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How to compile and install openlitespeed in oracle arm a1 instance.

hello lowendpeeps!
I'm not a great writer, but I have tried my best to write this tutorial to help our lowendpeeps install openlitespeed in arm a1 instances.
tf is openlitespeed?
OpenLiteSpeed is the Open Source edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise.
Both servers are actively developed and maintained by the same team, and are held to the same high-quality coding standard.
this guide assumes you're using debian
We'll be using Debian 11 for this tutorial, to install Debian please install ubuntu 22.04 and run these commands.
wget -O
chmod +x
./ --user root
#once above process completes
#will boot up in debian in like 4-5 minutes.
ssh into your arm a1 vps as root(my preferred way, you can use sudo too)
install deps;
apt install build-essential autoconf libtool bison re2c pkg-config libssl-dev libbz2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libffi-dev libzip-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libwebp-dev libavif-dev libgmp-dev libc-client-dev libkrb5-dev libldap2-dev libonig-dev libreadline-dev libsodium-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev
get latest src code from here(
then untar it.
tar xfz openlitespeed-version
cd openlitespeed-version
this above command should take a few minutes, then run ./
systemctl start lsws
Go to your instance's ip:7080 and login and use
p.s. this is my first tutorial, and english isnt my first language either. Please excuse any grammatical errors.
After this, to compile normal php use openlitespeed dashboard.
Thanks Man!
Interesting But is OLS really 5x faster than nginx ? Sounds too good to be true for me
Php-5.6 is allready EOL for few years ….
Das why he have to compile it from source
Incorrect, litespeed repo's don't contain binaries for aarch64, and for some reason lsws uses php5.6 for its adminside.
No need to build php5. AFAIK admin panel supports up to 7.3
I will try 7.3, but in the offl. script they mentioned PHP_VERSION=5.6.37
I don't expect any of their docs to be updated at any certain moment. Nor they care about their opensource version either.
Hmmm, even their ENT version uses php5.
I will try and post update about php7.3
Hi FatGrizzly - thanks for the awesome tutorial. It does work a treat. I managed to get OLS up and running with PHP7.4 and PHP8 but am having issues with OpenSSL. I'm on Ubuntu 22.04 which uses OpenSSL 3, which PHP7.4 doesn't seem to compile with. I tried compiling OpenSSL1.1.1 and compiled PHP with that version but there seems to be weird issues with any PHP network requests which I'm guessing is down to OpenSSL being broken somehow (phpinfo lists both v3 and 1 of OpenSSL)
Did you manage to compile PHP successfully with OpenSSL or were you on an older version, and if so were there any special steps required?
Thanks again - Just this one thing to remedy and I can ditch Apache
I was running Debian 11 on Oracle, I had no issues with OpenSSL.
if I get some free time, I will build and package it into a .deb
Looks like Debian 11 ships with OpenSSL1.1.1 (currently) so that would explain it. Hope you don't mind me asking, how did you choose Debian? I can't see it as a shape in Oracle?
You have to install Ubuntu 22.04, then run this script
Does it worth to bother with ols? What's the main factor to switch?
Theres no such main factor to switch. It depends all on usecases and stuff. If you're having free time, try running a benchmark with two major webservers(nginx,apache).
I'm not going to stuff in a bunch of information and make you switch to OLS/LSWS. Try them all for yourself and let me know.
I feel like @eva2000 could give you the right message and factors, He has benchmarked LSWS and LSAPI previously and has been using LSWS/OLS for quite a long time.
Did anyone try FrankenPHP yet?
Hello sir @FatGrizzly , can you please help me with oracle a1 arm processor and litespeed? i see you tutorial but im having so much troubles trying to get litespeed working on, please if you have discord invite me duduw#0719, im trying to compile php with ubuntu 22.04 oracle arm, and i get too many erros
Can you try with debian?
People reported errors with Ubuntu 22.04
@Not_Oles / @Arkas / @DP
Can you please update my initial post to use debian, with the script from this guide?
What exactly do you need changed?
Change this(this guide assumes you're using debian/ubuntu) to this guide assumes you're using debian.
and add this before "ssh into your arm a1 vps as root(my preferred way, you can use sudo too)"
We'll be using Debian 11 for this tutorial, to install Debian please install ubuntu 22.04 and run these commands.
Thank you so much
You're welcome!
@FatGrizzly thanks for guide.. can you tell me how to compile and enable php7.4 extensions like curl, memcached, imap, opcache and imagick with litespeed inbuild compile php system at 7080 port.
Mind if i steal your content rewrite it and put it on my Hashnode?
in configure params, up here.
As long as you attribute me with a link to this page, you're good!
@FatGrizzly said:
I Tried but no success can you elaborate. I want to enable opcache and all these settings.