VDS you will not share the Cloud VDS node with any other client. This is what sets VDS apart for us.
Interesting offer re: their VDS. I can see some use cases, but if I need an entire server, I usually just do bare metal.
Anyway, IMO Oplink is a good provider for those who haven't tried them before. They don't seem to make lots of offers on LET, but I'd consider them one of the "quality" providers here as opposed to just a specifically "lowest price value-only" provider. Nothing wrong with either kind of provider, people need all sorts of different things. I have tested a LOT of providers this year, and if they have the features/distros/etc. you need, Oplink is more on the side of a reliable production-quality provider IMO, if that makes any difference. And Ryan seems like a good guy.
Congrats, you are delisted from:
No IPv6 hall of shame
Include IPv6 for no extra cost on every plan in every location to get delisted.
Well, about sharing. You share everything like in vps: the same hardware. Only virtual limits apply, not physical. So Pedro use the same nvme, cpu, ram and network port as Miguel do. And if not limited, disk speed still may impact Miguel, as Pedro could hammer it to the ground with yabs on cron.
I'd be careful with marketing blaber.
If multiple clients use the same disk and the same set of RAM, just divided into several parts for each client, it doesn't mean that everyone has a dedicated resource. Marketing tricks.
Just to clear the air here:
Oplink VPS clients are on a shared node. We are very good at not overselling nodes so everyone has a good experience.
We recently rolled out Oplink VDS which is not shared, you will be the only client on the node. Technically, its still a VPS account but a large one where no other clients will be on your node.
We also rent bare metal dedicated servers too.
You have hardware node with 512MB RAM and 1 CPU unit? Stop here mate, don't push further with marketing non-sense. Public here is harsh.
VDS usually refers to a virtual server with dedicated CPU cores.
There would be multiple virtual servers on a physical server.
Pricing for VDS has to follow VPS pricing rules.
What you are selling is more often described as sole tenant.
It is a physical machine with hypervisor software and only one virtual server.
The customer can enjoy almost all the resources minus virtualization overhead, while having the convenience of managing the server using the virtualization panel that they are already familiar with, instead of dealing with IPMI that could be hard to use and inconsistent between motherboards.
In case of a hardware fault, the virtual server can be migrated to another physical machine, without waiting for data center intervention.
This would be a different product and I believe it can follow dedicated server pricing rules.
For the $50/m VDS, the post states 32 GB of RAM but it shows as 24 GB of RAM in the cart.
Sorry the above post was a typo, but so was the cart. This has now been fixed. 4GB is reserved for the hypervisor software that runs on the bare metal. Sorry for the human error. Thanks for catching it.
Intel Xeon E3-1270-v3 / 3.5 - 3.9 GHz (4 Cores)
28GB Memory
Intel Xeon E-2136 / 3.3 - 4.5 GHz (6 Cores)
124GB Memory
Dual Intel Xeon E5-2683-v4 / 2.1 - 3.0 GHz (32 Cores)
124GB Memory