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OFFICIAL B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y THREAD -- COMMUNITY ENDORSED! Take a peek! (RackNerd's Black Friday) - Page 1093
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OFFICIAL B-L-A-C-K-F-R-I-D-A-Y THREAD -- COMMUNITY ENDORSED! Take a peek! (RackNerd's Black Friday)



  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth. Order: 5513805618 Thanks!

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 3024300945

  • Hi, I would like to double the bandwidth for order 1564520894.

    Thank you.

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 1204854757
    Invoice ID:7811703

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 5004100043

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 8485697004

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 6464335612

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 3462343417

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 1883593476

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 3591326034
    Invoice ID: #7815336

  • Hi, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number:8111344830
    Invoice ID: 7815504

  • Hi, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number:9128402134
    Invoice ID: #7799061

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 3419850509

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 1645884604

  • Just ordered. I'm gonna claim that sweet double bandwith too.

    Order#: 7831254

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth,
    Order number: 8429465711

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 1026306860

  • Order Number: 9828951766
    Double the bandwidth please @dustinc

  • Order Number: 1798423994

  • Double the bandwidth please. Order Number: 9244735962

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 5759816124

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 5693679421

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 4820037884

  • Double the bandwidth. Order:6496965677

  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.

    Order: 1892654717


  • Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 5379341139

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @hiper25 said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 4673466488
    Invoice ID: #7456257

    Hi @hiper25 -- Thank You for placing an order with RackNerd :)

    We were able to locate your order - we've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @amzayo510 said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order Number: 5114599503
    Invoice ID: 7786440
    I left a message asking for double bandwidth on this server, but it hasn't been doubled yet. This may be because I switched regions after the purchase. Please confirm. thank you

    Hi @amzayo510 -- this was taken care of for you :)

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @Intzen said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth. Order: 5513805618 Thanks!

    Hi @Intzen -- We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth :)

    Thank You for doing business w/ RackNerd.

  • dustincdustinc Member, Patron Provider, Top Host

    @luomeng said:
    Hello, I would like to double the bandwidth.
    Order: 3024300945

    Hi @luomeng -- good stuff!

    We've gone ahead and doubled your bandwidth.

This discussion has been closed.