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Hello everyone, last month I posted an introduction to the benchmark script, but that topic I can't edit anymore, now the script has been officially released, so I would like to take the liberty of creating this new topic.

To conduct the benchmark, you just need to copy the copy below and you're done, remember to run it as root. It is a bash shell file, so the source code you can download and refer to more.

sudo curl -sL -k | sudo bash

Standard format when benchmarking:

  1. Server Hardware Information.
  2. Network Information (MaxMind Database). This feature uses our API.
  3. Standard Performance (CPU dd, RAM dd, Disk dd and random read/write). For the random read/write test, blocks are used: 4k, 64k, 512k and 1024k. There are a total of 8 tests (4 reads and 4 writes), each time up to 15s.
  4. Geekbench v5 CPU Benchmark. If you use 32-bit architecture, this part will be ignored; in addition, if the system does not have SWAP, the script will automatically create 1 GB swap for this feature to work. The output of this feature uses our API to represent the full info.
  5. Network Outbound Test IPv4 (iperf3). By default, IPv6 will not benchmark, if you want to enable it, use the parameter (see next section). Each iperf3 address will try up to 3 times (random port), and a maximum 10s.
  6. Network Inbound Test (each host will download a 100MB file, if more than 10s, it will automatically cancel and move to the next host).
  7. Global Latency Test (timeout 1s for each host).
  8. China Latency Test (timeout 1s for each host).


noio: skip Standard Performance test.
nogk: skip Geekbench v5 CPU Benchmark test.
noob: skip Network Outbound test.
obv6: enable Network Outbound IPv6 test.
noib: skip Network Inbound test.
nogb: skip Global Latency test.
noch: skip China Latency test.
dont: this script is written mainly for our site, by default information and results will be uploaded to If you do not want this, we respect you, add this parameter and upload function will not activate.


sudo curl -sL -k | sudo bash​ -s -- nogk noob

→ No Geekbench and Outbound.

sudo curl -sL -k | sudo bash -s -- dont

→ Running with this parameter will not automatically upload the results to our server.

sudo curl -sL -k | sudo nohup bash &

→ Shoot and run :)

The average time for a complete test is about 15 minutes (for a server $5/m and 1Gbps network port). Here is the direct link (formated):

@  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  @
#                                                                              #
#  @ @  @  @  @  @  @@  @  THE ULTIMATE BENCHMARK SCRIPT            #
#  @@  @  @  @  @  @ @ @   Test date: 2022-08-03 09:50:54 (local time)         #
#  @ @  @@    @@  @  @@    Bench UID: 7a9289b82efc5c71c82f053ae0294376         #
#                                                                              #
@  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  ##  @

 ++ Server Hardware Information

 Operating System        : CentOS 7.6.1810 (64 Bit)
 Virtual/Kernel          : KVM / 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64
 CPU Model               : AMD EPYC Processor (with IBPB)
 CPU Cores               : 1 x @2800.000 MHz x86_64
 CPU L1I Cache           : 64 KiB (Assoc: 2, Line: 64)
 CPU L1D Cache           : 64 KiB (Assoc: 2, Line: 64)
 CPU L2 Cache            : 512 KiB (Assoc: 16, Line: 64)
 CPU L3 Cache            : 16384 KiB (Assoc: 16, Line: 64)
 CPU L4 Cache            : 0 KiB (Assoc: 0, Line: 0)
 CPU AES-NI              : ✔ Enabled
 CPU VM-x/AMD-V          : ✔ Enabled
 RAM Size                : 487 MiB
 Disk Size               : 15349 MiB
 SWAP Size               : 1024 MiB
 Congestion Control      : cubic + pfifo_fast
 IPv4 Address            : ✔ Yes
 IPv6 Address            : ✔ Yes
 Uptime                  : 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes
 Last Boot               : 2022-08-03 09:49


 ++ Network Information (MaxMind Database)

