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VPS, dedicated & VPN reviews & benchmarks with network performance from 67 countries
We spent a lot of time over the past couple months adding features to BoxGrade. If you're a vps/dedicated hosting provider please sign up to promote your site.
And if you're looking to sign up for a new VPN, dedicated server, or VPS please give us a try. Our new features include:
VPN Benchmarks
We now monitor performance of virtual private network (VPN) providers. Our nodes sign in to each VPN and monitor availability, packet loss, latency and latency to Google for VyprVPN, HideMyAss, IPVanish and several other providers. We monitor 240 VPN servers in 66 countries with more added every week.
User Uploaded Benchmarks
We now list hundreds of VPS and Dedicated Hosting plans from hundreds of hosting providers. You can now benchmark your own VPS or dedicated server account and see how it performs relative to the others. Just navigate to our home page and click Benchmark and Add Your Server.
Pricing, Payment Methods, Currency
We now display pricing, payment methods, and provider currency for hundreds of hosting and VPN plans. Looking for a hosting provider in the Netherlands that bills in British Pounds?, or a dedicated server you can pay for with Bitcoin, look here.
Dedicated Server Hosting
Have you outgrown your VPS? Looking to move on to dedicated hardware? We now have 160+ dedicated hosting plans in 49 countries to choose from.
Please have a look at the site and let us know what you think.
Try it with sudo .
lol he is already root from the looks of it but i might be blind also! Time for tri focals!
Sorry didn't include the top part, I ran it from root so no need for sudo
Overrrrsold for sure -
HDD didn't even show, just for the record this is virtulized under OpenVZ
Bah, thanks. We're looking into the iperf and /dev/mem issues. I may PM you with questions in a bit.
I'm still running the script,
iperf is fine for me (OpenVZ, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
/dev/mem failed.
did it on another VPS,
This time,
/dev/mem: Operation not permitted
How are you testing the download / upload speed on these servers?
@athk what OS was that?
@saiku did you get the /dev/mem error on an Ubuntu VPS?
The /dev/mem error for Ubuntu: /dev/mem: No such file or directory