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Free MetalVPS Intel i9-13900 Traditional Command Line Shell Accounts!

Free MetalVPS Intel i9-13900 Traditional Command Line Shell Accounts!
Friendly greetings to all! 🌎🌍
What You Get From MetalVPS!
New MetalVPS Neighbors receive a traditional command line shell account. Experienced Neighbors with additional privileges can create their own chroots, LXC containers, KVM VPSes, and much more, all directly from their command line shell accounts! 🎁
MetalVPS has a Hetzner EX101 Node running an Intel® Core™ i9-13900 processor at Hetzner's Falkenstein Datacenter in Germany. 🇩🇪
MetalVPS sometimes has more than one Node.
@Not_Oles is looking for another Node located in the US, on the West Coast, with great connections to Asia.
All Node resources are available for fair use. 🐷
More About MetalVPS!
MetalVPS is an indie project of @Not_Oles a/k/a Tom Miller a/k/a the clueless™ guy. 🥰
@Not_Oles pays Hetzner € 89.00 per month, approximately US$ 96.19, for the i9-13900 Node. 💰
MetalVPS is not a project of Hetzner, Low End Spirit, Low End Talk, Low End Box, NodeSeek, or 👨💻
Why MetalVPS?
MetalVPS is @Not_Oles' way of expressing appreciation to the wonderful Low End community for all the fun @Not_Oles enjoys here. Yes, it indeed is very fun to play with and learn about servers, operating systems, and the internet.
It seems better to offer extra bare metal server capacity to others than to waste it. @Not_Oles' own server requirements are so minimal that he easily could use just a free cloud account. But, that wouldn't be metal, would it?
It seems better to keep everything as open and as transparent as possible. Hence, MetalVPS enjoys its commitments to 100% open source, free or libre software, and to public discussion.
"For a little while longer I can enjoy renting my own fast, bare metal servers, even though I am using only 1% or 2% of their capacity. It's great with me if a few nice folks come aboard alongside." 💖
-- @Not_Oles
i9-13900 Node Specifications
Processor: Intel® Core™ i9-13900 Processor
Memory: 64 GB DDR5 ECC RAM M324R4GA3BB0-CQK(DDR5 ECC) | DRAM | Samsung Semiconductor Global
Disks: 2 x 1.92 TB NVMe SSD Datacenter Edition (RAID 0) SAMSUNG MZQL21T9HCJR-00A07 PCIe Gen 4
Network: 1 x IPv4, 1 x IPv6 /64
Bandwidth: 1 Gbps unmetered, fair use
Enjoy the GeekBench 6 3049 Single Core and 17551 Multi Core performance!
More About The i9-13900 Node Hardware
Processor Architecture: Raptor Lake
Motherboard: ASRock Rack W680D4U-1L
Terms of Service
- Thank you for running only 100% open source free or libre software
at MetalVPS!
- MetalVPS is not intended to be a stable platform for long running applications.
- No warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
- No service level agreement.
- Not for business use.
- No transfer of MetalVPS account or sub-accounts.
- New Neighbors will not automatically be added to the kvm group or to /etc/sub[ug]id.
- Fair use.
- No spam, porn, hate, prejudice, malware, copyright violations, public proxies, traffic exchange, etc.
- Accounts are subject to cancellation at any time, for any reason, for no reason at all, and without any advance notice.
- Terms of Service are subject to change at any time.
- @Not_Oles' personal opinion determines Terms of Service term definitions.
- All Hetzner Terms of Service also apply, including, prohibition of:
- Operating applications that are used to mine crypto currencies
- The scanning of foreign networks or foreign IP addresses
- Manually changing the hardware address (MAC)
- The use of fake source IPs
- Additional Hetzner Terms and Conditions
Clueless™ administrator with "limited technical skills. . . ." 😀 @Not_Oles frequently messes up! 😱
@Not_Oles is especially clueless™ about Debian. 🤗
Hey! The i9-13900 Node usually runs Debian sid unstable! 🤩 And, it's RAID 0! 😭
The i9-13900 Node's integrated graphics processor is not presently enabled. 😵
Sometimes trusted MetalVPSians might or might not get sudo. 🙈🙉🙊
MetalVPS has no billing panel and no server control panel. It's all command line until you install the GUI that you want. 🆕
MetalVPS has no onboarding and no knowledge base. ♒︎
Account delivery might take awhile! 😴
Intended especially for computer learning and fun! 🤑
White Hat stuff only, please! 👍
@Not_Oles tries to keep the system updated. Frequent maintenance reboots are guaranteed! 🌺
Please make your own redundant, offsite backups! It's easy to download or sync or clone your backup to a safe place. Please also make sure that you actually can restore from your backups! Please think of your MetalVPS account as ephemeral! Your Node might blow up! 💥 At any random second @Not_Oles or maybe you might reinstall the Node! 🤦♂️
Other MetalVPSians can see your account name, some of the processes you are running, and much other information. So, please do not put confidential information on the server. 🤔
MetalVPS Neighbors are expected both to monitor and to contribute actively to this thread or to the companion Nodeseek thread. 🍔
How To Sign Up
Please post in this thread or in the companion thread at Nodeseek.
