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Which certifications do you have?
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Which certifications do you have?

raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

Studying for the Google Professional Cloud Architect at the moment, more as a self-study system than a resume credential. Did a bunch of Oracle certs back in the day, and a Cisco CCNA.

How about you?

If there was a Debian equivalent to the RHCE I'd get it 😄

Thanked by 2skorous risharde


  • srch07srch07 Member

    Worked for Oracle, Intel, McAfee and HPE as Architect and never took any Certifications ;)

    Thanked by 1umz
  • JordJord Moderator, Host Rep

    Does AML count?

  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    @Jord said: Does AML count?

    Anti-, no. Advanced, sure, provided you have a minimum 3 years experience in the field.

    Thanked by 1crunchbits
  • JordJord Moderator, Host Rep

    @raindog308 said:

    @Jord said: Does AML count?

    Anti-, no. Advanced, sure, provided you have a minimum 3 years experience in the field.

    Had it for the last 9 years, I can wash your money for you or spot it 🤣

  • srch07srch07 Member

    @ericls said:
    I have a divorce certificate

    I believe your certificate trumps all man.

    Thanked by 1ericls
  • neel_qeruneel_qeru Member, Host Rep
    edited July 2023

    I nearly passed a CCNA, only missed it by four points. But about a few months later I decided to become a developer.

    I in fact do regret it, working in the Big Data world is so demoralizing to me. Do I want to invade privacy for a living? It's like asking Edward Snowden to stay at the NSA and not leak, or pressuring Greta Thunberg to work for Big Oil.

    In fact, the only reason why I started a VPS host is to professionally get away from the Big Data world, even if Big Tech pays my main salary. I hope to eventually make a career change into InfoSec or IT assuming Qeru isn't big enough for my main income (very likely).

  • ShakibShakib Member, Patron Provider


  • yoursunnyyoursunny Member, IPv6 Advocate

    Certified awesome.

    Thanked by 2Microcharon ariq01
  • sliixsliix Member

    CCNA and some Microsoft certs. Not like I really want to take em but my job made me had to. Working with their products on a day to day basis anyway so 🤷‍♂️

    Oh and certified VPS idler.

  • crunchbitscrunchbits Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    I'm an ordained minister. Next one on the house @ericls

  • FranciscoFrancisco Top Host, Host Rep, Veteran

    No CCNA for me.

    It's very obvious, too.



  • phucvandinhphucvandinh Member
    edited July 2023

    :# I'm about to get bs in CS, only 2-3 classes away along the senior project. However, I have little passionate in coding. Is there any certificate you guys recommend to have to get in the field.

  • ShamliShamli Member

    Only highschool examination certificate.....😅

  • rcy026rcy026 Member

    A bunch of MCP's, a very old RHCSA, ACE (Acronis Certified Engineer), ASP (Acronis Sales Professional), CCNA, CPCSE (Check Point Certified Security Expert), VMWare VCP and a bunch of others that I have probably even forgotten that I have. Oh, I'm also certified in all Nokia IPSO based firewalls, very useful since basically no one even knows Nokia used to do firewalls. :)

    20 years of consulting with customers that requires you to be certified before you are even allowed to touch anything gives you lots of useless diplomas.

  • NeoonNeoon Community Contributor, Veteran
    edited July 2023

    I missed CCNA by like 10 points, I didn't learn either, it was offered by the school for free, so I just took it.
    The primary focus was Software Development anyway and not Networking, despite I ended up doing booth.

    Thanked by 1ariq01
  • emghemgh Member, Megathread Squad

    I got a driving certificate from here when I was very tiny in both age and length:

    Thanked by 1yoursunny
  • raindog308raindog308 Administrator, Veteran

    "Intersections". "LawRoom inspired solutions".

    I'm pretty sure these mandatory courses are primarily done to achieve lowered insurance rates and avoid lawsuits.

    I also have had courses on...

    • Why I should never ship a package to North Korea or Iran without checking first
    • Why it's illegal for me to bribe a foreign official
    • Why I shouldn't post confidential company materials on Twitter just to get likes
    • The employees who joined a union at another company and lived a life of regret
    • Anti-phishing ad nauseum, ad nauseum, ad nauseum...
    Thanked by 1jar
  • mhnmhn Member

    Certified idiot

  • MrEdMrEd Member

    OCP Java Programmer (java 8 is the newest certificate, didn't need to upgrade further)
    OCM Enterprise Architect (JavaEE 6)

    Currently because this summer is free for OCI certification, on my way for OCI Architect.

    Thanked by 1raindog308
  • SAP

  • Professional Certificate in BWT (Browsing and Wasting Time)

    Thanked by 2ordinanceb yoursunny
  • emghemgh Member, Megathread Squad

    @kidrock said:
    Professional Certificate in BWT (Browsing and Wasting Time)

    Master’s in shaking hands with the milkman

  • oyhacooyhaco Member
    edited July 2023

    Certificate from WPA
    images (1)

  • emghemgh Member, Megathread Squad
    edited July 2023

    @oyhaco on a serious note, 500 kg dosen’t sound that much for a lifetime? Must be young

    I was correct:

    Determining the precise average cumulative poop weight for a human being over a lifespan is challenging due to various factors such as diet, individual metabolism, and overall health. Additionally, comprehensive studies on this specific topic are limited. However, I can provide you with some general information.

    On average, a healthy human adult produces approximately 100 to 200 grams of feces per day. This amount can vary significantly based on factors like diet, hydration, and individual variations in metabolism. Over the course of a year, this would amount to approximately 36 to 72 kilograms (80 to 160 pounds) of feces.

    Considering an average lifespan of around 70 to 80 years, the cumulative poop weight for an individual could range between approximately 2.5 to 5.7 metric tons (5,500 to 12,500 pounds). However, it's important to note that these figures are estimates and can vary significantly from person to person.

    Please keep in mind that discussing bodily functions and waste is a normal part of life, but if you have any concerns about your health or digestion, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional.

    Thanked by 1oyhaco
  • oyhacooyhaco Member
    edited July 2023

    @emgh said:
    @oyhaco on a serious note, 500 kg dosen’t sound that much for a lifetime? Must be young

    I was correct:

    On average, a healthy human adult produces approximately 100 to 200 grams of feces per day. This amount can vary significantly based on factors like diet, hydration, and individual variations in metabolism. Over the course of a year, this would amount to approximately 36 to 72 kilograms (80 to 160 pounds) of feces.

    Based on that statement, i should have around 1,051.5 kg to 2,628 kg until now.

    Thanked by 1emgh
  • cpsdcpsd Member

    Just a couple computer engineering degree & a couple master degrees in other fields.

  • emghemgh Member, Megathread Squad

    @oyhaco said:

    @emgh said:
    @oyhaco on a serious note, 500 kg dosen’t sound that much for a lifetime? Must be young

    I was correct:

    On average, a healthy human adult produces approximately 100 to 200 grams of feces per day. This amount can vary significantly based on factors like diet, hydration, and individual variations in metabolism. Over the course of a year, this would amount to approximately 36 to 72 kilograms (80 to 160 pounds) of feces.

    Based on that statement, i should have around 1,051.5 kg to 2,628 kg until now.

    That’s a heavy ass lift

  • CabbageCabbage Member
    edited July 2023

    It's insane how so many people don't have birth certificate :(

    But seriously,
    Outside of ones that holds little to no weight, I don't have any either. I see a lot of CCNA being mentioned, is it one of those 'a must-have if you're in IT' certificate?
    Thanked by 1raindog308
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