 Network Traits          :
 Continent Code          : NA
 Continent               : North America
 Country Code            : US
 Country                 : UNITED STATES
 Subdivision Code        : CA
 Subdivision             : California
 City                    : Los Angeles
 Timezone                : America/Los_Angeles
 Postal Code             : 90009
 Latitude                : 34.0544
 Longitude               : -118.2441
 AS Number               : 3842
 AS Organization         : RAMNODE


 ++ Standard Performance

 + CPU Speed (dd):

   bzip2                 :   121 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
   sha256                :   922 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
   md5sum                :   484 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦

 + RAM Speed (dd):

   Average write         :  2458 MB/s ♦♦♦
   Average read          :  7782 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

 + Disk Speed (dd):

   1st run               :   704 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
   2nd run               :  1024 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
   3rd run               :   764 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
   4rd run               :   691 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
   5rd run               :   691 MB/s ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

  + Disk Random Speed (Mixed R/W 50/50):

   Block size            | 4k            (IOPS) 
   ----------            | ----------    ------ 
   Read                  |    29 MB/s      7164 ♦
   Write                 |    29 MB/s      7171 ♦
   Total                 |    57 MB/s     14335

   Block size            | 64k           (IOPS) 
   ----------            | ----------    ------ 
   Read                  |   191 MB/s      2990 ♦♦
   Write                 |   192 MB/s      3006 ♦♦
   Total                 |   384 MB/s      5996

   Block size            | 512k          (IOPS) 
   ----------            | ----------    ------ 
   Read                  |   335 MB/s       653 ♦♦♦
   Write                 |   352 MB/s       688 ♦♦♦
   Total                 |   687 MB/s      1341

   Block size            | 1024k         (IOPS) 
   ----------            | ----------    ------ 
   Read                  |   415 MB/s       404 ♦♦♦
   Write                 |   442 MB/s       431 ♦♦♦
   Total                 |   857 MB/s       835

 Finished in: 64 seconds 


 ++ Geekbench v5 CPU Benchmark

 + Single Core

   Overall Single Score  →   908 ■■■■■■■■■■
   Crypto                →  1477 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   Interger              →   819 ■■■■■■■■■
   Float                 →  1006 ■■■■■■■■■■■


     AES-XTS             :  1477 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Text Compression    :   764 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Image Compression   :   922 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Navigation          :   749 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     HTML5               :   763 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     PDF Rendering       :   757 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Text Rendering      :   839 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Clang               :   795 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Camera              :   808 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     N-Body Physics      :  1006 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Rigid Body Physics  :   914 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Gaussian Blur       :   944 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Face Detection      :  1094 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Horizon Detection   :  1007 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Image Inpainting    :   878 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     HDR                 :  1733 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Ray Tracing         :   926 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Structure f. Motion :  1268 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Speech Recognition  :   857 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Machine Learning    :   855 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

 + Multi Core

   Overall Multi Score   →   917 ■■■■■■■■■■
   Crypto                →  1559 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   Interger              →   825 ■■■■■■■■■
   Float                 →  1009 ■■■■■■■■■■■


     AES-XTS             :  1559 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Text Compression    :   813 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Image Compression   :   901 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Navigation          :   813 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     HTML5               :   761 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     PDF Rendering       :   728 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Text Rendering      :   820 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Clang               :   794 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Camera              :   828 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     N-Body Physics      :   993 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Rigid Body Physics  :   966 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Gaussian Blur       :   963 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Face Detection      :  1109 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Horizon Detection   :  1019 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Image Inpainting    :   896 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     HDR                 :  1528 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Ray Tracing         :   925 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Structure f. Motion :  1385 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Speech Recognition  :   831 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
     Machine Learning    :   853 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦

 GeekBench URL →

 Finished in: 143 seconds 


 ++ Network Outbound Test IPv4 (iperf3)