Please indicate your desire to join MetalVPS and your use case for the server. Please include your ed25519 ssh public key in your request. Please add any additional information you wish about yourself and about your education and experience. If you wish to provide ID verification (optional) and references (optional), these can be emailed to [email protected].
Except for optional ID verification and references, Private Messages ("PMs") and emails concerning Sign Up are discouraged. Please post in the public thread.
MetalVPS will consider your
- Forum account longevity and contributions,
- your use case for the server,
- whether ed25519 ssh public key is available,
- additional information about yourself,
- your education and experience,
- your website,
- your online activity,
- code contributions to free and libre software
- ID verification, and
- references.
- Please post in this thread or in the companion thread at Nodeseek. For support requests, both Private Messages ("PMs") and emails are discouraged.
Email Privacy
- MetalVPS uses Migadu for email. Thus, emails will at least pass through and probably will be stored at Migadu. Emails can be encrypted for additional privacy. MetalVPS stores, in plain text on @Not_Oles' Chromebook, a local working copy of some emails and other server Neighbor data, such as passwords and server logs. @Not_Oles also keeps a local, plain text backup on a removable hard disk.
Additional Contact Channels
- Additional communication channels are available via Signal App and Jitsi.
Pursuant to the Low End Talk Community Rule fo Giveaways, this Giveaway was approved by @jbiloh (Ticket SVC-460668).
Hah... I haven't seen shell accounts in more than a decade.
Sure I'd love to have an account. If I get a KVM server I'll mainly use it for nginx and VOIP stuff.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBMW/PuVgoYNxj81VBLHaVYEYuvv0QRMrNEaqnU/ofTm
They're still a thing, and used, on IRC for bots
Is eggdrop still a thing?
Sort of.
There are other botpack(s) that are based on Eggdrop.
Sometimes some Neighbors get more than a shell account. Sometimes some Neighbors even get sudo.
Sometimes I make mistakes trusting some Neighbors. But other MetalVPSians have been wonderful beyond expectation.
Thanks again for your nice Proxmox tutorial!
Best wishes!
Hi @farsighter! Thanks for your request! It seems like you would be a great guy to bring aboard! Maybe you might want to add to your request a few additional details so MetalVPS has more to go on while considering your request? Thanks! Best wishes!
Thanks for your kind words,
) with 15 years of experience with Linux servers and programming.
I'm an educated nice guy (at least my mom says so
I can see your point @Not_Oles but sorry I don't feel like making all that checklist public you can check my activity
Mom's opinion is very important to great programmers! For proof, please check 0:36 on

For other guys, there's not necessarily a need to make
but sharing just
beyond what is here on LET might be good for people who don't mind.
Thanks again, @farsighter!
Your probably need provided PGP just incase someone send sensitive information to you like ID
please do TurkBench as well
Good old days.
just want to try, maybe us as port forwarding or setup cake algorithm between my local pi and block some dns query
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIDoYoJBX0KQZUnPQtECZkhldvgkRTyz/RS7alQz+m3rN
Recently, I tried compiling latest OLS to Alpine Linux because latest on testing repository is broken, but now I on family trip with my chromebook (Zyrex M432) and compiling and testing it with abuild took around ~60 minutes (including modules) on my chromebook. It would be great if I can compiling it for couple days there.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAII3b9lZaAQdac93xbeelhTM4bbcuzbas3p1JyMJPEev9
Good catch! Thank you! Fixed!
Used for self hosting a tunnelbroker (because my ISP doesn't have IPv6 support) with port forwarding.
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIrwY/pdbxWLyJ1NjPoFgIwg7I38D0UPZFZrYEZRtwxb
Yeah, definitely a good idea. Thank you for reminding me that I need to study up on PGP and to implement it soon.
