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Is it something like TorrServer? If yes, we allow torrents as long as you don't exceed bandwidth usage.
Real-Debrid is an unrestricted downloader that allows you to quickly download files hosted on the Internet. But it restricted vps ips. That's why i m searching for a vps service which realdebrid won't restrict.
If you know what realdebirds' IP addresses are you can check if they are accessible using
Real-debrid usually bans datacenter IPs.
Try to connect over ipv6 which might work.
Check using,
curl -4 | grep -i blocked
curl -6 | grep -i blocked
I use it with vps download is ok without vpn
Our IP addresses are not blocked yet
Sure i will check
Which vps service brother??
Littlecreek and ihostart have residential IP's
Is there any trial for 1 day i can use and check??
I can check for you later
Okay brother. Thanks 🙏
Both shows blocked on IPv4. Khanweb Texas shows unblocked.
to confirm if it's blocked or not 30 minutes will be enough you can find command line tools on github
yeah both seem to be blocked
server factory (aff) (non-aff) seems to be working over ipv6:
<div class="info-box">Your current IP address is not blocked on our website, you don't seem behind a VPN. Your ISP seems to be <strong></strong></div>
An alternative could be to use browser extension VPN