 .1034 Mbps → FR France, Scaleway
 ..790 Mbps → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Cloudvier
 ..633 Mbps → ID Indonesia, Biznet
 ..958 Mbps → FR France, Roubaix, OVH Cloud
 ..888 Mbps → FR France, Strasbourg, OVH Cloud
 ..894 Mbps → NL Netherlands, Amsterdam, Cloudvier
 .2458 Mbps → US United States, Atlanta, Cloudvier
 .2079 Mbps → CA Canada, Beauharnois, OVH Cloud
 .2243 Mbps → US United States, New York, Cloudvier
 .1024 Mbps → US United States, Ashburn, Cloudvier
 .6799 Mbps → US United States, Los Angeles, Cloudvier
 .4250 Mbps → US United States, Dallas, Cloudvier
 ..665 Mbps → SG Singapore, WebHorizon
 .6410 Mbps → US United States, Phoenix, Cloudvier
 .1085 Mbps → GB United Kingdom, London, Cloudvier
 ..958 Mbps → FR France, Gravelines, OVH Cloud

 Finished in: 203 seconds 


 ++ Network Inbound Test

    32 Mbps → KR South Korea, Seoul, Vultr
   337 Mbps → PL Poland, Warsaw, Vultr
   436 Mbps → IN India, Bangalore, DigitalOcean
   460 Mbps → IN India, Mumbai, Linode
   464 Mbps → SG Singapore, Linode
   472 Mbps → IN India, Mumbai, Vultr
   596 Mbps → AU Australia, Sydney, Linode
   704 Mbps → BR Brazil, São Paulo, Vultr
   718 Mbps → SG Singapore, Vultr
   724 Mbps → SG Singapore, DigitalOcean
   725 Mbps → DE Germany, Frankfurt, DigitalOcean
   734 Mbps → AU Australia, Melbourne, Vultr
   742 Mbps → GB United Kingdom, London, DigitalOcean
   778 Mbps → SE Sweden, Stockholm, Vultr
   794 Mbps → AU Australia, Sydney, Vultr
   840 Mbps → ES Spain, Madrid, Vultr
   846 Mbps → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Linode
   861 Mbps → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Vultr
   876 Mbps → NL Netherlands, Amsterdam, Vultr
   892 Mbps → NL Netherlands, Amsterdam, DigitalOcean
   923 Mbps → GB United Kingdom, London, Linode
   927 Mbps → FR France, Paris, Vultr
   954 Mbps → GB United Kingdom, London, Vultr
  1042 Mbps → JP Japan, Tokyo, Linode
  1157 Mbps → CA Canada, Toronto, DigitalOcean
  1166 Mbps → JP Japan, Tokyo, Vultr
  1530 Mbps → US United States, Newark, Linode
  1603 Mbps → US United States, New York, DigitalOcean
  1700 Mbps → US United States, New York, Vultr
  1863 Mbps → CA Canada, Toronto, Linode
  2066 Mbps → CA Canada, Toronto, Vultr
  2096 Mbps → MX Mexico, Mexico City, Vultr
  2174 Mbps → US United States, Miami, Vultr
  2178 Mbps → US United States, Atlanta, Vultr
  2236 Mbps → US United States, Chicago, Vultr
  2510 Mbps → US United States, Atlanta, Linode
  2624 Mbps → US United States, Honolulu, Vultr
  3464 Mbps → US United States, Seattle, Vultr
  4275 Mbps → US United States, Dallas, Vultr
  4333 Mbps → US United States, Dallas, Linode
 11219 Mbps → US United States, San Francisco, DigitalOcean
 12641 Mbps → US United States, Silicon Valley, Vultr
 13750 Mbps → US United States, Fremont, Linode
 46320 Mbps → CDN CacheFly
 52026 Mbps → US United States, Los Angeles, Vultr

