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Need budget VPS for Cardano Node (Not Crypto Mining)

in Help
Hi All,
I am looking for a budget VPS to set up a Cardano Node (Not Crypto Mining)
The hardware specs I need are 4 core + 16 GB ram + 256GB SSD (Ubuntu)
More details:
Happy to chat further.
Last time I checked it wasn't very profitable, unless you can get those specs at around 5$.
The annual profit from such node is around $50 at current rates.
Thanks, LuckyPenguin.. yes low margins.. but I believe ADA has a very good long-term future... But at the moment it is probably more economic to run Home VMware Linux servers with Highspeed Broadband and 4G Cell Phone network as backup during Broadband dropouts
Just buy the ADA coin (cardano) and hodl , might as well delegate it from yoroi wallet. Good thing is that staking (delegation) in Cardano doesn't freeze or move ownership of your coins. They remain in your wallet and you can spend them anytime.
While staking (delegating) you will receive rewards in ada, depending on the pool that you select to delegate your coin. Rewards vary between pools. Google more about that. Read only from official sources, avoid crypto scams.
Did I mentioned that Cardano being a PoS , is one of the only and truly decentralized blockchains that is not PoW? is amazing.
Not financial advice. Just my opinion in regards to running a node versus buying the coin and earn passive income.
What? PoS = truly decentralized?
You high?
No. PoS = piece of shit
Cryptocurrencies are just scams
Cardano has a lot of nodes / validators. Check coin distribution too. Majority is public.
But yes, this particular chain while is PoS is quite decentralized. Last time I checked was one of the most decentralized. Also 0 downtime in what? 4 years?
There is more than one way to achieve decentralization.
Lot's of whitepapers and research, feel free to check those.
A cursory reading of the webpages strongly suggest that like most other cryptocurrencies it is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.
As with almost all new coins, what this actually means is that the early adopters get exponentially more than people who join later. The sounds like a great incentive to get involved as early as possible, right?
Wrong! As time goes on, the existing stake will mean that any new person who joins will get smaller and smaller rewards, so eventually people will loose interest in adding money to it. At the point, it becomes a race to get money out as soon as possible. And of course, by virtual of having had their stake longer, the founders will have orders of magnitude more than anyone else, so it doesn't matter if it drops to pennies on the dollar, they'll still have a huge payout. And in this case, it probably won't have a massive drop, just a slow gentle death, because you've had to pay into it to get your original stake, so there's enough equity in there that the founders will walk away rich and the later purchasers lose pretty much all of their investment.
@ralf not here to defend the project but basically is not like what you described.
Right now ada is super low in price in comparison to the almost 3 dollar per coin it reached last year. Meaning that your theory about new people earning less is false.
Cardano is an old project is not new. Is one of the top coins with a market cap of 17.5B. Is right there in the top 10 with Bitcoin and Ethereum. It's founder is one of the founder of Ethereum. The process of developing Cardano is peer-reviewed research, meaning it has an academic approach, everything is challenged before validated.
I don't see the problem, if you buy the coin, and stake/delegate in a pool you get the same 5% (sometime less, depending on your selection of the pool and the terms of the operator of that pool). Sure right now you can buy more technically than what you could afford last year since price is low right now.
Again you never lose ownership of your coins while delegating, this is something special in comparison to the usual staking in other blockchains where you transfer to another wallet. This is not the case.
@Hxxx I think you missed my point. If everybody earns some amount in proportion to their stake, then just by doing nothing those with a bigger stake get more each epoch. As such, this will grow exponentially just by doing nothing.
It actually doesn't matter what the exchange rate, if person A buys 1 coin at the start, and person B buys 1 coin a year later, then another year down the line, person A has more coin than B. This essentially makes it a ponzi scheme, as it becomes increasingly expensive to buy into the system to get the same stake.
The founders necessarily will have a bigger stake at the outset, and moreover, even if that is diluted quickly, their stake will always grow at a faster rate than others. This is their winning strategy.
It doesn't really matter if the blockchain is peer reviewed, or anything else. The entire premise of proof-of-stake is essentially a ponzi scheme.
@ralf But again how else it would be? Like... it makes sense you earn more if you hold more. Delegating is part of securing the network, it makes sense that your earning is percentage based on the amount of coins being delegated.
PoS is the future. PoW is unsustainable unless all the energy comes from renewable sources. We can all agree that PoW is the most secure, unless 51% attacks, there is a hole other topic on that. Anyway thanks for sharing your view, is good to have different perspectives.
Might as well link to this since is important to the conversation...
Coin distribution cardano versus other projects.*k5eA-7cVHDrSu54w
Some governments and legal tender is scam this is a reason inflation will be above of 13% and recession on way, as exactly the same way as crypto increased circulation of notes and exactly the same conned people 😂😂😂
Well, I know 0 VPS providers that can give you what you asked for 5$
you can get a bare metal/a cheap VPS but it'll most likely be a waste of money.
unless your plan is to invest and hope you'll profit in the future but that's a risk of course.
cardano LOL .
use a 286 .