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  • Plz double my bandwidth
    Invoice #7823463
    Your Order Number is: 8966337041

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 5974859209

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 8795912909

  • Hello!
    What is the next calendar occasion for potential giveaways :D

    Thanked by 1dustinc
  • @fery379 said:
    What is the next calendar occasion for potential giveaways :D

    Halloween, 11.11, Xmas...

    Thanked by 2dustinc fery379
  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 1560412400

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Invoice 7839864

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 2604933973

  • Plz double my bandwidth
    Order Number: 6340792682

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 9041778461

  • Order Number: 4126122620
    Invoice #2299307

    Invoice 7854018

    Please give me double traffic, thank you

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 8233908453

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @ElmerHering said:
    Invoice ID: 7801308

    Hi @ElmerHering -- We sincerely appreciate you choosing RackNerd as your provider 👊

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @poleek said:
    Hello, I have placed a new order Please double the bandwidth.
    Order: 9162088159

    Hi @poleek -- We appreciate the business :) Thank You for the order.

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @amzayo510 said:
    Hello, Please double the bandwidth.
    Order 8885766186
    Invoice #7307996
    by the way and to make sure.I have to say this server has been pushed to my another account For the convenience of management.So i think this shoud be noticed.

    Hi @amzayo510 -- We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

    Thank You for doing business with RackNerd :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @kalimov622 said:
    Glad to see you guys are offering services in France as well @dustinc. I have quite some services with you guys for the past 2 years or so and they've been rock solid. Looking forward to get my hands on some SBG VPS during the coming black friday or who knows, during some flash sales.

    Hi @kalimov622 -- Thank You so much for your business over the past two years and counting :) It is rewarding to hear that you've been satisfied with our services and that we are meeting your expectations. If this ever changes or if you ever need anything, feel free to reach out to me directly via e-mail at [email protected]

    Our newest France location has been very well-received since its launch, and the demand has exceeded even our own optimistic projections. On that note, we actually just finished deploying a batch of 10x new nodes in this location today, to help fulfill demand :)

    For users who are looking to diversify across multiple VPS instances on different physical host nodes, we can help. With the recent growth and new nodes, we definitely have the capability to accommodate such requirements.

    Thank you again for the continued support and I look forward to seeing you participate in our future threads as well 👊

    Thanked by 1kalimov622
  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @davan said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth. Order Number: 7027518752 Invoice ID: #7810926 Thanks! ;)

    Hi @davan -- Glad you were able to secure one of these deals!

    We've doubled your bandwidth allocation 👌

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @OKHao said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 8490628858

    Hi @OKHao -- Thank You placing another order with us :)

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @tangdino said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 1883593476

    Hi @tangdino -- We sincerely appreciate you trusting us with your business :)

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @yab1n said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 5386456168

    Hi @yab1n -- Thank You for doing business with RackNerd :)

    We were able to locate your order, and have doubled your bandwidth resources.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @OnePrice said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 1185072345

    Hi @OnePrice -- to update, your bandwidth allocation has been doubled.

    We're glad you’re here with us at RackNerd!

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @mrgatsby said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 1204854757
    invoice: #7811703

    Hi @mrgatsby -- Thank You for placing an order with RackNerd :)

    We were able to locate your order - we've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @jcn50 said:
    Hi Dustin,

    Please double the bandwidth:
    Invoice #7822308
    Order Number is: 8829896685

    Thank you//

    Hi @jcn50 -- good stuff :)

    We were able to locate your order and doubled your bandwidth resources.

    Thanked by 1jcn50
  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @shmp9675 said:
    Hi, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 7870832188
    Invoice #7822644

    Hi @shmp9675 -- happy to see you were able to take advantage of our latest France deals :)

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth resources.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Brend4n said:
    Plz double my bandwidth
    Invoice #7823463
    Your Order Number is: 8966337041

    Hi @Brend4n -- We've just completed doubling your bandwidth allocation.

    We appreciate you being a part of the RackNerd family.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @OKHao said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 5974859209

    Hi @OKHao -- Appreciate your continued business! We’ve just doubled your bandwidth for this order :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @OKHao said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 8795912909

    Hi @OKHao -- All set on this one as well 👊

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @fery379 said:
    What is the next calendar occasion for potential giveaways :D

    Hi @fery379 -- Something like this is just around the corner, I can feel it coming!! 🤐

    What type of giveaway were you hoping for?

    Thanked by 1fery379
  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @waangcy said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 1560412400

    Hi @waangcy -- Thank You for placing an order with RackNerd :)

    We were able to locate your order on our end, and have doubled your bandwidth successfully.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @OKHao said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Invoice 7839864

    Hi @OKHao -- We've executed the bandwidth upgrade for this order :)

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