 Finished in: 305 seconds 


 ++ Global Latency Test

 001ms → CDN CacheFly (
 001ms → CDN Verizon (
 001ms → US United States, Los Angeles, Vultr (
 007ms → CDN Akamai (
 007ms → CDN Microsoft (
 007ms → US United States, San Francisco, DigitalOcean (
 007ms → US United States, Silicon Valley, Vultr (
 008ms → CDN CloudFront (
 008ms → US United States, Los Angeles, Amazon Cloud (
 008ms → US United States, North California, Amazon Cloud (
 009ms → US United States, Phoenix, Oracle Cloud (
 009ms → US United States, Sanjose, Oracle Cloud (
 010ms → US United States, Fremont, Linode (
 010ms → US United States, Phoenix, Amazon Cloud (
 010ms → US United States, Silicon Valley, LightNode (
 011ms → US United States, California, Microsoft Azure (
 011ms → US United States, Santa Clara, G-Core Labs (
 011ms → US United States, Silicon Valley, Alibaba Cloud (
 013ms → US United States, Las Vegas, Amazon Cloud (
 015ms → US United States, Las Vegas, Google Cloud (
 015ms → US United States, Las Vegas, Google Cloud (
 018ms → US United States, Salt Lake City, Google Cloud (
 018ms → US United States, Salt Lake City, Google Cloud (
 019ms → US United States, Phoenix, Microsoft Azure (
 027ms → US United States, Portland, Amazon Cloud (
 027ms → US United States, Seattle, Amazon Cloud (
 028ms → US United States, Seattle, Vultr (
 028ms → US United States, The Dalles, Google Cloud (
 028ms → US United States, The Dalles, Google Cloud (
 031ms → US United States, Amazon Govement Cloud West (
 031ms → US United States, Dallas, Amazon Cloud (
 031ms → US United States, Dallas, Linode (
 031ms → US United States, Oregon, Amazon Cloud (
 032ms → CDN Alibaba (
 032ms → US United States, Denver, Amazon Cloud (
 033ms → US United States, Dallas, Vultr (
 034ms → US United States, Washington, Microsoft Azure (
 041ms → US United States, Houston, Amazon Cloud (
 044ms → US United States, Texas, Microsoft Azure (
 048ms → US United States, Atlanta, Linode (
 048ms → US United States, Honolulu, Vultr (
 049ms → US United States, Iowa, Microsoft Azure (
 050ms → US United States, Council Bluffs, Google Cloud (
 050ms → US United States, Wyoming, Microsoft Azure (
 051ms → US United States, Atlanta, Amazon Cloud (
 052ms → US United States, Atlanta, Vultr (
 052ms → US United States, Chicago, G-Core Labs (
 055ms → US United States, Ashburn, Oracle Cloud (
 056ms → CDN Huawei (
 057ms → MX Mexico, Queretaro, Oracle Cloud (
 057ms → US United States, Chicago, Vultr (
 058ms → MX Mexico, Mexico City, Vultr (
 059ms → CA Canada, Toronto, Vultr (
 063ms → US United States, Illinois, Microsoft Azure (
 064ms → CA Canada, Toronto, Linode (
 065ms → US United States, North Virginia, Amazon Cloud (
 066ms → CDN Tencent (
 066ms → US United States, Amazon Govement Cloud East (
 066ms → US United States, Virginia, Alibaba Cloud (
 067ms → CA Canada, Toronto, DigitalOcean (
 067ms → US United States, Ashburn, G-Core Labs (
 068ms → CA Canada, Toronto, Oracle Cloud (
 068ms → US United States, Philadelphia, Amazon Cloud (
 068ms → US United States, Washington, LightNode (
 069ms → US United States, New York, G-Core Labs (
 071ms → US United States, Ashburn, Google Cloud (
 072ms → US United States, Miami, G-Core Labs (
 072ms → US United States, Miami, Vultr (
 073ms → US United States, Chicago, Amazon Cloud (