If you search Google for free shell account, you will get a lot of hits. It amazes me that there are so many people still doing shell accounts! Off hand I can think of,,, the tildeverse, etc. The old days were good, and the current days still are good!
i am otus
heres why you should keep me onboard:
1. i am otus
2. i do stuff
3. i was a sysadmin so i wont break anything
4. i like idlers
5. i am on let
6. idk any more points
7. i am otus
given below is my edd25519 key that i specifically created for this
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOXPut1n6ahb9S0GCX6+f4Ad3lN7fyKWROg5qb3gFBxe otus@endeavour
thanks and bye
Hi @dav848!
Thanks for your request! Sounds like you have a fun setup with your local pi! I would be delighted to give you an account.
Would it be too crazy for you to provide additional information about yourself? Maybe give MetalVPS a bit more to go on when evaluating your request? I want to keep trying to give you an account!
Best wishes!
Hi @ailice!
Thanks for your request! I appreciate that compiling probably would be faster for you at MetalVPS. Also, it's always nice to meet a fellow Chromebook user. It would be great if you could provide additional information about yourself so that MetalVPS has more to go on when considering whether to give you an account. I'd love to have you at MetalVPS, so I will keep trying to give you an account.
I can still see some users on SDF boxes on IRC.
They've probably had them for decades.
Didn't know they gave out free shell accounts - must've been way back
I was on their IRCSNET back in the days.
Hi @BasToTheMax!
Thanks for your request!
Looking at your Host Rep tag makes me wonder what product you would recommend if somebody else posted here at LES asking for a service on which to host a tunnelbroker with port forwarding. I mean, don't you already have significant resources with which to accomplish what you need?
Best wishes!
Hi younger bro!
Thanks for the short lines in your request! Nowadays line lengths are getting longer, so it's good to read something with short lines!
Later, if you decide to provide full information, MetalVPS can give additional consideration. I want to keep trying to give you an account.
Best wishes!
Here's thc's current offer:
Although they are free initially, both thc and sdf soon ask for funding.
So far has been very friendly. I've only used it a few times. They give you a shell account, a web page, an internal messaging program, and, I think, irc.
It's been so long since I used irc. I've forgotten everything I might have known way back then.
Best wishes @DP!
This pretty hard to say though
I don't have any IT background, but from ~3 years ago I learn my first programming python cause my job require me do some magic and excel cant do that.
And keep growing I was learn Go, C/C++ until I jump to Linux blackhole
Sadly about website, I don't have intend to make one cause I was bad writing (with english), but sure someday I tried making "status update"-style blog to make sure what I working and let people know about it.
At least for now, I learning and contribution (If my package was merge to aports repositories) about alpine linux.
currently i have restarted my pmos porting project (will make a thread with a rant soon) and my laptop is kinda dying, its really hot here like 40C or something and the laptop gets hot as the sun (75-80C) under load. none of my idlers have that much of storage to suffice either, so i was looking forward to this to not only lower the risk of burning my house down, but also to reduce compilation time by a tad bit.
one of my idlers with august does have the storage, but its currently occupied by someone else, he's known as NipponGSI, very renowned in the android GSI community for porting OEM ROMs to GSIs. he doesn't have a server, and i dont want him to loose his relevance to the android community, thus i decided to let him use it. with 100GB of storage sometimes he manages to run out of disk space haha
it has been a target of mine to port pmos to my phone for 3 years almost, in March-May 2022 the project was abandoned because i had nothing to do, but now that i have uart, i think i may find leads.
fyi pmos means postmarketOS
and about me, as you all know i am otus, 14, have an asn, have worked multiple companies, enough to know what company politics is, i know c/c++ and java, using linux since 6 when i found out virtualbox/vmware was a thing from a YouTube video (thanks siam alam)
and thanks tom, you are one of the nicest person on let
Hi, 😊
As i see Metalvps's purpose is about helping free and open source software or anything related
Unfortunately i don't have any background in IT development stuff or any participate in projects
I just use other people's github apps for fun
I think its better this kinda services reach to people who need it
I pass
Thank you 🙂
Hi, Tom!
It's holiday here and I'd like to have some project(s) running to fill my holiday. I'd like to learn more Linux by learning how to build Linux From Scratch. I don't think that my laptop will have sufficient storage for it, so if it's possible, I'd like to "borrow" your resources for a couple of months to build LFS. Thank you for your wonderful project to support the LE community.
On May 27, 2023 you seem to have said:
How should I understand the comparison between what you said above and what you said in the OLS thread?