 074ms → CA Canada, Montreal, Oracle Cloud (
 075ms → CA Canada, Montreal, Google Cloud (
 075ms → US United States, Miami, Amazon Cloud (
 075ms → US United States, New York, Vultr (
 075ms → US United States, Virginia, Microsoft Azure (
 076ms → US United States, Boston, Amazon Cloud (
 076ms → US United States, New York, DigitalOcean (
 077ms → US United States, Newark, Linode (
 078ms → CA Canada, Montreal, Amazon Cloud (
 078ms → US United States, Moncks Corner, Google Cloud (
 078ms → US United States, New York, Amazon Cloud (
 081ms → CA Canada, Toronto, Microsoft Azure (
 086ms → US United States, Kansas City, Amazon Cloud (
 087ms → US United States, Minneapolis, Amazon Cloud (
 091ms → CA Canada, Quebec, Microsoft Azure (
 099ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, G-Core Labs (
 099ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, Linode (
 100ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, LightNode (
 103ms → JP Japan, Osaka, Oracle Cloud (
 103ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, Alibaba Cloud (
 103ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, Oracle Cloud (
 105ms → JP Japan, Osaka, Amazon Cloud (
 105ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, Amazon Cloud (
 107ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, Google Cloud (
 109ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, Microsoft Azure (
 112ms → JP Japan, Tokyo, Vultr (
 115ms → JP Japan, Osaka, Google Cloud (
 116ms → JP Japan, Osaka, Microsoft Azure (
 125ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, Oracle Cloud (
 128ms → FR France, Paris, Vultr (
 129ms → GB United Kingdom, London, Linode (
 130ms → GB United Kingdom, London, Oracle Cloud (
 131ms → GB United Kingdom, London, Amazon Cloud (
 132ms → FR France, Paris, Amazon Cloud (
 133ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, G-Core Labs (
 133ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, LightNode (
 135ms → GB United Kingdom, London, Vultr (
 135ms → KR South Korea, Chuncheon, Oracle Cloud (
 136ms → GB United Kingdom, London, G-Core Labs (
 136ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, Google Cloud (
 137ms → GB United Kingdom, London, Google Cloud (
 138ms → FR France, Marseille, Oracle Cloud (
 138ms → GB United Kingdom, London, DigitalOcean (
 138ms → IE Ireland, Dublin, Amazon Cloud (
 138ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, Alibaba Cloud (
 139ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Linode (
 139ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Oracle Cloud (
 139ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, Amazon Cloud (
 140ms → FR France, Paris, G-Core Labs (
 141ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, LightNode (
 141ms → GB United Kingdom, London, Alibaba Cloud (
 141ms → NL Netherlands, Amsterdam, G-Core Labs (
 142ms → AU Australia, Sydney, Alibaba Cloud (
 142ms → NL Netherlands, Amsterdam, Vultr (
 143ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, Microsoft Azure (
 143ms → NL Netherlands, Amsterdam, Oracle Cloud (
 144ms → NL Netherlands, Amsterdam, DigitalOcean (
 145ms → FR France, Paris, Oracle Cloud (
 145ms → NL Netherlands, Eemshaven, Google Cloud (
 146ms → BE Belgium, St. Ghislain, Google Cloud (
 146ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Vultr (
 146ms → GB United Kingdom, Cardiff, Oracle Cloud (
 146ms → GB United Kingdom, London, Microsoft Azure (
 147ms → AU Australia, Sydney, G-Core Labs (
 147ms → HK China, Hong Kong, LightNode CNCN (
 148ms → GB United Kingdom, Cardiff, Microsoft Azure (
 148ms → IE Ireland, Microsoft Azure (
 148ms → LU Luxembourg, G-Core Labs (
 149ms → CH Switzerland, Zurich, Oracle Cloud (
 149ms → HK China, Hong Kong, G-Core Labs (
 149ms → HK China, Hong Kong, Google Cloud (
 149ms → KR South Korea, Busan, Microsoft Azure (
 149ms → TW Taiwan, Changhua County, Google Cloud (
 150ms → CL Chile, Santiago, Oracle Cloud (
 150ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Amazon Cloud (
 150ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Google Cloud (
 150ms → ES Spain, Madrid, Vultr (
 150ms → FR France, Paris, Microsoft Azure (
 150ms → KR South Korea, Seoul, Vultr (
 151ms → AU Australia, Sydney, Vultr (
 151ms → HK China, Hong Kong, Alibaba Cloud (
 152ms → NL Netherlands, Microsoft Azure (
 153ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Alibaba Cloud (
 154ms → HK China, Hong Kong, LightNode BGP (
 154ms → TW Taiwan, Taipei, LightNode (
 155ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, DigitalOcean (
 155ms → HK China, Hong Kong, Microsoft Azure (
 155ms → IT Italy, Milan, Amazon Cloud (
 156ms → AU Australia, Melbourne, G-Core Labs (
 156ms → PL Poland, Warsaw, G-Core Labs (
 157ms → CH Switzerland, Zurich, Google Cloud (
 158ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, Microsoft Azure (
 158ms → IT Italy, Milan, Oracle Cloud (
 158ms → SE Sweden, Stockholm, Oracle Cloud (
 160ms → DE Germany, Frankfurt, G-Core Labs (
 160ms → PL Poland, Warsaw, Vultr (
 161ms → CH Switzerland, Zurich, Microsoft Azure (
 162ms → ES Spain, Madrid, G-Core Labs (
 162ms → IT Italy, Milan, G-Core Labs (
 164ms → SE Sweden, Stockholm, Vultr (
 166ms → HK China, Hong Kong, Amazon Cloud (
 167ms → AU Australia, Melbourne, Vultr (
 169ms → RO Romania, Bucharest, G-Core Labs (
 169ms → SG Singapore, Oracle Cloud (
 170ms → SG Singapore, Amazon Cloud (
 170ms → SG Singapore, DigitalOcean (
 170ms → SG Singapore, Linode (
 171ms → VN Vietnam, Hanoi, LightNode (
 172ms → BG Bulgaria, Sofia, G-Core Labs (
 172ms → FI Finland, Hamina, Google Cloud (
 172ms → SE Sweden, Stockholm, Amazon Cloud (
 172ms → SG Singapore, Google Cloud (
 172ms → SG Singapore, Vultr (
 174ms → UA Ukraine, Kiev, G-Core Labs (
 175ms → RU Russia, Moscow, G-Core Labs (
 175ms → SE Sweden, Microsoft Azure (
 176ms → NO Norway, Microsoft Azure (
 177ms → BG Bulgaria, Sofia, LightNode (
 177ms → BR Brazil, Sao Paolo, Amazon Cloud (
 177ms → BR Brazil, Saopaulo, Oracle Cloud (
 178ms → BR Brazil, São Paulo, Vultr (
 179ms → TR Turkey, Istanbul, LightNode (
 180ms → MD Moldova, Kishenev, G-Core Labs (
 181ms → BR Brazil, Sao Paulo, Google Cloud (
 181ms → BR Brazil, Sao Paulo, LightNode (
 181ms → PH Philippines, Manila, LightNode (
 182ms → BR Brazil, Sao Paulo, Microsoft Azure (
 183ms → TR Turkey, Istanbul, G-Core Labs (
 184ms → BR Brazil, Rio, Microsoft Azure (
 185ms → BR Brazil, Vinhedo, Oracle Cloud (
 185ms → EG Egrypt, Cairo, LightNode (
 185ms → KH Cambodia, Phnom Penh, LightNode (
 185ms → PH Philippines, Manila, Alibaba Cloud (
 185ms → RU Russia, Saint Petersburg, G-Core Labs (
 186ms → BR Brazil, Sao Paulo, G-Core Labs (

 Finished in: 45 seconds 


 Result URL →
Thanked by 2Liso ElonBezos


  • LisoLiso Member

    Why the script need root/sudo privilege ?

  • @Liso said:
    Why the script need root/sudo privilege ?

    To make sure everything works flawlessly (eg auto-generating SWAP,...) on all servers. If you don't like it, you can remove sudo and test it yourself. I said this is simply a bash shell file, anyone can download and view the source code for themselves.

  • LisoLiso Member

    @mastervnc said:

    @Liso said:
    Why the script need root/sudo privilege ?

    To make sure everything works flawlessly (eg auto-generating SWAP,...) on all servers. If you don't like it, you can remove sudo and test it yourself. I said this is simply a bash shell file, anyone can download and view the source code for themselves.

    Yah, I have take a peek into your script and apparently it download a package if not exist, good work ! I also like the idea of your bench site, a really nice addition I might say.

  • edited August 2022

    Interestingly, when I clicked on the corresponding test page in Random reviews, the test results page contained a link to the merchant corresponding to the server IP with a referral code but no description. (This may be one of the ways to support the operation of the website)

  • @Liso said:

    @mastervnc said:

    @Liso said:
    Why the script need root/sudo privilege ?

    To make sure everything works flawlessly (eg auto-generating SWAP,...) on all servers. If you don't like it, you can remove sudo and test it yourself. I said this is simply a bash shell file, anyone can download and view the source code for themselves.

    Yah, I have take a peek into your script and apparently it download a package if not exist, good work ! I also like the idea of your bench site, a really nice addition I might say.

    Actually I am managing more than hundred VPS of all kinds of providers. I was also scammed by a lot of them, so I decided to make my own site, aggregating all the benchmark results in a format that is easy for other users to refer to.

  • @mastervnc said:
    ++ Network Inbound Test
    46320 Mbps → CDN CacheFly
    52026 Mbps → US United States, Los Angeles, Vultr

    50Gbps port on a $5 VPS?

  • mastervncmastervnc Member
    edited August 2022

    @MallocVoidstar said:

    @mastervnc said:
    ++ Network Inbound Test
    46320 Mbps → CDN CacheFly
    52026 Mbps → US United States, Los Angeles, Vultr

    50Gbps port on a $5 VPS?

    RamNode $3 =) (maybe they same datacenter).

  • I missed the introduction post but the reason why I wont prolly ever try your script is that you are using different servers and protocol for upload and download testing. Because of that I cannot see the difference of inbound and outbound speeds to and from my server.

    I would show both inbound and outbound speeds in iperf3 section and then have separate inbound only & http section with this wider selection of testservers as you currently have

  • ralfralf Member

    @MallocVoidstar said:

    @mastervnc said:
    ++ Network Inbound Test
    46320 Mbps → CDN CacheFly
    52026 Mbps → US United States, Los Angeles, Vultr

    50Gbps port on a $5 VPS?

    Very prem! ;)

  • @atomi said:
    I missed the introduction post but the reason why I wont prolly ever try your script is that you are using different servers and protocol for upload and download testing. Because of that I cannot see the difference of inbound and outbound speeds to and from my server.

    I would show both inbound and outbound speeds in iperf3 section and then have separate inbound only & http section with this wider selection of testservers as you currently have

    Thanks for your feedback, iperf3's Out/In feature has been updated in the new version and becomes the default. The parameters you can refer to more on the page (because it is constantly updated):

  • Man. Remember the old ServerBear project? That was great. Too bad they're no longer around.

    I took a peak at the benchmark page, I'm a little critical on the design but I think the content is there and it's looking good content-wise. Great work.

  • sudo curl

    There is no reason to do this.

    curl -sL -k

    Do you even know what these options do? NEVER use -k (--insecure).

    Thanked by 1sayem314
  • @babuum said: Do you even know what these options do? NEVER use -k (--insecure).

    This is a simple speedtest, of a 100MB file from /dev/urandom.
    When you want to avoid encryption/CPU overhead, you SHOULD use -k when possible.

  • edited August 2022

    You can't avoid encryption when talking over HTTPS, -k just means "don't check if the certificate is valid".

    edit: And you're using it everywhere, including for downloading

  • @babuum said:

    sudo curl

    There is no reason to do this.

    curl -sL -k

    Do you even know what these options do? NEVER use -k (--insecure).

    -k mean irnoge SSL check, that parameter to increase compatibility for all operating systems. Let's create a CentOS 6 server and try curl (without -k) with https sites to see if you can load?

  • CentOS 6 is EOL since 2 years it deserves to fail.

  • @babuum said:
    CentOS 6 is EOL since 2 years it deserves to fail.

    All operating systems will have to EOL, and it won't load SSL because Rooted CA has stopped updating. It is the meaning of using the -k parameter, it ensures the connection is always successful.

  • Yeah it fails because it's no longer supported. You are making it insecure for everyone just because it will fail on a platform that is no longer supported and insecure.

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